Slike strani

The body and limbs have their present structure. The next earlier form in the line of ascent was Palæomastodon from the lower Oligocene and upper Eocene of Egypt. The dentition was

1 0 3 3 Both lower and upper tusks i, co pz, m




were very short and banded with enamel. All the grinders were in use together. There was probably a snout more or less like that of a pig instead of a well-developed trunk. The lower jaw was longer than the upper. The occipital bones extended nearly to the top of the parietals. There was a third trochanter on the femur. The size varied between that of a small elephant and that of a tapir. There is a considerable gap between Palæomastodon and any known ancestral form, but it appears that Maritherium of the middle Eocene of Egypt is not very far removed from its line of descent. Moritherium has the dental formula 3 1 3 3 P Both first and third upper 3 incisors and the canines are very poorly developed; the second upper and lower incisors form short tusks. The molars are quadritubercular. The skull is quite unlike that of Palæomastodon and is long and narrow, with enormous cheek bones. The cranial capacity is relatively large. There appears to have been only a very slight trace of a trunk. The body was essentially like that of the elephants, though less specialized. An aberrant offshoot of the proboscidean stock is characterized by the possession of tusks in the lower jaw only. This offshoot, containing the genus Dinotherium, is quite like typical elephants in its body and limbs. The tusks point downward and are curved to the rear. The molars resemble those of the tapirs. The skull is low and flat and probably bore a trunk, (See MAMMOTH; MASTODON). Consult Andrews, C. W., Catalogue of Tertiary Vertebrata of the Fayûm, Egypt'; Scott, W. B., A History of Land Mammals in the Western Hemisphere) (New York 1913).

ELEPHANT'S-EAR, a name frequently given to plants of the genus Begonia (q.v.). It is applied more frequently to a plant bearing the name Caladium esculentum.

ELEPHANT’S-FOOT, ог HOTTENTOT'S-BREAD (Testudinaria elephantipes), a plant of the yam family (Dioscoreacea), of which the rootstock forms a large fleshy mass, curiously truncate, or somewhat resembling an elephant's foot, and covered with a soft, corky, rough and cracked bark, recalling the shell of a tortoise, whence its generic name. From this springs annually a climbing stem, which bears the leaves and flowers, the latter being small and yellow. The starchy rootstock is used as food by the Hottentots. The plant is not infrequent in hothouses. The American plants known as elephant's-foot belong to the genus Elephantopus of the Asteraceae. The genus comprises 16 species, natives of tropical or warm regions. Four are found in the United States, mostly to the south of Delaware. The best known is the Carolina elephant's-foot (E. carolinianus). This is an erect hairy herb, with thin oval leaves and bracted heads of blue or purple flowers in branching corymbs. grows as far north as southern New Jersey and


west to Kansas, and is abundant in all the region to the south. Another species is known in the Southern States as tobacco-weed and devil's grandmother.

ELEUSINE, ĕl-ū-sï'nē, a genus of grasses comprising six species, all natives of the Old World. The genus is represented in America by E. indica, the crab-grass or yard-grass, which is found in waste places all over North America except in the extreme north, naturalized from Asia. In its native places it is an important article of commerce. E. corocana, called in the west of India natchnee, nagla, ragie and mand, forms a principal article of diet among the hill people of the western Ghauts in India. It is cultivated also in Japan. E. stricta is also used for food.

ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES, festivals held annually at Eleusis, a town of Attica, in honor of the goddess Demeter, or Ceres, the patroness of agriculture and procreative power of nature. According to the Homeric hymn to Demeter, the festival was established by the goddess to commemorate the hospitality of King Celeus of Eleusis, who received her as a wayfarer. The usual opinion is that they were begun by Eumolpus, the first heirophant, 1356


Great secrecy was observed in the celebration of the festivals, consisting of the greater and lesser mysteries. The greater mysteries were celebrated toward the end of September and the first of October, lasting nine days. The lesser mysteries took place at Agræ on the Ilissus during springtime. It was a capital offense to reveal any of the rites. They existed about 18 centuries and ceased during the invasion of Alaric, in 396. Consult Pater, Walter, Greek Studies; Demeter and Proserpina'; Cooper, Jacob, The Eleusinian Mysteries. See MYSTERIES.

