Slike strani

war of extermination which is preparing will cause torrents of blood to flow; but we can state, without fear, that Poland will not be subdued.


Some arrests because of political opinions, have lately been made in Spain. All things are dark and gloomy in this country, and misery abounds. The expenses of the king alone, for the year, 1850, have been computed at 140,000,000 reals, (upwards of £1,400,000 sierling), up to the present moment. To cover this enor mous expenditure the most grievous taxation is resorted to.

the shock with some confidence in the success of the cause. [Times. The manifesto of Russia seems to have provoked one December 31. "One of the pupils of the military general burst of indignation in England, because of the school, named Zallwaki, had set out several days ago high-handed measures which it threatens. But it does for Lithuania. All these provinces are on a volcano.not appear that England or France will interfere in the We expect with impatience the details of the insurrec-affairs of Poland, at present. The best understanding tion at Wilna. 3,000 Russians have perished there; appears to exist between these latter powers. but after three days triumph the Muscovites re-occupied The Russian armies intended to enter Poland, will it. All the youth of the university and the citizens, amount to 150,000 men. still full of the recollections of the revolution effected in 1794, by the celebrated Jasinski, emulated each other in zeal, we are informed, in this memorable action. "Patriotic gifts flow in from all quarters, and the amount is already near 3,000,000. The Jews alone have given above 1,000,000. Their enthusiasm is above all praise. Since the war with Turkey, Russia is very weak. It lost there in two campaigns 200,000 men and 20,000 horses. The treasury is empty; the ammunition and stores intended against France had been collected in the fortresses of. Modlin and Zamose, which are now in the hands of the Poles. These are sufficient for three campaigns. Our artillery is excellent, and it is well known that it was our officers who repaired the faults of the Russian officers at the siege of Varna and Shumla. The manufacture of arms is carried on with extraordinary activity. All the men employed sing, while they are at work, the celebrated Mazurka, of Lombrowski. Every where are seen the portraits of Kosciusko, Poniatowski, and so many other generals, whose memory was proscribed by the brutal despotism of the grand duke Constantine.

The preceding extracts are sufficient to present à general view of the state of things. Poland is filled with enthusiasm. The fermentation had extended to the grand duchy of Posen (Prussian Poland), but all was yet quiet there,


The accounts from Vienna of 22d inst., says a Frankfort date of Dec. 27th, are extremely curious. Austria is arming on all sides. The troops which have long been in Italy, and those which have lately been sent thither, will remain as a corps of observation; but all the other forces of the empire, and those of Hungary which can be spared, are going to assemble in Gallicia and the other provinces on the frontiers of Poland. By this means it is intended, at the same time, to awe the Poles, and to repress the fermentation which has manifested itself at Lemberg, and in other provinces formerly Polish.




Persia is delivered up to a horrid civil war. The eldest son of the Schah has revolted, and marched against his father. Prince Abbas Mirza has hastened to his father's assistance, and to encounter his brother. The emperor of Russia has issued a proclamation and A great part of his army has been organised and inmanifesto. The London Times of the 15th January, structed according to European tactics. The people of says-All doubt or conjecture as to the course which Caucasus, habitually disinclined to submit to Russia, the emperor of Russia intends to pursue respecting Po-have raised the standard of revolt in a great number of land is now at an end. The autocrat has issued a mathe outlets of the Black and Caspian seas. A detachment nifesto which leaves the Poles no alternative but unof the Russian army has been attacked on the road of conditional submission, or military execution. The hurra Tiflis, and deprived of 2 pieces of cannon. The marof vengeance which he uttered among his warlike no- shal Paschewitz d' Erivan is ordered to employ a conbility when he first received the mtelligence of the in-siderable force to put down and punish these insursurrection at Warsaw, is now resounded through the empire, and if echoed by the people as it was by the court, may be considered as the prelude to an exter We have accounts of a battle fought at Cilponcingo minating Polish invasion. between the government forces and the partizans of GuerThough prepared for a declaration of war against Po-rero, &c. The latter were defeated, with the loss of land, probably neither the Poles themselves, nor any other 300 killed, and about 150 prisoners. The other party European nation, were prepared for the assertion of had about 100 killed and wounded. Another battle was such arrogant pretensions, or the employment of such fought in the "state of Michoacan," where the insursanguinary menaces, as his document contains. The "re-gents under Codallos were defeated with considerable bels" are spoken of as "struck with the fear of ap-loss. Gen. Bravo, the present chief of the government, proaching chastisement, yet daring to think of victory commanded at Cilponcingo. A restoration of tranquili for some moments, and to propose conditions to their ty was expected-to endure until some general shall legitimate masters." These "traitors are to be put feel himself strong enough to disturb it. down in a single decisive battle, and their treason is to be punished." When any autocrat, from Czar Peter A new plan of federation has been proposed. The down to Czar Nicholas, appeals to GoD as the defen-state of the country is unsettled, and military moveder of the legitimate cause, and denounces the punishment ments are often spoken of. of treason, there is no doubt that hypocrisy is to be the cover to every excess of violence and atrocity.

