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National university extension association.


Proceedings of the first National university extension conference at Madison, Wisconsin, March 10-12, 1915, convened by the University extension division, the University of Wisconsin. $1.00.

Sandwick, Richard Lanning.


How to study and what to study. 1915. Heath. $.60.


Arnold, Felix.

Text-book of school and class management. 2v. 1908-10. Macmillan. $2.25.

Godley, Alfred Denis.

Oxford in the eighteenth century. 1908. Putnam. $2.25.


"He has brought together in his pleasant Eusebian way most of the chatty information which a hurried and ugly age wants about that leisured and charming old Oxford which is so near us and yet so far away.-Saturday review. Bacon, Corinne, comp.


Selected articles on military training. 1915. H. W. Wilson company, White Plains, N. Y. $.25. (Abridged debaters' handbook series.)

Holmes, Arthur.


Backward children. 1915. Bobbs-Merrill. $1.00. (Childhood and youth series.)


Cromer, Evelyn Baring, 1st earl of.


Political & literary essays, 1908-1913. 1913. Macmillan. 10/6. "Such a book is as interesting for its revelation of the varied equipment of a great proconsul as for its actual contents."-H. C. Shelley, in Boston transcript. The Nation, New York.


Fifty years of American idealism: the New York Nation, 1865-1915; selections and comments by Gustav Pollak. 1915. Houghton. $2.50. "A collection of significant editorials chosen from the Nation for the last fifty years. They are largely political and with the preface and occasional comment by the editor, they show that the Nation has upheld its early traditions for the best in our national life.”— A. L. A. booklist.

Hill, David Jayne.

The people's government. 1915. Appleton. $1.25.


""The people's government' is one of the very few books in which simplicity and profundity are at one. Much that is sound and deeply pondered has been written by various competent and sincere thinkers with a similar end in view-the end of establishing democracy upon sure principles and of proving the permanent value of our American institutions. It is doubtful, however, if any study so penetrating, so immediately convincing, so free from philosophic objections, as this of David Jayne Hill's has heretofore been given to the public."-North American review.

Humphreys, John H.


Proportional representation; a study in methods of election; with an introduction by the Rt. Hon. Lord Courtney of Penwith. 1911. Methuen. 5/.

"There is a rapidly increasing volume of public opinion to the effect that the systems of election now commonly prevailing work great injustice to a large number of voters in that under those systems large minorities and sometimes considerable majorities of voters are deprived of representation. The author of the book before us presents what he considers to be the gross injustice of this system of election and offers numerous illustrations both of voting results and of legislative and other evils which have flowed therefrom....What Mr. Humphreys advocates is 'the single transferable vote' or 'preferential voting.'...A considerable portion of the volume is devoted to an explanation of various systems which have been devised for the distributing of votes which have to be transferred."-Engineering news.

Phelps, Edith M., comp.


Selected articles on the recall, including the recall of judges and judicial decisions. 2d ed., rev. and enl. 1915. H. W. Wilson company, White Plains, N. Y. $1.00.


Bigelow, John.


World peace; how war cannot be abolished, how it may be abolished. 1916. M. Kennerley, N. Y. $1.50.

"An eminently hard-headed book. Major Bigelow crushes ruthlessly the various straws at which pacificism has eagerly clutched....On many points he will fail to convince the devotees of one or another remedy, but his argument is so cogently stated and so well reinforced by concrete examples from history that it must always be seriously considered."Nation.

Hibben, John Grier.

The higher patriotism. 1915. Scribner. $.60.

Jordan, David Starr.

Ways to lasting peace. 1916. Bobbs-Merrill. $1.00.


"An effort to summarize the most important of the various propositions which have been made during the great war to secure lasting peace at the end of the conflict."-Prefatory note.

Roosevelt, Theodore.

America and the world war. 1915. Murray. $.75.


Longstreth, Thomas Morris.



Reading the weather. 1915. Outing publishing company, N. Y. $.70. (Outing handbooks.)

Van Dyke, Charles.


The mountain; renewed studies in impressions and appearances. 1916. Scribner. $1.25.

This book, like the author's The Desert and The Opal Sea, is an aid to the study of landscape and the appreciation of the beauty of natural scenery. Roosevelt, Theodore, and Heller, Edmund. PG

Life-histories of African game animals; with illustrations from photographs, and from drawings by Philip R. Goodwin; and with forty faunal maps. 2v. 1914. Scribner. $10.00. Huntington, Ellsworth.

Civilization and climate. 1915. Yale university press. $2.50.


"Of the factors which influence civilization the author fixes on climate for special investigation. His book is based on recent investigations which have thrown new light on certain contradictions. These investigations are of two kinds. On the one hand they consist of studies of the daily work of several thousand factory workers and students of all seasons to ascertain the effects of change of weather and temperature. On the other they consist of studies of the past which go to show that wherever a nation has risen to greatness much the same climatic conditions seem to have existed as now exist in those parts of the earth where civilization is highest."-A. L. A. booklist.


