CONDEMN'D to Hope's delusive mine, As on we toil from day to day, By sudden blast or slow decline Our social comforts drop away. Well try'd through many a varying year, See LEVETT to the grave descend; Officious, innocent, sincere, Obscurely wise, and... Boswell's Life of Johnson - Stran 394avtor: James Boswell - 1904Celotni ogled - O knjigi
 | Samuel Johnson - 1805 - 238 strani
...PRACTISER IN PHYSIC. CONDEMN'D to hope's delusive mine, is on we toil from day to day, By sudden blasts, or slow decline, Our social comforts drop away. the grave descend, Officious, innocent, sincere, Of ev'ry friendless name the friend. Yet still he fills affection's eye, Obscurely wise and coarsely... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1806 - 350 strani
...makes as good a sky, And I but flatter less. ON THE DEATH OF MR. ROBERT LEVET, A Practiser in Physic. CONDEMN'D to Hope's delusive mine, As on we toil from day to day, By sudden blasts, or slow decline, Our social comforts drop away. Well try'd through many a varying year, See... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1806 - 328 strani
...fair Zelinda's eye, And I but flatter less. ON THE DEATH OF MR ROBERT LEVET, A Practiser in Phys'uk. CONDEMN'D to hope's delusive mine, As on we toil from day to day, Well try'd through many a varying year, See Level to the grave descend, Officious, innocent, sincere,... | |
 | Robert Southey - 1807 - 498 strani
...JOHNSON. Litehfeld.— !709.—1784. <)» THE DEATH OF MR. ROBERT LEVETT. A Practiscr in P/tt/sic. CONDEMN'D to hope's delusive mine, As on we toil from...slow decline, Our social comforts drop away. Well tried through many a varying year, See Level to the grave descend; Officious, innocent, sincere, Of... | |
 | British poets - 1809 - 526 strani
...the happiness she does not find. •• ' —^^^B^»— >N THE DEATH OF DR. ROBERT LEVET. iQNDEMN'D to Hope's delusive mine, As on we toil from day to day, sudden blasts or slow decline, lur social comforts drop away, ;he lazy Scheld, or wandering Po ; where... | |
 | 1809 - 914 strani
...written by Dr. Johnson, which is equally' worthy of the pen and the heart of the author. I. Condemned in hope's delusive mine, As on we toil from day to day,...blast or slow decline, Our social comforts drop away. II. Well tried, through many a varying 1 year, See Levett to the grave descend; Officious—innocent—sincere.... | |
 | Samuel Johnson, Francis William Blagdon - 1811 - 250 strani
...fraudulent and slow, Shall spring to seize thee like an ambush'd foe. ON THE DEATH OF DR. ROBERT LEVET. CONDEMN'D to Hope's delusive mine, As on we toil from day to day, By sudden biasts or slow decline, Our social comforts drop away. Well tried through many a varying year, See... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1811 - 208 strani
...fraudulent and slow, "^Uall spring to seize thee like an ambush'd foe. ON THE DEATH OF DR. ROUERT LEVET. CONDEMN'D to Hope's delusive mine, As on we toil from day to day, By sudden blasts or slow decline, Our social comforts drop away. Well tried through many a varying year, See... | |
 | Invisible hand - 1815 - 278 strani
...evinced a depraved taste> a diseased and vitiated palate. I had turned over a fresh page, and read,— " Condemn'd to Hope's delusive mine, As on we toil from day to day; By sudden blast, or slow decline, 1 Our social comforts drop away." . D "How true is that!" I exclaimed. My sister thought I alluded... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1816 - 510 strani
...makes as good a sky, And I but flatter less. ON THE DEATH OF MR. ROBERT LEVET, A'PRACTISER IN PHYSIC. CONDEMN'D to Hope's delusive mine, As on we toil from day to day, By sudden blasts, or slow decline, Our social comforts drop away. Well try'd through many a varying year, See... | |
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