The cruel derision of demanding gratitude from the Poles for such "peace and prosperity" as they enjoyed under the despotism of the grand duke Constantine, adds unbearable insult to those manifold oppressions which provoked and justified the insurrection.

The Poles now are aware of their situation. They may recall their envoys from St. Peterburgh-if they are not already returned. The answer is given in this manifesto. The conditions which they are said to propose to their legitimate masters" are already rejected with indignation. Let them issue a counter-manifesto. Let them display their wounds and sufferings to Europe. Let them invoke assistance from every generous armsympathy from every patriotic heart. France and Belgium have taught them the barricades: let their cities be defended with equal heroism. Above all, let them arm their whole population, and invite all the Polish nation to join them; and then we may look forward to



The new constitution for Venezuela has been established. The archbishop of Caraccas refused to take the oath required, and was expelled from the country.Gen. Paez is at the head of the army, but held subject to the civil authorities.


A packet ship at New York brings Paris papers of the 19th Jan. We have ourselves received files of Gallig nani's Messenger to the 18th, inclusive.

The king of Holland refusing to raise the blockade of the Scheldt, and partial hostilities being commenced by the Belgians, another protocol has been agreed upon by the ministers of the five allied powers. We have not submitted to the Belgian congress, it seems to have time or room to give the substance of it. On being been then resolved that, until the Dutch relieved the blockade of the Scheldt, the Belgic troops should not be withdrawn from Maestricht-which they had invested. The king also seems unwilling to admit the inter

vention of the allied powers-and the prospect now is, | £508,696, and it was expected that the estate would that the Dutch and Belgians will fight it out, both mak-yield about 11 shillings in the pound. It was stated that ing all possible preparations for battle. The king seem the last private accounts left Stephenson in possession, ed to rely on help from Russia. If that is afforded, apparently of much property. there must be a general war.

The Belgians greatly desire to obtain a king. They much wished the second son of the king of the French, but he had declined the honor.

It is said to be the belief of the French ministers that war is inevitable. France is fully prepared for it, under the administration of marshal Soult.-150,000 troops were to be stationed on the borders towards the Rhine.

There are some later accounts from Poland-they mainly go to shew the devotion of her gallant inhabitants, and the great preparations that are making to resist the Russians. It is said that they would soon have 150,000 men fully equipped, and 200,000 irregulars, armed with pikes and pistols, &c.

The Portuguese patriots were collecting in force at Terceira, to make a descent on Portugal. More than 8,000 men had already assembled.

The affairs between France and Spain appear rather unfriendly. Much alarm existed in the latter because of the discovery of conspiracies among the students at Toledo, Alcala, Madrid, &c.

Basle, in Switzerland, was besieged by the country people-the burgers had 10,000 armed men within the ramparts. Some fighting had taken place. The people were also expected to attack Berne.

Some disturbances had broken out in Hanover-and there was a popular tumult at Gottingen.

A new pope had not yet been chosen at Rome-43 cardinals had assembled there.


