where the manners of the people, and even their language, have a differ ent tone. The land ftill rifes by a gradual afcent; each fucceeding hil overlooks that which immediately precedes it, till, having advanced 220 miles in a north-weft direction from Charleston, the elevation of the land above the fea coaft is found by menfuration, to be about 800 feet. Here commences a mountainous country, which continues rifing to the western terminating point of this ftate. Soil and productions.] The foil may be divided into four kinds, first, the Pine-barren, which is valuable only for its timber. Interfperfed among the pine-barren, are tracts of land free of timber, and of every kind of growth but that of grafs. These tracts are called Savannas, conftituting a fecond kind of foil, good for grazing. The third kind is that of the fwamps and low grounds on the rivers, which is a mixture of black loam and fat clay, producing naturally canes in great plenty, cyprefs, bays, &c. In thefe fwamps rice is cultivated, which conftitutes the ftaple commodity of the ftate. The high-lands, commonly known by the name of oak and hiccory lands, conftitute the fourth kind of foil. The natural growth is oak, hiccory, walnut, pine, and locuft. On thefe lands, in the low country, are cultivated, Indian corn, principally; and in the back country, befides thefe, they raise tobacco in large quantities, wheat, rye, barley, oats, hemp, flax, cotton, and filk *. At the diftance of about 110 miles from the fea, the river fwamps for the culture of rice terminate, and the high lands extend quite to the rivers, and form banks in fome places, feveral hundred feet high from the furface of the water, and afford many extenfive and delightful views. Thefe high banks are interwoven with layers of leaves and different colored earth, and abound with quarries of free ftone, pebbles, flint, chryf. tals, iron ore in abundance, filver, lead, fulphur and coarfe diamonds. It is curious to obferve the gradations from the fea coaft to the upper country, with refpect to the produce-the mode of cultivation, and the cultivators. On the iflands upon the fea coaft, and for 40 or 50 miles back (and on the rivers much farther) the cultivators are all flaves. No white man, to fpeak generally, ever thinks of fettling a farm, and improving it for himself without negroes. If he has no negroes, he hires himfelf as overfeer, to fome rich planter, who has more than he can or will attend to, till he can purchafe for himfelf. The articles cultivated, are corn and potatoes, which are food for the negroes; rice and indigo, for exportation. The foil is cultivated almoft wholly by manual labor. The plough, till fince the peace, was fcarcely used, and prejudices still exist against it. In the middle fettlements negroes are not fo numerous. The mafter attends perfonally to his own bufinefs, and is glad to use the plough to affift his negroes, or himfelf, when he has no negroes. The foil is not rich enough for rice. It produces moderately good indigo weed; no tobacco is raifed for exportation. The farmer is contented to raise corn, potatoes, oats, poultry, and a little wheat.-In the upper country, many men have a few negroes, and a few have many; but generally fpeaking, the farmers have none, and depend, like the inhabitants of the * See the nature of the foil more particularly defcribed under this head in the defeription of Georgia. northera northern flates, upon the labor of themselves and families for fubfiftence, The plough is ufed almoft wholly. Indian corn, wheat, rye, potatoes, &c. are raifed for food, and large quantities of tobacco, and fome wheat and indigo for exportation. Manufactures. In the middle, and efpecially in the upper country, the people are obliged to manufacture their own cotton and woollen clothes. and most of their hufbandry tools; but in the lower country the inhabitants for thefe articles depend almoft entirely on their merchants. It is a fact to be lamented, that manufactures and agriculture, in this and the two adjoining ftates, are yet in the firft ftages of improvement. Conftitution.] In 1776, a temporary form of government was agreed to by the freemen of South Carolina, affembled in congrefs; and on the 19th of March, 1778, it was established by an act of the legislature. By this conftitution, the legislative authority is vefted in a general affembly, to confift of two diftinct bodies, a fenate, and houfe of reprefentatives. These two bodies, jointly by ballot, at their every first meeting, choose a governor and lieutenant governor, both to continue for two years, and a privy council, (to confit of the lieutenant-governor and eight other perfons) all of the proteftant religion. The governor and lieutenant-governor muft have been refidents in the ftate for 10 years, and the members of the privy-council 5 years, preceding their election, and poffefs a freehold in the ftate of the value of at least ten thousand pounds currency, clear of debt. The governor is eligible but two years in fix years, and is vefted with the executive authority of the ftate. The fenate are chofen by ballot, biennially, on the last Monday in November-thirteen make a quorum. A fenator must be of the protef tant religion-muft have attained the age of 30 years-muft have been a refident in the ftate at least 5 years: and muft poffefs a freehold in the parish or diftrict for which he is elected, of at leait £.2000 currency, clear