Liverpool, April 18.-The winds having continued favourable both coastwise and from Ireland, the arrivals of Oats have been pretty considerable, these of Wheat and other articles but moderate. Oats were taken off freely by country buyers during the past week, and Wheat was in fair demand, at about the prices of this day se'nnight. This day's market was well attended, when sales of Wheat, Oats, Flour, and Oatmeal, were effected to a fair extent, at fully the prices of Tuesday last. Malt declined 1s., and Malting Barley 2s. per quarter.. Imported into Liverpool from the 1ith to the 17th of April, 1826, inclusive:-Wheat, 5,071; Barley, 717; Oats, 16,299; Malt, 639; Beans, 28; and Pease, 23 quarters. Flour, 4,819 sacks, per-380 lbs. Oatmeal, 1,825 packs, per 240 lbs. Norwich, April 22.-We had a very large supply of Wheat today, more than found purchasers unless at less money, there were also many samples of Barley offered for sale, and the Malting season being nearly over, great difficulty in selling them; Red Wheat sold from 54s. to 61s; White to 64s.; Barley 23s. to 29s.; Oats 22s. to 30s.; Beans 32s. to 39s.; Pease 36s. to 40s. per quarter; and Flour, 45s. to 47s. per sack. Bristol, April 22.-Little is doing here in Corn, &c. at present. Supplies moderate. The prices of what is disposed of are about as follow:Wheat, from 5s. to 8s.; Barley, 3s. to 4s. 9d.; Oats, 2s. 3d. to 3s. 3d.; Beans, Ss. 6d. to 6s.; and Malt, 5s. to 7s. 3d. per bushel, Imperial. Flour, Seconds, 30s. to 47s, per bag. Ipswich, April 22. Our market to-day was pretty welt supplied with Corn, and prices were much as last week, as follow:-Wheat 56s, to 658;; Barley, 28s. to 34s.; Beans, 37s. to 39s.; and Pease, 38s. per quarter. 1 Wisbech, April 22.-This market to-day was abundantly supplied with fine conditioned Wheat, which with Oats, and Beans, sold about the same as last week. Red Wheat, 54s. to 60s.; White ditto, 60s. to 625.; Oats, 20s. to 24s.; and Beans, S4s. to 38s, per imperial qr. Wakefield, April 21.-A decline of 1s. per quarter has taken place upón all descriptions of Wheat, of which there was a good supply at the market. Oats and Shelling being scarce, fully maintain last week's prices. Barley is dull of sale at a decline of 2s. per quarter, and only fine fresh quality saleable for malting is in demand. Rapeseed continues unsaleable. Manchester, April 22.- We have had but a thin attendance of dealers at our market to-day, and prices have given way a trifle. The stock of Grain here and in Liverpool is small, and confidence almost destroyed, that quotations are merely nominal, as last week. Newcastle-on-Tyne, April 22. Having but a small supply of Wheat today from the farmers, the whole was readily taken off at an advance of 1s. and 2s. per quarter from the prices of last Saturday. In Rye there is still very little doing. The weather having become warm, the maltsters here have this week almost entirely ceased purchasing Barley. A further reduction in prices must, therefore, be the consequence. The sale of Malt continues to be as dull as possible. Notwithstanding we had to-day a large supply of Oats, the prices of last Saturday were fully supported.-Wheat, new, 52s, to 61s.; Foreign, 48s. to 54s.; Rye, 40s. to 42s.; Foreign, 32s. to S6s.; Barley, Sus. to 32s.; Foreign, 25s. to 30s.; Malt, 52s. to 58s.; Oats, 21s. to 26s; Foreign, 19s. to 21s.; Beans, 42s. to 468.; Pease, White, 48s. to 50s. per quarter, Imperial measure. Flour, 45s. per sack. COUNTRY CATTLE AND MEAT MARKETS, &c. Norwich Castle Meadow, April 22.--Our market was exceedingly well supplied with Cattle for slaughter to-day, and a great many of them remained unsold, prices from us. 6d. to 7s. per stone of 14lbs., sinking offal. The supply of Store Stock was also very large; the Scots were not of very good quality, prices from 4s. to 4s. 6d. per stone, when fat; Short Horns from 3s. to 4s. Hoggets from 22s. to 35s.; and an excellent lot of fat ones to 44s.; Ewes and Lambs from 34s. to 42s. per couple. Pigs in great plenty, fat ones to 6s. 6d. per stone. Horncastle, April 22.-Beef, 6s. 6d. to 7s. 6d. per stone of 14 lbs.; Mutton, 6d. to 7d.; Pork, 54d. to 64d.; and Veal, 8d. to 9d. per lb. At Morpeth Market, on Wednesday, there was a very great supply of Cattle, although there were also many buyers, the sale was very dull, at a reduction in price. There being a short supply of Sheep, they sold readily at an advance in price. Beef, from 5s. 6d. to 6s. 3d.; and Mutton, 7s. 6d. to 9s. per stone, sinking offal. AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN, sold in the Maritime Counties of England and Wales, for the Week ended April 15, 1826. Monmouthshire..........63 1....38 4....23 6 Devonshire..... ...600...31 10....19 0 Cornwall. Dorsetshire .... Hampshire North Wales.... ... ...... ..60 5.31 524 10 * The London Average is always that of the Week preceding. : ১ "Judges ought, above all, to remember the conclusion of the Roman "Twelve Tables; salus populi suprema lex; the safety of the people is the "highest law.".... BACON'S ESSAYS. : day you have had "late panic"; and now you have present panic of a far more terrific description. You have a considerable portion of the people in a state very nearly approaching to actual starvation, and that, too, in the midst of plenty. How often have I told you, that shock upon shock, mess after mess, mire after mire, would