Scotland ;" and so much of an act, passed in the sixth year of his present majesty, intituled, ainl6Gfo.3. " an act to extend an act, made in the fourth year of the reign of King George the First," intituled, ' an act for the further preventing robbery,... Cobbett's Political Register - Stran 109uredili: - 1826Celotni ogled - O knjigi
 | Political state of Great Britain - 1718 - 666 strani
...Fields, in the County of Midd.lelex, to be rebuilt inflead of one of tht faid Fifty ne&fhurches. An Aft for the further preventing Robbery, Burglary, and other Felonies, and for the more effeflual Tranffortatton of Felons, and unlawful Exporters of Wool ; and for di daring the Law vpon... | |
 | 1737 - 556 strani the 4th Year of (he Reign of his late Majefty Xing George I. (of glorious Memory) entitled, An AS for the further preventing Robbery, Burglary, and other felonies, and for the more effeSual Tranfportation of Felons, and unlawful Exporter! of Wooll, and for declaring the Laiu upon... | |
 | John Trenchard, Thomas Gordon - 1751 - 432 strani
...Fields, in the County of Middlefex, to be rebuilt inflead of one of the faid fifty new Churches : And an Act for the further preventing Robbery, Burglary,...for -the more effectual Transportation of Felons. - The firft of thefe Statutes is a temporary Law, often renewed, as the Exigency of Times requires... | |
 | Great Britain - 1764 - 514 strani
...annuities eftabliihed by feveral acts of parliament, payable half-yearly at the bank of England. Cap. ii. For the further preventing robbery, burglary and other felonies, and for the more effectual tranfportation of felons, and unT lawful exporters of wool ; and for declaring the law upon fome points... | |
 | Great Britain - 1764 - 516 strani the cafhier of the bank. .Annuities fubjedt to redemption. Redeemed 5 Geo. ic 3, CAP. XI. An aft for the further preventing robbery -, burglary > and other felonies ^ and for the more effettual tranfyortations of felons ^ and unlawful exporters of igool*, and for declaring the law upon... | |
 | Great Britain - 1765 - 572 strani
...year of the reign of his latemajedy King George the Fird, of glorious memory, intitu- 4Geo.ic i*. led, An act for the further preventing robbery, burglary^ and other felonies*, and for the more effectual tranfportation of felony and unlawful exporters of wo oil ; and for declaring the law upon fome points... | |
 | Great Britain - 1765 - 510 strani
...the more eafy dife charge of bankrupts out of execution, after their certificates allow^ ed. Cap. 23. For the further preventing robbery, burglary, and other felonies, and for the more effectual tranfportation of felons. Cap. 24. For better explaining the nature of conveyances to be made to the... | |
 | Great Britain - 1765 - 464 strani
...fourth year of the reign of his late majefty King«. George the Firft (intituled, An afifor the further preventing robbery, burglary and other felonies ; and for the more effectual tranfportation of felons, and unlawful exporters of wool ;) and by an act made in the fixth year of... | |
 | Great Britain - 1765 - 514 strani
...for the more eafy diHcharge of bankrupts out of execution, after their certificates allowed. Cap. 23. For the further preventing robbery, burglary, and other felonies, and for the more effeftual tranfportation of felons. Cap. 24. For better explaining the nature of conveyances to be... | |
 | Great Britain - 1765 - 592 strani
...the fourth year of the reign or4Ge°-Ic. ** his late Majefty King George the firft, intituled, An aft for the further preventing robbery, burglary and other felonies, and for the wore effectual tranfportation of felons, and unlawful exporters of wool and for declaring the law upon... | |
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