Though now his eightieth year was nigh. Then, with no throbs of fiery pain, No cold gradations of decay, Death broke at once the vital chain, And freed his soul the nearest way.' In one of Johnson's registers of this year, there occurs the following curious... Boswell's Life of Johnson - Stran 395avtor: James Boswell - 1904Celotni ogled - O knjigi
 | 1735 - 676 strani
...was hrm, his powers were bright, Though now his eightieth year was nigh, Then with no throbs of riery pain : No cold gradations of decay : Death broke at once the vital chain, And free'd his foul the neareit way» STANZAS ON FRIENDSHIP. Occauoncd by ih= Author's receiving a Poetical Epiftle... | |
 | John Almon - 1786 - 438 strani
...frame was firm, his powers were bright, Tho' now his eightieth year was nigh. Then with no throbbing fiery pain, No cold gradations of decay, Death broke at once the vital chain, And fbrc'd his foul the neareft way. ON A PINCUSHION. OF all the trinkets that the toilet grace, The Pincufliion... | |
 | Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 642 strani
...was firm, his pow'rs were bright, * Though now his eightieth year was nigh. 9 * Then with no throb of fiery pain, ( No cold gradations of decay, ' Death broke at once the vital chain, ' And freed his foul the neareft way.' About the middle of June 1783, his conftitution fuftained a feverer Ihock than... | |
 | Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 548 strani
...firm—his powers were bright, Tho 1 now his eightieth year was nigh. Then with no fiery throbbing pain, No cold gradations of decay, Death broke at once the vital chain, And freed his foul the nearcft way. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 367 EPITAPH on CLAUDE PHILLIPS, AN ITINERANT MUSICIAN*.... | |
 | English poets - 1790 - 370 strani
...firm—his powers were bright, Tho' now his eightieth year was nigh. E 4 Then with no fiery throbbing pain, No cold gradations of decay, Death broke at once the vital chain, And freed his foul the neareft way. EPITAPH OH CLAUDE PHILLIP An Itinerant Mufician *. T) HIL L IP S ! whofe touch... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1792 - 654 strani
...was firm—his powers were bright, Tho' now his eightieth year was nigh. Then with no fiery throbbing pain, No cold gradations of decay, Death broke at once the vital chain, And freed his foul the neareft way. « EPITAPH on CLAUDE PHILLIPS, AN ITINERANT MUSICIAN*. PHILLIPS! whofe touch... | |
 | Mr. Addison - 1794 - 254 strani
...firm—his powers were bright, Tho' now his eightieth year was nigh. Then with no fiery, throbbing pain, No cold gradations of decay, Death broke at once the vital chain, And forc'd his foul the neareft way. AN ANECDOTE. A DEAN of Canterbury, remarkable for hold•f *• ing... | |
 | Addison (pseud.) - 1794 - 562 strani
...firm—his powers were bright, Tho' now his eightieth year was nigh. Then with no fiery, throbbing pain, No cold gradations of decay, Death broke at once the vital chain, And forc'd his foul the nearsft way. AN ANECDOTE. A DEAN of Canterbury, remarkable for hold**• ing a... | |
 | 1795 - 194 strani
...His frame was firm, his powers were br: Tho' now his eightieth year was nigh Then with no throbbing fiery pain, No cold gradations of decay, Death broke at once the vital chain, And forc'd his foul the neareft way. HYMN. HEAVENLY WISDOM. O ! happy is the man who hears Inftruftion's... | |
 | Mr. Addison - 1796 - 624 strani
...firm—his powers were bright, Tho' now his eightieth year was nigh. Then with no fiery, throbbing pain, No cold gradations of decay, Death broke at once the vital chain, And forc'd his foul the nearcft way. AN ANECDOTE, A DEAN of Canterbury, remarkable for holding a great... | |
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