of debt. The laft Monday in November, biennially, two hundred and two perfons are to be chofen in different parts of the ftate, (equally proportioned) to reprefent the freemen of the itate in the general affembly, who are to meet with the fenate, annually, at the feat of government, on the first Monday in January. All free whitemen of 21 years of age, of one year's refidence in the ftate, and poffeffing freeholds of 50 acrees of land each, or what shall be deemed equal thereto, are qualified to elect reprefentatives. Every fourteen years the reprefentation of the whole ftate is to be proportioned in the most equal and just manner, according to the particular and comparative firength and taxable property of the different parts of the fame. All money bills for the fupport of government, muft originate in the houfe of reprefentatives, and fhall not be altered or amended by the fenate, but may be rejected by them *. Ministers of the gospel are ineligible to any of the civil offices of the ftate. *This is in imitation of the British conflitution, while the reafons for this imitation do not exist. The The power of impeaching officers of the ftate is vefted in the houfe of reprefentatives. The lieutenant-governor, and a majority of the privy-council, exercife the powers of a court of chancery. Juftices of the peace are nominated by the fenate and reprefentatives, jointly, and commiflioned by the governor during pleasure. All other judicial officers are chofen by the fenate and representatives, jointly and (except the judges of the court of chancery) commiffioned by the governor during good behaviour. All religious focieties, who acknowledge that there is one God-a future ftate of rewards and punishments, and that God is to be publickly worshipped, are freely tolerated. The liberty of the prefs is to be preferved inviolate. No part of this conftitution is to be altered, without a notice of ninety days being previously given, nor then, without the confent of a majority of the members of the fenate and houfe of reprefentatives. Laws.] The laws of this ftate have nothing in them of a particular nature, excepting what arifes from the permiffion of flavery. The evidence of a flave cannot be taken against a white man, and the mafter who kills his flave is not punishable, otherwife than by a pecuniary mulet, and 12 months imprisonment. In an act of this ftate for regulating and fixing the falaries of feveral officers, paffed in March 1787, it was ordered that the governor fhould receive a falary of Four affociate judges, Attorney general, £.500 each Three delegates to congrefs, £.600 each Auditor of public accounts, Commiflioners of the treafury, £900 fterling. Other falaries of public officers mentioned in said. act to the amount of Total, 2000 200 1800 373 6:8 57: 8:8 }2,114: 0:0 £-7,958 15:4 State of Literature.] Gentlemen of fortune, before the late war, fent their fons to Europe for education. During the war and fince, they have generally fent them to the middle and northern ftates. Thofe who have been at this expence in educating their fons, have been but comparatively few in number, fo that the literature of the ftate is at a low ebb. Since the peace, however, it has begun to flourish. There are feveral flourishing academies in Charleston-one at Beaufort, on Port Royal island— and feveral others in different parts of the ftate. Three colleges have lately been incorporated by law-one at Charlefton, which is merely nominal-one at Winnsborough, in the district of Camden--the other at Cambridge, in the diftrict of Ninety-fix. The public and private donations for the fapport of thefe three colleges, were originally intended to have been appropriated jointly, for the erecting aud fupporting of one refpectable college. The divifion of thefe donations has fruftrated this defign. The Mount Sion college, at Winnsborough, is fupported by a refpectable fo, ciety ciety of gentlemen, who have long been incorporated. This inftitution flourishes, and bids fair for usefulness. The college at Cambridge is no more than a grammar fchool. That the literature of this ftate might be put upon a respectable footing, nothing is wanting but a spirit of enterprize among its wealthy inhabitants. ་ Indians.] The Catabaws are the only nation of Indians in this ftate. They have but one town, called Catabaw, fituated on Catabaw river, in latitude 34° °49′, on the boundary line between North and South-Carolina, and contains about 450 inhabitants, of which about 150 are fighting men. Religion. The people of this ftate, by the conftitution, are to enjoy the right of electing their own paftors or clergy; and what is peculiar to this ftate, the minifter, when chofen, is required by the conftitution, to fubfcribe to the following declaration, (viz.) That he is determined, by God's grace, out of the holy fcriptures, to inftruct the people committed to his charge, and to teach nothing (as required of neceffity to eternal falvation) but that which he fhall be perfuaded may be concluded and proved from the fcripture; that he will ufe both public and private admonitions, as well to the fick as to the whole, within his cure, as need fhall require, and occafion fhall be given, and that he will be diligent in prayers, and in reading of the holy fcriptures, and in fuch ftudies as help to the knowledge of the fame-that he will be diligent to frame his own felf and family according to the doctrine of