ELEUSIS, ĕ-lu'sis, a ruined village of Attica, but in ancient times a city of Greece, 12 miles from Athens. It was celebrated as the chief seat of worship of Ceres (Greek Demeter), whose temple here was the largest sacred edifice in Greece. The Greek government began here an elaborate system of excavations in the year 1882, with the result that many remarkable ruins have been discovered. Even the site of the ancient temples is a matter of debate, so completely have they vanished. There are not wanting, however, ancient remains, which include two propylæa, a sacred well, an ancient council hall and small temples. The great hall of initiation was a modest structure until after the Persian War when it was greatly enlarged, first by cutting into the rock at the back, and later by constructing another hall alongside the first. A great portico was added by Philon in the 4th century B.C., making a common front to both, and during the Roman occupation the interior was made into one great hall 178 feet by 170, with seven rows of columns. A little Albanian village, poor and mean looking, called Leusina, stands on the site of what was once powerful Eleusis. Consult Diehl, 'Excursions in Greece'; Philios, 'Eleusis, ses mystères, ses ruines, et son musée' (Athens 1896); Frazer, Pausanias) (2d ed., 1913). For a plan of the excavations, consult Baedeker's Handbook to Greece' (4th English ed., Leipzig 1909).

ELEUTHERA, ĕ-lū’thě-rą, British West Indies, one of the largest of the Bahama Islands, lying east of Nassau, near New Providence, the second most populous island of the group. It is, like most of the islands of the group, long and narrow, its length being about 70 miles, area 164 square miles. It exceeds the neighboring isles in fertility, and produces more oranges, onions and pineapples than any. Its chief town is Governor's Harbor with a fort and good harbor. Pop. 6,533.

ELEUTHERIA, ĕl-u-thē'ri-a (Gr. ελevoɛpia, freedom), among the ancient Greeks a festival commemorative of deliverance from the armies of Xerxes. It was instituted after the battle of Platea (479 B.C.) and celebrated annually at that place in the month Maimacterion, nearly corresponding to our September. At the dawn of day a procession marched through the town, at the head of which trumpeters blew the signal for battle. At midday a chariot was driven toward the altar crowned with myrtle and various garlands and leading behind it a black bull. In front of the altar the archon of Platæa immolated the bull to Jupiter and Mercury, eulogized the heroes who had fallen at Platæa and sprinkled the ground with wine. Every fifth year these solemnities were attended by contests, chaplets being the reward of the victors. See GREEK FESTIVALS.



ELEVATION, in the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, the act of lifting up by the celebrating priest and presenting to the sight of the faithful the Host and the Chalice immediately after the consecration; this is the elevation by eminence. There is both in the Latin and in the Greek Church liturgies another elevation shortly before the communion. Prior to the promulgation and condemnation of the teaching of Berengarius in the 11th century the elevation after consecration appears to have had no place in the Latin liturgy; but from the beginning of the 12th century, when this custom was introduced, it spread rapidly and became universal and obligatory. It was the Church's way of confessing her faith in the truth of transubstantiation, attacked by Berengarius. In the Latin Church in the 12th century began and in the next century became universal the custom of ringing a small bell at the moment of the elevation, as is the present usage. But the ringing of the great bells in the church steeples and towers at the elevation which was pretty general in the 13th century is now not


ELEVATION, in astronomy and geography, means generally the height above the horizon of an object on the sphere, measured by the arc of a vertical circle through it and the zenith. Thus, the elevation of the equator is the arc of a meridian intercepted between the equator and the horizon of the place. The elevation of the pole is the complement of that of the equator and is always equal to the latitude of the place. The elevation of a star or any other point is similarly its height above the horizon, and is a maximum when the star is on the meridian. In architecture the term is applied to a geometrical delineation of the front or any face of a building in which all the parts are drawn according to the scale and not shown as they would

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appear in perspective. It is one of the three designs necessary in outlining any work of architecture, the other two being the plan and the section.

ELEVATORS. The modern elevator is a direct evolution from the machine which Elisha G. Otis exhibited in 1853 at the World's Fair in the Crystal Palace, New York. Hoists of various kinds had been built before that time, but this was the first elevator wherein provision was made for stopping the fall of the car in the contingency of the breaking of the hoisting cables. During the next five years a number of machines were built similar to that exhibited, all being driven from line shafting. In 1859 the same inventor introduced an independent reversible steam-engine directly connected to the hoisting machinery, and from that date the era of the elevator as a separate institution of the age began. In 1871 the hydraulic elevator was introduced, soon to attain predominance in the elevator art and displacing the steam-engine. The year 1888 witnessed the first application of the electric motor to elevator machines, destined in turn to eclipse the hydraulic elevator. The first type of electric elevator machine, still in use to-day for low and moderately high buildings, consisted of an electric motor actuating a hoisting drum through the intermediary of worm gearing. Although this machine has been developed to operate satisfactorily at comparatively high speed, it could not satisfy the requirements imposed on the elevator art with the advent of the skyscraper. Thus in 1903 a new type of electric elevator machine was developed, known as the 1:1 gearless traction machine, which has since completely ousted the hydraulic machine from the field of high-rise, high-speed elevators. Another development in the electric elevator art is the so-called microdrive machine, first introduced in 1915. This machine is capable of accurately and automatically stopping an elevator platform level with the landing under any condition of loading. It is extensively used in all cases where heavy loads have to be wheeled on or off the elevator platform on trucks.

