short a way to the left. Burke is the only man whose common conversation corresponds with the general fame which he has in the world. Take up whatever topick you please, he is ready to meet you."' 'A gentleman, by no means deficient in literature, having... Boswell's Life of Johnson - Stran 322avtor: James Boswell - 1904Celotni ogled - O knjigi
 | Samuel Johnson - 1798 - 464 strani
...who fees fo fliort a way to the left. Burke is the only man whofe common converfation correfponcls with the general fame which he has in the world. Take up whatever topkr you plcafe, he is ready to meet yoik" Talking of the wonderful concealment of the author of the... | |
 | Robert Bisset - 1800 - 488 strani
...common men. ' Johnson esteemed Burke above all men : he said, he was a perpetual stream of mind. * Burke is the only man whose common conversation corresponds with the general fame he has in the world. Take up whatever topic you please, he is ready to meet you.' As Johnson always... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1807 - 238 strani conversation. " It seems strange (said he) that a man should see so far to the right, who sees so short a way to the left. Burke is the only man whose...general fame which he has in the world. Take up whatever topic you please, he is ready to meet you." Talking of the wonderful concealment 6f the Author of the... | |
 | James Boswell - 1817 - 546 strani
...common conversation corresponds with the fame he Ka« in the world. Take up whatever topic you please, he is ready to meet you. A gentleman, means deficient in literature, having discovered lets acquaintance with one of the Classics than Johneoo expected, when the gentleman left the room,... | |
 | John Selden - 1818 - 682 strani
...conversation. " It seems strange ^savL ba\ \3oax. .a man should see so far to the right,' who' sees «o short a way to the left. Burke is the only man whose...general fame which he has in the world. Take up whatever topic you please, he is ready to meet you." Talking of the wonderful concealment of the author of the... | |
 | James Boswell - 1820 - 372 strani
...conversation. " It seems strange," said he, " that a man should see so far to the right, who sees so short a way to the left. Burke is the only man whose...fame which he has in the world : take up whatever topic you please, he is ready to meet you." Of narratives in conversation, he said, "The value of every... | |
 | James Boswell - 1820 - 550 strani
...conversation. It seems strange, said he, that a man should see so far to the right, who sees so short away to the left. Burke is the only man whose common conversation corresponds with the general fame he hat in the world. Take up whatever yjpic you please, he isreudy to meet you. A gentleman, by no... | |
 | James Boswell - 1821 - 408 strani conversation. ' It seems strange (said he) that a man should see so far to the right, who sees so short a way to the left. Burke is the only man whose...discovered less acquaintance with one of the Classicks than Johnson expected^ when the gentleman left the room, he observed, ' You see, now, how little any... | |
 | James Boswell - 1821 - 412 strani conversation. ' It seems strange (said he) that a man should see so far to the right, who sees so short a way to the left. Burke is the only man whose...discovered less acquaintance with one of the Classicks than Johnson expected; when the gentleman left the room, he observed, ' You see, now, how little any... | |
 | 1821 - 372 strani
...that a man should see so far to the right, who sees so short a way to the left. Burke is the only reau whose common conversation corresponds with the general...fame which he has in the world : take up whatever topic you please, he is ready to meet you." Of narratives in conversation, he said, " The value of... | |
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