Chrift, and to make both himself and them, as much as in him lieth, wholefome examples and patterns to the flock of Chrift; that he will maintain and fet forward as much as he can, quietnefs, peace and love among all people, and especially` among thofe that are or fhall be committed to his charge.' Since the revolution, by which all denominations were put on an equal footing-there have been no difputes between different religious focieties. They all agree to differ. The upper parts of this flate are fettled chiefly by Prefbyterians, Baptifts and Methodifts. From the most probable calculations, it is fuppofed that the religious denominations of this ftate, as to numbers, may be ranked as follows: Prefbyterians, including the Congregational and Independent churches-Epifcopalians, Baptifts, Methodists, &c. Population and Character.] The beft eftimate of the inhabitants in this flate which has been made, fixes their number at 80,000 white people, and as many negroes-fome fay there is 120,000 negroes in this ftate; but no actual cenfus has lately been made. On the fea coaft there are many more flaves than freemen. The bulk of the white population is in the weftern parts of the ftate. There is no peculiarity in the manners of the inhabitants of this ftate, except what arifes from the mifchievous influence of flavery; and in this, indeed, they do not differ from the inhabitants of the other fouthern states. Slavery, by exempting great numbers from the neceffities of labour, leads to luxury, diffipation and extravagance. The abfolute authority which is exercifed over their flaves, too much favours a haughty, fupercilious behaviour. A difpofition to obey the chriftian precept, To do to others as we would that others fhould do unto us,' is not cherished by a daily exhibition of many made for one. The Carolinians fooner arrive at maturity, both in their bodies and minds, than the natives of colder climates. They poffefs a natural quicknefs and vivacity of genius fuperior to the inhabitants of the north; but too generally want that enterprize and perfeverance, which are neceffary for the highest attainments in the arts and fciences. They have, indeed, few motives to enterprize. Inhabiting a fertile country, which by the labor of the flaves, produces plentifully, and creates affluence-in a climate which favors indulgence, eafe, and a difpofition for convivial pleafures, they too generally reft contented with barely knowledge enough to tranfact the common affairs of life. There are not a few inftances, however, in this ftate, in which genius has been united with application, and the effects of their union have been happily experienced, not only by this ftate, but by the United States. The wealth produced by the labor of the flaves, furnishes their proprie tors with the means of hofpitality; and no people in the world of thefe means with more liberality. Many of the inhabitants fpare no pains nor expence in giving the highest polish of education to their children, by enabling them to travel, and by other means unattainable by thofe who have but moderate fortunes. The Carolinians are generally affable and eafy in their manners, and polite and attentive to ftrangers. The ladies want the bloom of the north, but have an engaging foftnefs and delicacy in their appearance and manners, and many of them poffefs the polite and elegant accomplishments. Hunting is the most fashionable amusement in this state. At this the country gentlemen are extremely expert, and with furprising dexterity purfue their game through the woods. Theatrical exhibitions have been prohibited in Charleston. Gaming of all kinds is more discountenanced among fashionable people in this, than in any of the fouthern ftates. Twice a year, ftatedly, a clafs of fportive gentlemen, in this and the neighbouring ftates, have their horfe-races. Bets of ten and fifteen hundred guineas are fometimes laid on thefe occafions. There is no inftance, perhaps, in which the richer clafs of people tref pafs more on propriety than in the mode of conducting their funerals. That a decent refpect be paid to the dead, is the natural dictate of refined humanity; but this is not done by fumptuous and expenfive entertainments, fplendid decorations, and pompous ceremonies, which a mifguided fashion has here introduced and rendered neceffary. In Charleston and other parts of the state, no perfons attend a funeral any more than a wed ding, unless they are particularly invited. Wine, punch and all kinds of liquors, tea, coffee, cake, &c. in profufion, are handed round on thefe folemn occafions. In short, one would fuppofe that the religious proverb of the wife man, It is better to go to the houfe of mourning than to the houfe of feafting,' would be unintelligible and wholly inapplicable here, as it would be difficult to diftinguish the house of mourning from the house of feafting. The Jews in Charleston, among other peculiarities in burying their dead, have this: After the funeral dirge is fung, and just before the corpfe is depofited in the grave, the coffin is opened, and a fmall bag of earth, taken from the grave, is carefully put under the head of the deceased; then fome powder, faid to be earth brought from Jerufalem, and carefully kept for this purpose, is taken and put upon the eyes of the corpfe, in token of their remembrance of the holy land, and of their expectations of returning thither in God's appointed time, Ff Military |