Amelia Opie is at Paris, and a constant visitor at the 'soirees' of gen. Lafayette, where this celebrated female always appears in the simple garb of a rigid Quakeress, forming a striking contrast to the gay attire of the Parisian ladies.

Large cargo. The ship Equator, for Liverpool, laden at Charleston, has under deck a cargo of 1,932 bales of cotton, nearly half of which are Sea Islands, amounting to 6,147,691 lbs. valued at $86,654 80 cts.-Her measurement is 308 tons.


The sitting of the chamber of deputies on the 27th December was numerously attended in consequence of the extraordinary degree of interest excited by recent occurrences. The chamber were proceeding to the discussion of the law relative to the national guard, when Lafayette entered, and was received with universal applause, upwards of one hundred members going up to him and shaking his hand. The general then went to the president, and after a short conversation with him, addressed the chamber as follows:

"In a neighboring nation it is the custom when a citizen retires from a distinguished office, for him to come betore his fellow-citizens and explain the cause, and I am sure the chamber will grant me the same favor. 1 have always considered that the post of commander-inchief of the national guards of France was incompatible with a constitutional monarchy, except under circumstances of the most absolute necessity. It was this conviction that led me, in 1790, when 3,000,000 of national guards wished to elect me the r commander at the fe

The Siamese twins are said to have realized an im-deration by 14,000 deputies, to apply to the constituent mense fortune in England. It is reported they will re-assembly, and urge them to issue a decree in opposition turn to the United States.

Railway. The receipts of the first nine weeks of the railway, between Liverpool and Manchester, for passengers alone, was upwards of £18,000.

Skating. A party of gentlemen lately travelled on skates from Philadelphia to Bristol, in 1. 40m. The distance made by thein was estimated at 25 miles.

Relief! A new commonwealth's bank, in partnership with private stockholders, is projected in Kentucky! Have not the people of this state had sufficient experience of the banking business?

The penitentiary. A man lately applied to a magistrate of New York, for commitment to the penitentiary, from which he had just been discharged-saying that if he could obtain employment, he should waste his carnings in intemperance, &c. An order for his committal for 60 days was made out, and himself appointed the bearer of it.

to this desire. Such still was my opinion when the lieutenant-general of the kingdom, who has since become our king, wished me to accept the same appointment, and I felt myself bound to accept it, but always retaining the intention of laying it down, as soon as I was satisfied that it was no longer necessary for me to retain it, earlier if peace remained unbroken, but at a later period had war ensued. The declared opinion of the chamber has hastened the period, and out of respect for it, I have not waited till the law was submitted to the other branches of the state. It is merely a matter of date; but I should be deeply hurt if any one imagined-and no one, who has been acquainted with me during the last fifty-four years of my life, can believe-that my conduct has been dictated by any personal feeling. I will go further, and say, that this opinion of the chamber has afforded me an opportunity. The high authority with which I was invested has given umbrage which you, gentlemen, must Counterfeiters. Two persons, calling themselves have heard of; and this umbrage has even been felt in David and James Brown, have been arrested at New certain diplomatic circles. The cause is now at an end, Orleans, charged with having circulated counterfeit notes and I have no other honor than that of being one of your of the bank of the United States. There was found up-colleagues. One word more, gentlemen, I should not on them about 9,000 dollars, in good money, the fruits, perhaps, of their depredations; and counterfeit notes for more than forty thousand dollars! The latter are said to be well executed-almost the only difference being in the paper. The bank of the United States ought, and no doubt will, make some powerful efforts to prevent such frauds on the public. These twe, it seems are only a part of a gang of seven, who had counterfeit bills for more than ninety thousand dollars!

