INAUGURATION OF WASHINGTON, ON THE BALCONY OF THE OLD CITY HALL, NEW YORK. FRONTISPIECE-Irving, Vol. Fifteen-see p. 115. OF WASHINGTON IRVING LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON PART FOUR ILLUSTRATED Volume Fifteen NEW YORK PETER FENELON COLLIER, PUBLISHER 1897 Gipt Alteena Sclical District Aug. 1760 Discontents of the Army at Newburg-Memorial of the Officers to Congress-Anonymous Papers circulated in the Camp-Meeting of Officers called-Address of Washington-Resolutions in Con- News of Peace-Letter of Washington in Behalf of the Army- Cessation of Hostilities proclaimed-Order of the Cincinnati formed-Letter of Washington to the State Governors-Mutiny in the Pennsylvania Line-Letter of Washington on the Subject The Army to be discharged-Parting Address of Washington— Evacuation of New York-Parting Scene of Washington with 44 |