The Committee hereby autho- Mr. GOODERE, Register-Office, rize the following gentlemen to No. 24, George-street, Brighton. collect subscriptions for the above Mr. DALE, Register-Office, Win purpose.. chester. Mr. COSENS, Bookseller, Bristol. Mr. SAMUEL CLARKE, East-street, ABEL HALLOWELL, Manchester- N. B. The Subscription at receive Subscriptions, as well as der to ensure tickets, be necessary those who may have undertaken to get them before the 3rd of to make Collections among their immediate neighbours, will trans- April. After that day none will mit the amount of their respective be disposed of. They may be had Collections, three days before the at the Bar of the Tavern, or at time of Meeting, directed to the Treasurer at Fleet-street, at his the Register-Office, No. 183, own residence, Hayham, near Fleet Street. Gentlemen, who Attleborough, Norfolk, or Mr. intend to come from the country, Geo. Wright, Printer, Norwich, post paid, (the expense of postage may, by writing to their friends in to be deducted, if thought neces- town have tickets secured for sary, from the sum so sent.) The them against their arrival. Treasurer will attend. in Fleet street, during the day, to receive THO. B. BEEVOR, FEAST OF THE GRIDIRON. MAPS OF AMERICA. I HAVE nine, and no more, very large maps of the United States of America, showing the line of demarcation according to the late treaty between the English and American possessions, and including a considerable part of these latter possessions. The map includes, also, the whole of the kingdom of Mexico, and the whole of the Antille West India Islands. It takes in the whole continent of North America to the THIS Feast will be held at the Pacific Ocean, and it has a little in the vacant space, de LONDON TAVERN, Bishops- scribing the whole of the West gate Street, on THURSDAY, the India Islands, together with the sixth day of April, at five o'clock neighbouring coasts of South in the afternoon, at which time, America. It has, besides, a capital statistical table. The map precisely, dinner will be on the is covered; it is on canvass, and table. The tickets are to be on rollers; it was exécuted at 12s. 6d. each, including a bottle Philadelphia the year before last. of wine to each person. The number of tickets is limited to five hundred, as no greater number of persons can, it is supposed, conveniently dine. It will, in or It is the completest thing of the kind that I ever saw. I imported one for my own use; the other nine I have to sell. The map is about five feet long, and proportionably wide. The price is four sovereigns. MARKETS. Average Prices of CORN throughout ENGLAND, for the week ending March 18. 5. Rye ... supports Monday's terms. In Barley, Beans, Pease, there is no alteration. Oats maintain last quotations, with little doing in this article. No market on Friday, it being Good Friday. Monday, March 27.-The arrivals of last week were moderate with the exception of Oats, which were considerable, having several vessels d. in from Ireland. This morning there 43 2 is a fair supply of Wheat, Barley, 39 4 Beans, and Pease, from Essex, Kent, and Suffolk, and a few more vessels in from distant parts with Wheat and Oats. There has been a brisk trade for superfine Wheat this morning, and for such an advance of full 2s. per qr. was obtained; other sorts also sell more readily than of late. Total Quantity of Corn returned as Sold in the Maritime Districts, for the Week ended March 18. Qrs. .... Qrs. 162 Wheat.. 30,037 | Rye Corn Exchange, Mark Lane. 642 Malting Barley obtains an increase in price of 1s. per qr., and other sorts meet a better sale than of late. Beans that are dry obtain rather more money, but others remain at last week's prices, Boiling and Grey Pease sell rather better, but we do not notice any alteration in price. There has been a brisker trade for Oats, and fine samples have obtained rather more money, but other sorts 20 0 11........36 5 remain as last. Wednesday, March 22.-The supplies this week are moderate of Wheat and Barley, but there is a good quantity of Oats. Wheat fully Price on board Ship as under. Flour, per sack ......53s. - 55s. Seconds..46s - 50г. North Country.. 428. - 46s. - By the QUARTER, excepting where otherwise named; from Wednesday to Saturday last, inclusive. The Scotch Markets are the Returns of the Week before. Beans, Pease. s. to s. d. Aylesbury ...... 62 66 0 32 36 0 26 29 0 42 45 0 47 520 Banbury........ 0 00 Basingstoke ....... 0 00 Bridport......... Chelmsford....... 60 70 0 30 36 0 20 30 0 30 34 0 34 48 9 Derby ........ 0 00 Devizes........... 00 Dorchester...... 00 Exeter.......... 0 00 Eye 54 62 0 30 34 6 24 28 0 34 33 0 36 40 0 Guildford........ 000 Henley... 55 74 0 31 40 0 25 32 0 45 520 46 53 0 Horncastle..... 0 00 Hungerford....... 0 00 Lewes.......... 000 Newbury ........ 17 33 0 40 51 0 44 50.0 Northampton. 00 Nottingham .... 00 0 00 Reading ......... 59 74 0 28 39 0 20 29 0 44 49 0 43 47 0 Stamford......... 00 0 00 Truro .......... 58 00 33 00 27 00 0 00 00 Warminster...... 52 65 0 28 39 0 21 00 00 Dalkeith* 27 31 0 19 26 0 17 22 0 ... 16 16. 20 0 Haddington*.... 26 31 0 20 25 6 24 0 16 20 0 * Dalkeith and Haddington are given by the bolt.-The Scotch boll for Wheat, Rye, Pease, and Beans, is three per cent. more than 4 bushels. The boll of Barley and Oats, is about 6 bushels Winchester, or as 6 to 8 compared with the English quarter. |