have given in my resignation, which the king has accepted with all that goodness he has ever shown towards me, before the crisis we have now happily got over was at an end. At this time my conscientious love of public order is satisfied, but I cannot say the same of my conscientious love of liberty. We must all recollect the programme announced at the Hotel de Ville-a popular throne, supported by republican institutions. It was accepted, but we have not all put the same construction Gold. There is a report that fifteen thousand penny-upon it; it has not always been interpreted by the counweights of gold, were obtained in two days from two cils of the king, in the same sense in which it was unor three bushels of ore, at Harris' mine, in Charlotte derstood by me, who am more impatient than others county, North Carolina!-that the vein was near the that it should be realized; and whatever may have been surface, and, because of its wonderful richness, carefully my personal independence in all situations, I feel myguarded. If this report is true-we shall hear more self at the present moment more at my ease in discussing my opinions with you. For the rest, there are points upon which we shall always be in accord, we shall Lever be united against our enemies, whether at home or from abroad. I still think, that in the measures taken in the revolution of July, we not only did that which we verily believed was for the best, but that we did all that was possible to be done. I am the more convinced of this, since I have become intimately acquainted with the

of it.

Church burnt. The 7th Presbyterian church in New York, was destroyed by fire on the night of the 15th inst. It was nearly new, and had cost $18,000.

Rowland Stevenson. A meeting of the creditors of the firm of which this individual was a partner, was held recently in London for the purpose of declaring a dividend. The grand total of debts proved, amounted to

personage we have placed on the throne. On throwing off my uniform, I have not changed my motto, "Liberty, Public Order." Besides, how many legal means we have of expressing our thoughts, and making our wishes known; for there is the tribune of this chamber, and for every citizen there is the press, which has rendered the country so many services; and then there is the peaceable mode of petitions. Having thus yielded to my desire of laying all my sentiments before you, I trust I hall still and ever retain your esteem and friendship."



Mr. James Barbour's seat in the legislature of Virgi nia being again contested, it appeared to the committee that he had not obtained a majority of the legal votes, and he promptly retired, as he said that he would do. His valedictory, delivered on the 16th inst. was in the following beautiful terms:

Mr. Speaker-From the moment I engaged in the most unpleasant contest in which I have been so unfortunately involved, I declared to this house and to the world, that when I ascertained that I had not the majo rity of the good people of Orange in my favor, 1 would instantly vacate my seat. The committee of privileges In the following answer of the postmaster general and elections, after a most laborious investigation, have, to a resolution introduced into the house of repre- in their sitting of to-day, pronounced that the majority sentatives of the United States, by Mr. Leiper, we is against me. It is in vain now, to complain of the have a palpable argument in favor of the exercise unequal contest in which I have been engaged as to colof the power of internal improvement, for which welecting testimony-my opponent on the theatre of conhave always contended, by the general government. troversy, and rendered expert by his experience in this No one, we presume, will venture to deny to the long contest, and I in my seat in this house. It is due, government the power to transport the mail. Does however, to my friends, to whom I owe an inextin not the power to facilitate its transportation neces-guishable debt of gratitude, to say-that they did for me sarily result? And it a link of road, of the highest all that they could do-and although I believe I might importance in a national view, as the post-road from reverse in this house many of the decisions pronounced Philadelphia to Baltimore undoubtedly is, though of against me by the committee, yet as the general result comparatively small importance as a state road, be so would still be against me, I have determined to save the defective as to be next to impassable, can any one deny committee the labor of digesting and reporting on seve the power of the government, by the agency of the ral hundred depositions, and also to relieve the house post office department, if you please, to remedy the from discussing and deciding against them-Orange hatevil? We are obliged to Mr. Leiper for having extract-ing already consumed its full share of the time of this ed this letter from a member of the cabinet, whose ad-house-and hence I rise to announce to the house, that missions we have a right to lay hold of.-Nat. Int. I surrender my seat, and thus redeem the pledge 1 gave, Letter from the postmaster general, in reply to a resoluto yield to the will of the majority, whenever it should tion of the house of representatives, upon the subject be ascertained. of the causes of the irregularity of the arrival of the eastern mail.

