I declare, Sir, upon my honour, I did imagine I was vexed, and took a pride in it; but it was, perhaps, cant; for I own I neither ate less, nor slept less.' JOHNSON. 'My dear friend, clear your mind of cant. You may talk as other people do : you may say... Boswell's Life of Johnson - Stran 454avtor: James Boswell - 1904Celotni ogled - O knjigi
 | James Boswell - 1817 - 536 strani
...the head, to be sure ; but I was not vexed. Boswell. I declare, Sir. upon my honour, I did imagine 1 was vexed, and took a pride in it; but it was, perhaps cunt; for I own I neither eat less, nor sleep less. Johnson. My dear friend, clear you r mind of cant.... | |
 | James Boswell - 1820 - 550 strani
...head, to be sure ; but 1 was not vexed. Boswell. I declare, Sir. upon my honour, I did imagine 1 WHS vexed, and took a pride in it; but it was, perhaps cant; for I own I neither eat less, nor sleep less. Johnson. My dear friend, clear you r mind of cant. You muy talk as other... | |
 | James Boswell - 1821 - 382 strani
...meat. I would have knocked the factious dogs on the head, to be sure; but I was not vexed." BOSWELL. " I declare, sir, upon my honour, I did imagine I was...it; but it was, perhaps, cant; for I own I neither eat less, -nor slept less." JOHNSON. " My dear friend, clear your mind of cant. You may talk as other... | |
 | James Boswell - 1821 - 378 strani
...meat. I would have knocked the factious dogs on the head, to be sure; but I was not vexed." BOSWELL. " I declare, sir, upon my honour, I did imagine I was...it; but it was, perhaps, cant; for I own I neither eat less, nor slept less." JOHNSON. " My dear friend, clear your mind of cant. You may talk as other... | |
 | James Boswell - 1822 - 520 strani
...meat. I would have knocked the factious dogs on the head, to be sure; but I was not vexed." BOSWELL. " I declare, Sir, upon my honour, I did imagine I was...it; but it was, perhaps, cant; for I own I neither eat less, nor slept less." JOHNSON. " My dear friend, clear your mind of cant. You may talk as other... | |
 | James Boswell - 1827 - 576 strani
...Let it be remembered by those who accuse Dr. Joluismi of illiberality. that both were Svutchnitfn. Sir, upon my honour, I did imagine I was vexed, and took a pride ш it ; but it inu, perhaps, cant ; for I own In either eat Less nor slept less." JOHNSON : " My dear... | |
 | James Boswell - 1831 - 652 strani
...meat. I would have knocked the factious dogs on the head, to be sure; but I was not vexed." BOSWEI.L. " I declare, sir, upon my honour, I did imagine I was...it; but it was, perhaps, cant; for I own I neither eat less nor slept less." JOHNSON. " My dear friend, clear your mind of cant. You may talk as other... | |
 | James Boswell - 1835 - 458 strani
...meat. I would have knocked the factious dogs on the head, to be sure ; but I was not vexed." BOSWELL. " I declare, Sir, upon my honour, I did imagine I was...it; but it was, perhaps, cant; for I own I neither eat less nor slept less." JOHNSON. " My dear friend, clear your mind of cant. You may talk as other... | |
 | James Boswell - 1835 - 456 strani
...meat. I would have knocked the factious dogs on the head, to be sure; but I was not vexed." BoSWELL. " I declare, Sir, upon my honour, I did imagine I was...it; but it was, perhaps, cant; for I own I neither eat less nor slept less." JOHNSON. " My dear friend, clear your mind of cant. You may talk as other... | |
 | James Boswell - 1852 - 344 strani
...I did 1 " Dum pingit, fruitur arte; postquam pinxerit, fruitur fmctu artis." (Seneca.)— KEARNEY. imagine I was vexed, and took a pride in it; but it was, perhaps, cant; for I own I neither eat less, nor slept less." JOHNSON: "My dear friend, clear your mind of cant. You may talk as other... | |
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