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" ... have made any decisive representation. "We have therefore to make use of temporary expedients. A person dressed in a black coat and open waistcoat of the same colour, must put on a temporary front of a drab or flesh colour, or, by the time that his... "
Nature - Stran 27
uredili: - 1879
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Encyclopædia metropolitana; or, System of universal knowledge, Količina 16

Encyclopaedia - 1851 - 276 strani
...differing considerably, to be fairly copied; the white parts of a costume passing on to solarization before the yellow or black parts have made any decisive...flesh colour, or, by the time that his face and the fine shadows of his woollen clothing are evolved, his shirt will be solarized, and be blue, or even...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Photography: A Treatise on the Chemical Changes Produced by Solar Radiation ...

Robert Hunt - 1852 - 324 strani appears perfectly distinct upon the obscured glass of the camera. IMPROVEMENTS IN DAGUEKREOTYPE. to make use of temporary expedients. A person dressed...flesh colour, or, by the time that his face and the fine shadows of his woollen clothing are evolved, his shirt will be solarized, and be blue, or even...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

A Manual of Photography

Robert Hunt - 1853 - 356 strani
...fairly copied ; the white parts of a costume passing on to solarization before the yellow or black tints have made any decisive representation. We have, therefore,...flesh colour, or, by the time that his face and the fine shadows of his woollen clothing are evolved, his shirt will be solarized, and be blue, or even...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

A Manual of Photography

Robert Hunt - 1852 - 378 strani
...fairly copied ; the white parts of a costume passing on to solarization before the yellow or black tints have made any decisive representation. We have, therefore,...flesh colour, or, by the time that his face and the fine shadows of his woollen clothing are evolved, his shirt will be solarized, and be blue, or even...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Biographical Memoirs, Količina 2

National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) - 1886 - 410 strani
...representation of the veins on the back, which, if they are held motionless, are copied with surprising beauty. A person dressed in a black coat and open waistcoat of the same color must put on a temporary front of a drab or flesh color, or by the time that his face and the...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Scientific Memoirs, Being Experimental Contributions to a Knowledge of ...

John William Draper - 1878 - 502 strani
...differing considerably, to be fairly copied — the white parts of a costume passing on to solarization before the yellow or black parts have made any decisive...dressed in a black coat and open waistcoat of the same color must put on a temporary front of a drab or flesh color, or by the time that his face and the...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Romance of Modern Photography: Its Discovery & Its Achievements

Charles Robert Gibson - 1908 - 434 strani
...light. He was mindful of what he termed "temporary expedients."1 For instance, his instructions were : " A person dressed in a black coat and open waistcoat...flesh colour, or, by the time that his face and the fine shadows of his woollen clothing are evolved, his shirt will be solarised, and be blue, or even...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Marvels of Photography: Describing Its Discovery & Many of Its Achievements

Charles Robert Gibson - 1919 - 266 strani
...light. He was mindful of what he termed "temporary expedients."1 For instance, his instructions were : " A person dressed in a black coat and open waistcoat...flesh colour, or, by the time that his face and the fine shadows of his woollen clothing are evolved, his shirt will be solarised, and be blue, or even...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science

1840 - 570 strani
...differing considerably, to be fairly copied ; the white parts of a costume passing on to solarization before the yellow or black parts have made any decisive...flesh colour, or by the time that his face and the fine shadows of his woollen clothing are evolved, his shirt will be solarized, and be blue, or even...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

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