Can an old servant of the commonwealth claim of the house the indulgence of being permitted to make a Post office department, February 10, 1831. few valedictory remarks?-Some thirty-two years past, SIR: In obedience to a resolution of the house of I began my political life in this hall-here, this day, it representatives, requesting the postmaster general to terminates. In the long interval, I received many discommunicate to the house the causes of the irregulari-tinguished proofs of the kindness and confidence of this ty of the arrival of the eastern mail, to what the failure house-by it I was called to fill offices of great responsiWithout now trespassis attributable, and what remedy can be provided to pre-bility, both in peace and in war. vent the delay," I have the honor to state, that the recent snow storm so obstructed the roads, as to render them, in some instances, wholly impassable; and nothing but the unwearied and almost unexampled exertions of efficient and enterprising contractors, in the midst of the tempest, could have procured a passage for the mail through the immense drifts of snow, which are represented to have been, in many places, from five to twenty feet in height. This impediment, it is presumed, will not be of frequent occurrence; yet it is anticipated that the melting of the snow, especially if attended with rain, will so swell some of the streams on the route as to cause a few more failures. I am further advised, that this mail is occasionally retarded in its progress by the rise of water and floating of ice in the Susquehannah river, and the condition of about forty-four miles of the road between Philadelphia and Baltimore, which, like most other roads not turnpiked, is rendered bad by rain, &c. The only "remedy" which, it is conceived, "canvion, and blot out their remembrance forever. I have be provided to prevent the delay, is to obviate the diff culty in crossing the streams, and turnpike that part of the road to which allusion has been made.*

I have the honor to be, respectfully, your obedient
Hon. Andrew Stevenson, speaker of the house of rep.

ing on the time of the house, by reviewing the manner which I have performed these trusts, which I had des signed to have done, if a proper occasion had occurred, content myself by saying, that at least my intentions were good, and of the millions of public money I have disbursed, my hands are clean. That I have often erred, is highly probable-for to err is human-but if bittermess of party rancour should charge the se errors to the heart rather than to the head, I appeal from this unjust and cruel decision, to a tribunal, before which, in the course of nature I must shortly appear, and where the secrets of all hearts are known. From the liberal and the just, I apprehend no such charge-they will look to the volume of my whole life, and if they find the ge neral scope to be well designed, instead of dwelling with malignant pleasure on the errors which they may find scattered here and there, like the kind recording Angel above, they will drop on them the tear of obli

but one favor now to ask of mankind, and that is, if a name as humble as mine and the part I have performed, should be the subject of comment, that if they nothing extenuate, they will set down nought in malice. When I first entered this house, it was in the spring time of hope-an ardent imagination, not yet restrained by sad realities, carried me beyond the boundary which separated the present from the future; and I saw, or thought I *The people of Maryland, so far as they are concern- saw, peace and liberty and union, and in their train, ed, will never improve this road, so as to make it fitted the prosperity and glory of my country; but time and for the transportation of the mail, during the winter experience have cleared many of these illusions-I now season. Their own uses for the road, will not justify so see uncharitableness, proscription for opinion's sake, great an expense. At a high rate of toll, it would hard-and intestine taction-and now hear menaces of violence ly yield the half of one per cent, on the capital required, and of disunion, and they fall harshly on my ear; but I being needed for only a small part of the population, will not yet despair, I will not believe that the mighty and "good enough," except for two or three months in power that worked out for this people so signal a dethe year. A new route must be selected, and new road liverance, will suffer the great scheme of human liberty made, or the mails remain subject to the failures so and happiness confided to us to pass away like the base much complained of-if there is not constitutional power less fabrick of a vision, leaving not a wreck behind. I and congressional willingness to "turnpike" and bridge, will still confide in the virtue and intelligence of the the present road." To this complexion have we ar-people-that they will equal the measure assigned them, red.-ED. REG. and that we shall continue to be a shining example to


the nations of the earth-but if, in the inscrutable order ¡ more and Ohio rail road into and within the District of of Providence, our country is to be visited with calamity, Columbia, was twice read, and referred to the district my prayer will be, that this ancient commonwealth, the common mother of us all, may be the last to feel the blight of desolation, and that in this house, with which associate so many grateful recollections, till the fiat of its dissolution shall go forth, the altars of liberty may continue to smoke with the purest incense. In obedience to the decree of ostracism, which has been pronounced against me for opinion's sake, with what justice all trying time must decide, I am going to retire to my native mountains, which voluntarily I will never again leave, but from which I shall look intently on the current of public affairs, and if a crisis should arise that shall require of every patriot to do or die, if the grave has not closed upon me, I trust I shall be as prompt in the defence of all we hold dear as many who now claim to be exclusive patriots.

