Nicaraguan citizens; and absolute freedom shall be allowed in all cases to the buyer and seller to bargain and fix the price of any goods, wares, or merchandise imported into, or exported from, the Republic of Nicaragua, as they shall see good, observing... Cobbett's Political Register - Stran 491uredili: - 1826Celotni ogled - O knjigi
 | Edmund Burke - 1851 - 886 strani
...remuneration than such as is paid in like cases by Costarican citizens ; and absolute freedom shall be allowed in all cases to the buyer and seller to bargain and fix the price of any goods, wares, or merchandize imported into, or exported from, the Republic of Costarica, as they shall see good, observing... | |
 | 1826 - 1052 strani
...all cases, to the buyer and seller, to bargain and fix the price of any goods, wares, or merchandize imported into, or exported from, the Territories of...of the Contracting Parties, as they shall see good. IX. In whatever relates to the lading aud unlading of Ships, the safety of merchandize, goods, and... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament - 1826 - 878 strani
...them any salary or remuneration unless they shall choose to employ them ; and absolute freedom shall be allowed, in all cases, to the buyer and seller,...of the contracting parties, as they shall see good. Art. 9. — In whatever relates to the lading, and unlading of ships, the safety of merchandize, goods,... | |
 | Ignacio Núñez - 1825 - 372 strani
...them any salary or remuneration, unless they shall choose to employ them ; and absolute freedom shall be allowed, in all cases, to the buyer and seller...bargain and fix the price of any goods, wares, or merchandize imported into, or exported from, the said United Provinces, as they shall see good. 9.... | |
 | 1825 - 436 strani
...them; and absolute freedom shall be allowed, in all cases, to tho buyer and seller ta bargain and lix the price of any goods, wares or merchandise, imported into, or exported from, the said United Provinces, as they shall sec good. Art. IY In whatever relates to the lading and unlading... | |
 | 1826 - 884 strani
...them any salary or remuneration, unless they shall choose to employ them ; and absolute freedom shall be allowed, in all cases to the buyer and seller,...of the contracting parties, as they shall see good. Art. J). — In whatever relates to the lading and unlading of ships, the safety of merchandise, goods,... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1826 - 924 strani
...them any salary or remuneration, unless they shall choose to employ them ; and absolute freedom shall be allowed, in all cases to the buyer and seller,...of the contracting parties, as they shall see good. Art. 9- — In whatever relates to the lading and unlading of ships, the safety of merchandise, goods,... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament - 1826 - 736 strani
...salary or remuneration unless they shall choose to employ them ; and absolute freedom shall be altowed, in all cases, to the buyer and seller, to bargain and fix the price of any goods, wares, wmenchandise imported into, or exported from, u* territories of either of the contracting par<M, as... | |
 | Joseph Blunt - 1827 - 772 strani
...any salary or remuneration, unless they shall choose to employ them •, and absolute freedom shall be allowed, in all cases, to the buyer and seller,...merchandise, imported into, or exported from, the said United Provinces, as they shall see good. Art. 9th. In whatever relates to the lading and unlading... | |
 | Joseph Blunt - 1827 - 650 strani
...them any salary or remuneration, tinlesa they shall choose to employ them; and absolute freedom shall be allowed, in all cases, to the buyer and seller, to bargain and fix the price of any goods, wafes or merchandise, imported into, or exported from, the said United Provinces, as they shall see... | |
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