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having been acknowledged. It was, in fact, a
fortuitous assemblage of four distinct bodies of
troops, belonging to different provinces, and each
having a leader of its own election. About ten
thousand belonged to Massachusetts, and were
under the command of General Artemas Ward,
whose head-quarters were at Cambridge. Another
body of troops, under Colonel John Stark, already
mentioned, came from New Hampshire. Rhode
Island furnished a third, under the command of
General Nathaniel Greene. A fourth was from
Connecticut, under the veteran Putnam.

These bodies of troops, being from different col-
onies, were independent of each other, and had
their several commanders. Those from New
Hampshire were instructed to obey General Ward
as commander in-chief; with the rest, it was a
voluntary act, rendered in consideration of his
being military chief of Massachusetts, the province
which, as allies, they came to defend.
There was,
in fact, but little organization in the army. Noth-
ing kept it together, and gave it unity of action,
but a common feeling of exasperated patriotism.

The troops knew but little of military discipline. Almost all were familiar with the use of fire-arms in hunting and fowling; many had served in frontier campaigns against the French, and in "bush-fighting" with the Indians; but none were acquainted with regular service or the discipline of European armies. There was a regiment of artillery, partly organized by Colonel Gridley, a skillful engineer, and furnished with nine field-pieces; but the greater part of the troops were withou military



doubted the expediency of intrenching ther selves on those heights, and the possibility of maintaining so exposed a post, scantily furnished, as they were, with ordnance and ammunition. Besides, it might bring on a general engagement, which it was not safe to risk.


Putnam made light of the danger. He was confident of the bravery of the militia if intrenched, having seen it tried in the old French war. "The Americans," said he, are never afraid of their heads; they are only afraid of their legs; shelter them, and they'll fight for ever." He was seconded by General Pomeroy, a leader of like stamp, and another veteran of the French war. He had been a hunter in his time; a dead shot with the rifle, and was ready to lead troops against the enemy, "with five cartridges to a man."

The daring councils of such men are always captivating to the inexperienced; but in the pres ent instance, they were sanctioned by one whose opinion in such matters, and in this vicinity, possessed peculiar weight. This was Colonel William Prescott of Pepperell, who commanded a regiment of minute men. He, too, had seen service in the French war, and acquired reputa tion as a lieutenant of infantry at the capture of Cape Breton. This was sufficient to constitute him an oracle in the present instance. He was now about fifty years of age, tall and commanding in his appearance, and retaining the port of a soldier. What was more, he had a military garb; being equipped with a three-cor



nered hat, a top wig, and a single-breasted blue coat, with facings, and lapped up at the skirts. All this served to give him consequence among the rustic militia officers with whom he was in council.

His opinion, probably, settled the question; and it was determined to seize on and fortify Bunker's Hill and Dorchester Heights. In deference, however, to the suggestions of the more cautious, it was agreed to postpone the measure until they were sufficiently supplied with the munitions of war to be able to maintain the heights when seized.

Secret intelligence hurried forward the project. General Gage, it is said, intended to take possession of Dorchester Heights on the night of the 18th of June. These heights lay on the opposite side of Boston, and the committee were ignorant of their localities. Those on Charlestown Neck, being near at hand, had some time before been reconnoitered by Colonel Richard Gridley, and other of the engineers. It was determined to seize and fortify these heights on the night of Friday the 16th of June, in anticipation of the movement of General Gage. Troops were drafted for the purpose from the Massachusetts regiments of Colonels Prescott, Frye, and Bridges. There was also a fatigue party of about two hundred men from Putnam's Connecticut troops. led by his favorite officer, Captain Knowlton, together with a company of forty-nine artillery men, with two field pieces, commanded by Captain Samuel Gridley.

A little before sunset the troops, about twelve




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plan the fortifications. It was unthat reinforcements and refreshments d be sent to the fatigue party in the morn

The detachment left Cambridge about nine o'clock, Colonel Prescott taking the lead, preceded by two sergeants with dark lanterns. At Charles town Neck they were joined by Major Brooks, of Bridges' regiment, and General Putnam; and here were the wagons laden with intrenching tools, which first gave the men an indication of the enterprise.

Charlestown Neck is a narrow isthmus, con necting the peninsula with the main land; having the Mystic River, about half a mile wide, on the north, and a large embayment of Charles River on the south or right side.



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onel Prescott con

vered, and up the

Commences at the about three hundred

, which is about one hundred

feet high. It then declines toward

south, and is connected by a ridge with Breed's Hill, about sixty or seventy feet high. The crests of the two hills are about seven hundred yards apart.

On attaining the heights, a question rose which of the two they should proceed to fortify. Bunker's Hill was specified in the written orders given to Colonel Prescott by General Ward, but Breed's Hill was much nearer to Boston, and had a better command of the town and shipping. Bunker's Hill, also, being on the upper and narrower part of the peninsula, was itself commanded by the same ship which raked the Neck. Putnam was clear for commencing the principal work there, while a minor work might be thrown up at Bunker's Hill, as a protection in the rear, and a rallying point, in case of being driven out of the main work. Others incurred with this

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