February 17. Mr. Burnet presented a communication from governor McArthur, of the state of Ohio, transmitting a resolution and an act entitled "an act for the preservation and repair of the United States' road," in that state, passed by the general assembly of the state of Ohio. Mr. Burnet called the attention of the senate to one section of the act which provides that no toll shall be charged on the United States mails-on any cavalry or other troops, militia, arms or military stores, belonging to the United States, or any of the states comprising the union. Mr. Burnet moved to lay the documents on the table, and said he should, on to-morrow, ask the concurrence of the senate to the bill.

The bill for the punishment of crimes in the District of Columbia was then taken up for a third reading. The bill was read and the question about to be put on its passage, when Mr. Hayne remarked that he did not hear distinctly that clause in which duelling was included, and requested to have that section again read.

As it is the last time I shall see the multitude on which my eyes now rest, except, as I hope, in that other and better world, "where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest," and having given offence to none during my sojourn among you, for none This being complied with, it appeared by this clause was intended, and trusting that you entertain for me no of the bill, that duelling was classified with forging and other feelings but those of friendship, I tender to you other crimes of a similar stamp, and imposed the inflic and to every member of the house, a long and an affection on persons engaged in duelling, whether as princitionate farewell.

Mr. Morris, (chairman of the committee of privileges and elections) expressed the sense he felt of the gallant and honorable bearing of the gentleman from Orange, and the obligations personal to himself, from the redemption of a pledge which had relieved him and the committee from much labor.

pals or participators, as sending or carrying a challenge to fight a duel, of a period of imprisonment in the penitentiary of from one to five years.

Mr. Hayne observed that, although he was opposed to the practice of duelling, and had ever been so, he thought that any attempt to suppress it by unreasonable punishment would only do harm, and defeat its own object. And he was convinced that to classify it in this

Mr. Morris then moved a resolution, declaring Mr. Davis entitled and that he be admitted to his seat-manner with forgery and crimes of a like low and degradwhich was adopted.



ing cast, would in the result amount to impunity, as regarded it altogether. When the punishment was of this degrading description, and subjected high and honorable men-for such were often forced to engage in this February 16. Among the petitions presented this practice-prosecutors would with difficulty be got to day, were two from the merchants and others of Phila- come forward, and when they would, juries would, on delphia-the first praying that vessels navigating the De-most cases, have conscientious scruples to convict, and laware river and Chesapeake bay, and their tributaries thus would the enactment fail to be of any salutary use. may be required to display lights-and the other the At this late period of the session, he was unwilling to removal of obstructions in Back Creek-[the western throw any obstruction in the way that might delay the entrance of the Chesapeake and Delaware canal.] passage of the general bill, but he suggested, as the simMr. Sprague presented the memorial of certain in-plest mode, to recommit to the committee on the District habitants of Wiscasset and Chesterville, in Maine, pray-of Columbia, to consider some change or modification of ing for the protection of the rights and privileges of the this particular clause. Indians.

Mr. Woodbury, in the event of its being recommitted, In presenting it, Mr. Sprague asked of the chairman wished to call the attention of the chairman of the comof the committee on Indian affairs, whether it was the mittee to the clause which related to gambling. In the intention of that committee to make a report on the sub-state (New Hampshire) in which he resided, although ject at the present session. gambling was looked on with great abhorrence, and was Mr. White, (the chairman of that committee) replied there, as in other states in that section of the union, in that the committee had not yet come to any determina-general suppressed, still the enactment in the present tion on the subject. He could not, therefore inform bill would be looked on as one of great severity. the gentleman whether the committee would or would not make a report.

Mr. Sprague then said that he should move that the memorial lie on the table. The motion prevailed.