It is quite evident that the high state of development of the electric elevator to-day could not have been accomplished without improvements in the design of electric motors and controlling devices. At the time of the introduction of the electric elevator in 1888 the design of the direct-current motor was already well advanced, while alternating-current motors were yet in their infancy. In the next decade the energy of designers was mostly bent upon the further development of the application of direct current, resulting in 1897 in the introduction of the direct-current magnet controller. With this invention the direct-current electric elevator at once entered the field of high-speed elevator service and became a dangerous competitor of the hydraulic elevator.

The electric power systems at that time were mostly direct current, but began gradually to make place for the more economic two- or threephase alternating-current systems. Along therewith polyphase induction motors had been introduced and began to be applied to elevators. The first attempts were not very promising. It would seem for a time that the polyphase alternating-current elevator never would be suitable

for high speed, owing to the fact that the motor operated only at a fixed single speed and to the inability to design suitable alternating-current magnets. To-day all of these difficulties have been overcome; polyphase induction motors are now easily built for two or more speeds as well as alternating-current magnets of sufficient power to operate controller and brake. In fact, the number of alternating-current installations to-day equals the number of direct-current installations and is doubtlessly destined to exceed the latter in the near future. Safety appliances were developed hand in hand with the development of the various types of machines. Grips to arrest and stop a falling cage were first designed to operate upon the breaking of the hoisting rope only. These soon proved to be inadequate, since they remained inactive in runaway accidents from various causes not due to the parting of the ropes. This defect was removed with the introduction of centrifugal governors, which actuate the safety grips when the car speed exceeds a predetermined maximum. In 1890 steel began to be used for guide rails, which previously to that date consisted exclusively of wood. This brought about a new type of safeties. Other demands came with the increase in elevator speeds, necessitating the design of safety grips capable of arresting a falling car without shock or injury to the passengers. Other safety appliances gradually developed but which have now become part of the standard equipment are: automatic stop at the terminals of the travel; slack cable devices to prevent further motion of the machine in case the car is obstructed in its descent; door locks to prevent the starting of the cage as long as the door is open, and to prevent the opening of door unless the car is at rest at the landing.

According to the foregoing there are, therefore, four general classes of elevators - belt, steam, hydraulic and electric.

Belt-driven Elevators.- This class of elevator, Fig. 1, is usually installed for slow-speed freight service in factories, is reliable and yet low in cost. The speed seldom exceeds 75 feet per minute. The machine is usually bolted to the ceiling of one of the floors. The middle one of the three flat-faced pulleys shown in the illustration is tight on the shaft and is adapted to actuate the hoisting drum through the intermediary of a worm-and-worm gear. The two outer pulleys are loose on the shaft and are belted, one by straight belt and the other by crossed belt to a line shaft pulley. To operate the elevator in the one or other direction the straight or crossed belt is shifted onto the tight middle pulley. The machines are provided with brake, slack cable device and automatic stop at terminal landings.

Steam Elevators.- Steam machines for elevator service may be dismissed with the reference that they are no longer in use. This has been due to the very large consumption of power with no compensation for the disadvantage in the matter of ease of control.

Hydraulic Elevators. The hydraulic elevator installed in large numbers up to about the year 1900 is the so-called vertical hydraulic type (Fig. 2). In this type a cylinder of a diameter of 8 to 24 inches is placed in a vertical position in the elevator shaft or in any other

convenient location. Within this cylinder works a piston. The pull exerted thereon by the water pressure is transmitted through the piston rods to a number of sheaves, which in turn operate on the hoisting ropes. The sheaves introduce a gear ratio varying from 2:1 to 12:1 between the car and piston travel. The elevator is controlled by a lever placed in the car, which actuates the operating valve. For the ascent, the valve admits water to act on the piston, at the same time discharging the water underneath. The descent of the car occurs by

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FIG. 2. Standard Hydraulic Elevator Vertical
Cylinder Geared Type Lever Control.

reason of its unbalanced weight, the water above the piston being allowed to flow through a circulating pipe to the space underneath. About the year 1900 the plunger type of hydraulic elevator (Fig. 3), (before that date applied only to low rises) began to be introduced for high speed passenger service. In this type a cylinder of a length equal to the car travel is set vertically in the ground. In this cylinder works a piston or plunger of the same length, carrying the car on its top. The weight of car and plunger is partially counter

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