be your lot, unless you had the courage to adopt the measures point- All ages and countries have seen ed out to you by the Norfolk Pe- seasons of scarcity and famine; tition! Only a twelvemonth ago, all governments have had these less than a twelvemonth ago, you evils, once in an age or two, arise were exulting, and making the under them; but you have seen two famines arise in the space of four years; and, while these famines were existing, there has not King exult, in the general and permanent prosperity of the country, as you called it. This was : only nine months ago. Since that been a soul in the kingdom to L Printed and Published by WILLIAM COBBETT, No. 183, Fleet-street. pretend that there has been any they can get it; that they are want of food in the kingdom. slaughtering the cats for food; Yours is a system, then, that can that they are eating grains, where produce starvation in the midst of they can get them, and that grains plenty. This is one of the pecu- are things, which, alone, are inliar characteristics of your sys- sufficient food for the poorest of tem, which, from its very nature, hogs. It is notorious, that, round produces such effects. It is a the public-houses which brew their system, which draws the fruit of own beer in Lancashire, the poor men's labour into large masses; famished creatures now assemble which unjustly takes from one in crowds, and scramble to get man, and gives to another man; mouthfuls of this residuum of the which takes from those who la- malt. These things are notorious; bour, and gives to those who do these things can be denied by nonot labour; which prevents the body; and it is equally notorious, fruit of labour from going into its that, no longer than seven months proper channels; which defeats ago, thanksgivings were put up in all the efforts of frugality, of fore- the churches for the great abundsight, of carefulness; under your ance of food with which God had system it is useless, to rise early, blessed us. to labour through the day, and to Are not these matters worthy of eat the bread of carefulness. God the attention of statesmen? must says, that man shall live by the there not be something radically sweat of his brow; your system wrong, when circumstances so says, that he shall starve by that hostile in their nature can cosweat, and that those who sweat exist in the same country; and not shall fatten by it. God says, when, at the same time, palaces "Thou shalt not muzzle the ox as are building at the public expense he treadeth out the corn;" your in every direction, and the salary system says, muzzle the ox that of the trade minister is doubled? treadeth out the corn, and put no Does not such a combination of muzzle on him that treadeth it not circumstances call for inquiry? out. It is matter of perfect noto- In such a state of things, ought riety, that there are immense num- we to expect, from our Government, bers of people in a state nearly nothing but detached and isolated approaching to that of starvation; measures, putting a patch here that they are eating carrion where and a patch there; and never, upon any occasion, having the occasion; and, if my advice had smallest tendency to probe the been followed you would not cause of the evil. have been so lucky before. In Upon some former occasions, 1816 and 1817, 1 exhorted most you have been wonderfully assist- earnestly Sir Francis Burdett, ed by the circumstance of the who was chairman of the Hampsuffering parties having connected den Club in London, and Major their wants with the deprivation of Cartwright, who was the father of their political rights. Their com- that Club, to which Club I neplaints, the convulsive moments ver would belong; I exhorted produced by their hunger, were them, I besought them, I prayed all, then, instantly traced to mo- them, to desist from their project tives of sedition. True, the poor of forming branch clubs about creatures most humbly petitioned the country, which they were, in for their rights; but, their rights the fall of 1816, beginning to do. being refused, no attention was I said, "Let them alone: it is not paid to their wants and their "we who have brought the mi sufferings: to the rest of the "sery upon the people: let us community they were pointed "not form them into bodies or out as aiming at the destruc- "societies, to have marks set tion of the happiest of governments. It was allowed that they might have some wants, to be sure; but, having dared to deney is beginning its work in mand their rights, they were " favour of reform: let it go on treated as incendiaries and rebels, " doing its own work; let us not proceeding under the colourable " interfere with it, and above all pretence of a want of food. The things, let us not expose innoselfish and the base, who would "cent men to destruction." My see all mankind perish rather than advice was not followed; and the experience the abatement of a consequence was, that the system fraction in the price of their job- had a pretence of which it failed bing annuities, instantly availed not to avail itself to the full themselves of the calumniating accusation, and scoffed at the mi serable sufferers. 66 upon them, to be accused of "sedition, to be pounced upon "and destroyed: the paper mo extent. Now, thank God, the system has no such pretence. It has no You are not so lucky upon this designing men to accuse; it has |