Mr. Dickerson, from the committee on manufactures, to which was referred the bill to reduce and fix the duties on sugars imported into the United States, made a special report, and stated that, when the bill came up, he was instructed to move its indefinite postponement. On notion of Mr. Poot, the senate then took up the following resolution:

"Resolved, That a committee, to consist of three members, be sppointed, to prepare, and report, at the next session, a system of civil and criminal law for the District of Columbia, and for the organization of the courts therein."

On this resolution a debate took place, which lasted until near three o'clock, in which Messrs. Livingston, Chambers, Webster, Foot, Forsyth, Hayne, Bibb, and Noble, took part.

Mr. Chambers spoke at considerable length in explanation. In alluding to the objection raised by Mr. Hayne, he stated that it was so designed by the committee to stamp the practice of duelling as a crime of a degrading character, and he thought that such was the intention of the house of representatives, in wording the clause as it stood. In reference to the remark of Mr. Woodbury, he instanced the law of Maryland, enacted against gambling, as being equally severe.

Mr. Poindexter, Mr. Frelinghuysen, Mr. Livingston and Mr. Tyler, severally delivered their opinions, and with much eloquence, on the best mode of legisla tion to suppress duelling.

Mr. Poindexter and Mr. Tyler thought the most effectual system was that of disqualification from office, as was the law at present in Virginia.

Mr. Chambers, after the preceding gentlemen had thus expressed their sentiments, said he should feel Aiter so long a discussion, the debate was arrested by somewhat embarrassed on the bill going back to the Mr. Foot, who read a paragraph from Jefferson's Ma-committee. It might be that the committee would differ nual, to show that, after an adjournment of congress, no committee could sit in the recess, the two bodies being dissolved. He moved to lay the resolution on the table; which motion prevailed.

from the majority of the senate on the subject, and it would probably be better that the sense of the senate should first be ascertained, when the committee would know how to proceed. With that view he would, therefore, move that the bill be laid on the table for the pre

The bill from the house, to authorise the extension, construction, and use, of a lateral branch of the Balti-sent.

The motion was agreed to, and the bill was laid on the table accordingly.

On the motion of Mr. White, the senate then went into the consideration of executive business,

February 18. After some minor business-
The senate then took up the general appropriation
bill, together with the amendments reported by the com-
mittee of finance of the senate.

The five first amendments were agreed to-
The sixth amendment was as follows:

February 21. After attending to private claims, &c. Mr. Smith of Md. from the committee on finance, reported a bill relative to slaves introduced into the United States; which was read.

Mr. Mc Kinley, from the committee on the judiciary, reported the bil from the other house, relative to the claims of the citizens of the United States on the government of Denmark, and recently provided for by treaty, without amendment; and it was read the third time and passed.

"For the outfit and salary of an envoy extraordinary ditional appropriations for improving certain harbors and The bill from the house of representatives making adand minister plenipotentiary, for the salaries of a secretary of legation, of a drogoman, and a student of lan-removing obstructions in certain rivers, was read twice and referred. guages, at Constantinople, and for the contingent expenses of the legation, seventy-four thousand dollars; that is to say, for the outfit of an envoy extraordmary and minister plenipotentiary, nine thousand dollars; for salary of the same, nine thousand dollars; for salary of a secretary of legation, two thousand dollars; for the salary of a drogoman, two thousand five hundred dollars; for the salary of a student of languages, one thousand five hundred dollars; for the contingent expenses of the legation, fifty thousand dollars.

["For compensation to the commissioners employed in negotiating a treaty with the sublime porte.

"To Charles Rhind, an outfit of four thousand five hundred dollars, deducting therefrom whatever sum may have been paid to him for his personal expenses. "To Charles Rhind, David Offley, and James Biddle, at the rate of four thousand five hundred dollars per annum, for the time that each of them was engaged in the said negotiation.

"For compensation to the commissioners employed on a former occasion for a similar purpose.

Mr. Hayne rose and remarked, that, at the opening of the present session, the message of the president of the United States contained a clause relative to internal improvements, which was referred to the committee on that subject. His object in rising at this time, was to ask of the chairman of that committee whether the committee would make a report on the subject during the present session.