Brewster, Edwin Tenney, and Brewster, Lilian.
Nutrition of a household. 1915. Houghton. $1.00.

Farmer, Fannie Merritt.



Boston cooking-school cook book; rev. with 125 new recipes, the recipes from the appendix and the addenda introduced in logical order throughout the book. 1915. Little, Brown. $1.80. Gillmore, Mrs. Maria (McIlvaine).


Meatless cookery, with special reference to diet for heart disease, blood pressure and autointoxication; introduction by L. F. Bishop. 1914. Dutton. $2.00.

Lincoln, Mary Johnson (Bailey), “Mrs. D. A. Lincoln."


The school kitchen textbook; lessons in cooking and domestic science for the use of elementary schools. 1915. Little, Brown. $.60. Maddocks, Mildred, ed. RZ

Pure food cook book, the Good housekeeping recipes, just how to buy-just how to cook; with an introduction on food and food values by H. W. Wiley. 1914. Hearst's international library co., N. Y. $1.00.

Neil, Marion Harris.


Canning, preserving, and pickling. 1914. D. McKay, Philadelphia. $1.00.

Nesbitt, Florence.


Low cost cooking; a manual of cooking, diet, home management and care of children for housekeepers who must conduct their homes with small expenditure of money. 1915. American school of home economics, Chicago. $.50.

Pretlow, Mary Denson, comp.

Small family cook book. 1915. McBride, Nast. $.75. Robinson Eva Roberta, and Hammel, H. G.



Lessons in cooking through preparation of meals; a correspondence course prepared to teach the art of cooking in the home, through a series of graded menus, with directions for preparing the meals, as well as the separate recipes. 1914. American school of home economics, Chicago. $2.00.

Keith, Walter Jewett.



The building of it; a pocket guide and manual on construction; completely rev. 1915. Enabling the home-builder to supervise the construction of his home and to remedy as well as recognize faulty work. Showing the contractor latest improved methods of construction. 1915. W. J. Keith, N. Y. $1.00.

Williams, Morris.


Stair builders' guide; a treatise on the construction of straight flight, platform, cylindrical and eliptical stairs, explaining the theory and practice so the average building mechanic may understand it, with examples of work ranging from the simplest to the most complex forms. 1914. D. Williams company, N. Y. $1.50. Kelly, Albanis Ashmun.


Expert wood finisher; a hand book for expert workmen and learners in the art and practise of finishing woods by staining, filling, varnishing, rubbing, polishing, oiling, waxing, etc. 2d ed. A. A. Kelly, Malvern, Pa. $3.00.

Lynde, Carleton John.

SM Home waterworks; a manual of water supply in country homes. 1912. Sturgis & Walton. $.75. (Young farmer's practical library.) MILITARY SCIENCE

Huidekoper, Frederic Louis.


Military unpreparedness of the United States; a history of American land forces from colonial times until June 1, 1915; with an introduction by Major General Leonard Wood. 1916. Macmillan. $4.00. Wood, Eric Fisher.


The writing on the wall; the nation on trial. 1916. Century. $1.00. Moss, James Alfred, and Stewart, Capt. M. B. UCA

Self-helps for the citizen-soldier; being a popular explanation of things military. 1915. George Banta publishing company, Menasha, Wis. $1.25.

"A very timely, clever and valuable book, profusely illustrated with photographs and a number of clever drawings by Lieut. W. E. Larned, 5th U. S. Inf. Although intended primarily for the civilian, it can well be read with benefit by the regular officer. He will see old familiar subjects in a new light."-Army and navy journal.

Cooper, James Fenimore.


History of the navy of the United States of America. Continued to 1856. From the author's manuscripts, and other authentic sources. 1856. Putnam.

"In some respects, relating to the War of 1812, Cooper's views have been called in question; but his story of the Revolutionary navy is the result of investigations that have not, on the whole, been improved upon. Cooper gives a list of the Continental cruisers, with the fate of each."-Justin Winsor, in Narrative and critical history of America.


Bishop, Farnham.


Story of the submarine. 1916. Century. $1.00.

Talbot, Frederick A.


Submarines; their mechanism and operation. 1915. Heinemann.



Bancroft, Jessie Hubbell, and Pulvermacher, W. D.


Handbook of athletic games for players, instructors, and spectators, comprising fifteen major ball games, track and field athletics and rowing races. 1916. Macmillan. $1.50.

Curtis, Henry S.


Practical conduct of play. 1915.



Davol, Ralph.


Handbook of American pageantry. 2d ed. 1914. Davol publishing company, Taunton, Mass. $2.50.

Forbush, William Byron.


Manual of play. 1914. George W. Jacobs, Philadelphia. $1.50. Richardson, Norman Egbert, and Loomis, O. E.


