WORKS OF Alexander Pope Efq. In Nine Volumes Complete. WITH HIS LAST CORRECTIONS, ADDITIONS, AND IMPROVEMENTS; As they were delivered to the EDITOR a little ManevilterTHER WITH THE de Min OGETHER BIBLIOTHEK. Printed for J. and P. KNΑΡΤΟΝ, J. and R. TONSON, and S. DRAPER. MDCC LL Rar all 10238:1 Alte spectare si voles, neque fermonibus VULGI dederis te, nec in Præmiis humanis fpem pofueris rerum tuarum : fuis te illecebris oportet ipsa Virtus trahat ad verum decus. QUID DE TE ALII LOQUANTUR IPSI VIDEANT, SED LOCic. QUENTUR TAMEN. ADVERTISEMENT. R. POPE, in his last illness, amused himself, amidst the care of his higher concerns, in preparing a corrected and complete Edition of his Writings"; and, with his usual delicacy, was even folicitous to prevent any share of the offence they might occafion, from falling on the Friend whom he had engaged to give them to the Public. 2 " I own the late encroachments upon my con"stitution make me willing to fee the end of all further "care about me or my works. I would rest for the " one in a full refignation of my Being to be disposed " of by the Father of all Mercy; and for the other " (though indeed a trifle, yet a trifle may be fome ex"ample) I would commit them to the candour of a fen" fible and reflecting judge, rather than to the malice " of every short-fighted and malevolent critic, or inad"vertent and cenforious Reader. And no hand can fet " them in fo good a light, &c." Let. cxx. to Mr.W. b " I also give and bequeath to the faid Mr. War"burton, the property of all fuch of my Works already " printed as he hath written or fhall write Commenta"ries or Notes upon, and which I have not otherwise "disposed of or alienated; and as he shall publish "WITHOUT FUTURE ALTERATIONS." _ His last Will and Testament. |