Mr. Hendricks, (chairman of the committee on internal improvements), said he could only reply, [he bad heard the gentleman from South Carolina indistinctly} that he could not say whether the committee would report or not at this session. He, for one, was not in favor of submitting an abstract report on the subject. At the instance of the senator from Virginia, (Mr. Tyler), the matter had been referred to the committee of which be was chairman, and he had no doubt that gentleman could give the senate more information on the subject than it was in his power to do.

Mr. Tyler said, he was of opinion it was due to the "To William M. Crane and David Offley, at the rate president to make some response on the subject named, of four thousand five hundred dollars per annum, for the which had been noticed in his message. He himself time that each of them was engaged in the said negotia- had devoted considerable time in the preparation of a tion."] Mr. Tazewell moved to strike out the part above into the senate; and he remarked, on the importance of a report on the subject, which he had intended to present cluded in brackets, and this motion gave rise to a de-direct answer to the message of the president. There bate which occupied the senate until past 4 o'clock, in was no reason to doubt that the draft of a report, which the course of which allusion was made to the Panama had been prepared by him, would have been satisfactory mission, and the power of the president denied to ap- to the senate, and to the people. He had received the point commissioners to conclude a treaty without sub-co-operation of the senator from Mississippi, (Mr. Poinmitting to the senate the appointment, for confirmation, dexter), in the committee, though that gentleman and at the next ensuing session after the appointment. The himself being in the minority, they had been overruled. gentlemen who participated in the debate, were Messrs. He felt this explanation due to himself; whether a reTazewell, Chambers, Smith, of Md. Bell, Kane, King, port would be made, must, then, of course, depend on and Sanford. the majority of the committee. He had taken this opportunity to shake off all responsibility, so far as he was concerned.

To give an opportunity for Mr. Tazewell to reply to gentlemen opposed to his motion to strike out that part of the amendment before noticed,

The senate adjourned.

February 19. Among the petitions presented were two by Mr. Barnard from upwards of five hundred citizens of the city of Philadelphia, engaged in the manufacture of iron, praying that the duties on foreign iron may not be reduced or rescinded; which was referred.

A great many bills from the other house were twice read and referred.

The general appropriation bill was taken up. Mr. Tazewell was entitled to the floor; but, with his consent, Mr. Ellis moved to lay the bill and amend ments on the table, with a view to going into the consideration of executive business.

Mr. Smith, of Md. remarked, that there would be no money to meet demands at the treasury until the bill passed.

Mr. Ellis withdrew his motion.

Mr. Kane then submitted an amendment, to the following effect:

To strike out a part of the proposed amendment, and insert "to the persons heretofore employed in our intercourse with the sublime porte, the further sum of fifteen thousand dollars, in addition to the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, appropriated for the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse."

Mr. Ellis then renewed his motion; and the bill and amendments were laid on the table, and the senate went into secret session, and remained with closed doors until the hour of adjournment.

Mr. Dudley said, that the gentleman from Virginia was correct in what he had stated. He could not however, sanction the report prepared by that gentleman, and was for himself, of opinion, that it would be better for the committee to make no report on the subject.

Mr. Hayne suggested, for the consideration of the committee, that when they had arrived at the conclusion not to make a report, it would be well for them to move to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject.

Mr. Hendricks said, a motion like the one just suggested he might probably have made, but for his opinion that it would lead to a debate, tedious and unprofitable. He had no disposition unnecessarily to consume the time of that body. There were matters for consideration before the committee, which he thought were of more importance, and should have the preference. If any member of the committee chose to make the motion suggested by the gentleman from South Carolina, certainly he should not object to it.

Mr. Poindexter said that he coincided with the views of the gentleman from Virginia. They had regard to the expediency, and not the constitutionality, of the question, &c. Here the matter ended for the present, and the senate proceeded to the consideration of executive business.

February 22. Other business being attended to, which will sufficiently appear in its progress.

Mr. Robinson presented two joint resolutions of the legislature of Illinois-one requesting of congress a grant of public land, for the purposes of education; the

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