Boy scout movement applied by the church. 1915. Scribner. $1.50 Hornaday, William Temple.


Wild life conservation in theory and practice; lectures delivered before the Forest school of Yale university, 1914; with a chapter on Private game preserves by F. C. Walcott. 1914. Yale university press, New Haven. $1.50.

Van Vechten, Carl.



Music after the great war, and other studies. 1915. Schirmer, N. Y. $1.00.

Venable, Mary.


Interpretation of piano music. 1913. Oliver Ditson company, Boston. $1.25. (Music student's library.) Farrar, Geraldine.

My favorite songs.


1916. Oliver Ditson company, Boston. $1.00.

Bell, Clive.

Art. 1913. Stokes. $1.25.



"The root of Mr. Bell's argument is that a true work of art produces in us aesthetic ecstasy and emotion, and by doing so awakens and stimulates the spiritual side of our nature. The writer proceeds to inquire what it is in plastic art that causes this emotion, and we are told that the all-essential is significant form."-Spectator.

Cox, Kenyon.


Artist and public, and other essays on art subjects; with thirty-two illustrations. 1914. Scribner. $1.50.

Hirn, Yrjö.


The Sacred shrine; a study of the poetry and art of the Catholic church. 1912. Macmillan. $4.00.

"Prof. Hirn's exposition, which is marked throughout by a tone of sincerity and respect, will enable the non-Catholic to understand and appreciate better that intimate association of art and religion which has enriched the world with so many magnificent works of architecture, sculpture, painting, and other forms of artistic creation."-International studio. WC

Art museums and schools; four lectures delivered at the Metropolitan museum of art, by Stockton Axson, Kenyon Cox, G. Stanley Hall, and Oliver S. Tonks. 1913. Scribner. $1.00.

Contents: Museums of art and teachers of English, by Stockton Axson. -Museums of art and teachers of art, by Kenyon Cox.-Museums of art and teachers of history, by G. Stanley Hall.-Museums of art and teachers of the classics, by Oliver S. Tonks.

Eddy, Arthur Jerome.


Cubists and post-impressionism; with twenty-three reproductions in color of cubist and post-impressionist paintings and forty-six halftone illustrations. 1914. McClurg. $3.00.

Averill, Mary.


The flower art of Japan; with 129 illustrations. 1915. Lane. $1.50. Chase, Joseph Cummings. WS Decorative design; a text-book of practical methods. 1915. Wiley. $1.50. (Wiley technical series for vocational and industrial schools.) Ashley, Gertrude Porter, and Ashley, M. P. WSBA Raffia basketry as a fine art. 1915. The authors, Deerfield, Mass. $2.00.

"The book carries with it something of the fine qualities of old Deerfield itself."-School arts magazine.


Eagleton, Davis Foute, comp.


Writers and writings of Texas. 1913. Broadway publishing company, N. Y. $1.50.

Lucas' annual; ed. by E. V. Lucas. 1914. Macmillan. $.75.


"Purpose is to make a yearly collection of new work of living English writers. Includes a miscellany of sketches and stories, letters and verses, to which, among others, Barrie, Dobson, Bennett, Galsworthy, Hewlett, Hugh Walpole, and E. V. Lucas have contributed. Robert Louis Stevenson, Browning, and Ruskin are represented by characteristic letters, hitherto unpublished."-A. L. A. booklist.

Brooks, Charles Stephen.


Journeys to Bagdad; illustrated with original wood-cuts, by Allen Lewis. 1915. Yale university press, New Haven. $1.50.

"Much of the quiet humor, the delightful drollery, the ingratiating intimacy of personal confession, the seventeenth-century turn of expression, that make the 'Essays of Elia' so pleasing, will be found in the several brief disquisitions composing the 'Journeys to Bagdad.'"-Dial.

Meredith, George.


Up to midnight; a series of dialogues contributed by the Graphic, now reprinted for the first time. 1913. J. W. Luce and company,

Boston. $.75.

Roosevelt, Theodore.


The real Roosevelt; his forceful and fearless utterances on various subjects, selected and arranged by Alan Warner; with a foreword by Lyman Abbott. 1910. Putnam. $1.00.

Taylor, Jeremy.


Whole works; with an essay, biographical and critical. 3v. H. G. Bohn, London. 63/.

[blocks in formation]

Making of an American's library. 1915. Little, Brown. $1.00. "A series of essays reprinted from the Bookman 1913-14. libraries tend to encourage rather than discourage the ownership of books and the careful selection of private libraries."-A. L. A. booklist.

They aim to show that public

The author is the librarian of the St. Louis public library.

Hunt, Clara Whitehill.

What shall we read to the children. 1915. Houghton. $1.00.


A most excellent guide for parents and teachers written by the head of the Children's department of the Brooklyn public library, from a wide knowledge of children's literature and from unusual experience in guiding children's reading tastes.

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