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both to Spain and the United States. It may prevent jealoufies-lessen national prejudices-promote religious toleration, preserve harmony, and be a medium of trade reciprocally advantageous.

Besides, it is well known that empire has been travelling from east to west. Probably her last and broadeft feat will be America. Here the sciences, and the arts of civilized life, are to receive their highest improvement. Here civil and religious liberty are to flourish, unchecked by the cruel hand of civil or ecclefiaftical tyranny. Here genius, aided by all the improvements of former ages, is to be exerted in humanizing man.. kind-in expanding and enriching their minds with religious and philofophical knowledge, and in planning and executing a form of government, which shall involve all the excellencies of former governments, with as few of their defects as is confiftent with the imperfection of human affairs, and which shall be calculated to protect and unite, in a manner confiftent with the natural rights of mankind, the largest empire that ever exifted, Elevated with these profpects, which are not merely the vifions of fancy, we cannot but anticipate the period, as not far diftant, when the AMERICAN EMPIRE will comprehend millions of fouls, west of the Miffifippi. Judging upon probable grounds, the Missifippi was never designed as the western boundary of the American empire. The God of nature never intended that some of the best part of his earth should be inhabited by the subjects of a monarch 4000 miles from them. And may we not venture to predict, that, when the rights of mankind shall be more fully known, and the knowledge of them is faft increasing both in Europe and America, the power of European potentates will be confined to Europe, and their present American dominions, become like the United States, free, fovereign, and independent empires.

[blocks in formation]

Boundaries.] BOUNDED north, by Canada; eaft, by Connecticut

divides it from New-Hampshire; fouth,

by Massachusetts; west, by New-York.

Civil divifions.] Vermont is divided into the seven following counties:,

[blocks in formation]

Thefe counties are divided into townships, which are generally fix miles fquare. In every township is a referve of two rights of land, of 350 acres each; one to be appropriated for the fupport of public schools, the other to be given in fee to the first minifter who fettles in the townhip. A part of the townships were granted by the governor of NewHampshire, and the other part by that of Vermont. In thofe townships granted by the former, a right of land is reserved for the fupport of the gofpel in foreign parts; in thofe granted by the latter, a college right, and a right for the fupport of county grammar fchools, are referved. In these refervations, liberal provifion is made for the fupport of the gofpel, and for the promotion of common and collegiate education,

Rivers.] This ftate, on the caft fide of the mountain, is watered by Paupanhoofak, Quechey, Welds, White, Black and Weft rivers, which run from west to eaft into Connecticut river; and weft of the mountains, by the river Lamoil, over which is a natural stone bridge, feven or eight rods in length, by Onion river and Otter Creek, which empty by one mouth into Lake Champlain, 20 or 30 miles fouth of St, John's. Otter Creek is navigable for boats 50 miles. The lands adjacent are of an excellent quality, and are annually enriched by the overflowing of the water, occafioned by the melting of the fnow on the Green Mountains.

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Mountains.] A chain of high mountains, running north and fouth, divides this ftate nearly in the center between Connecticut river and Lake Champlain. The height of land is generally from 20 to 30 miles from the river, and about the fame diftance from the New-York line. tural growth upon this mountain is hemlock, pine, fpruce, and other evergreens; hence it has always a green appearance, and on this account has obtained the defcriptive name of Ver Mons, Green Mountain. On fome high parts of this mountain, fnow lies till May, and fometimes till June.

Face of the country, foil and productions.] The country is generally hilly, but not rocky. It is finely watered, and affords the best of pafturage for cattle. On the banks of the lakes, rivers and rivulets, are many fine tracts of rich interval land. The heavy growth of timber, which is common throughout the ftate, evince the ftrength and fertility of the foil. Elm, black birch, maple, afh and bafs-wood, grow in the moift low ground; and the banks of the rivers are timbered principally with white pine, intermingled with vales of beech, elm and white oak. The inhabitants cultivate wheat, 25 and 30 bushels of which grow on an acre, rye, barley, oats, Indian corn, &c. The corn, however, is frequently cut off by the early frofts, especially on the mountains and hills. That which grows on the banks of the rivers is not fo frequently injured. Flax is railed in confiderable quantities, and the foil is good for hemp. Potatoes, pumpkins, and garden roots and vegetables, grow here in great plenty. Large quantities of fugar, of a good quality and flavour, are made from the fugar maple.

Climate.] None in the world more healthy. Snow begins to fall commonly in the beginning of November, and is generally gone by the middle of April. During this feafon, the inhabitants generally enjoy a ferene fky, and a keen cold air. The ground is feldom frozen to any great depth, being covered with a great body of fnow, before the fevere


frofts begin. In the fpring, the fnow, in common, is gradually diffolved by the warm influences of the fun. In this way the earth is enriched and moistened, and fpring advances with furprizing quickness.

Militia, population and character.] There are upwards of 17,000 men upon the militia rolls of this ftate." Thefe confift of two divifions, one on the west, the other on the east fide of the mountain. In these two divifions are 7 brigades, which are made up of 21 regiments. From the number of militia, reckoning 5 for one, we may eftimate the number of inhabitants in the ftate at 85,000. Others, who reckon 6 for one, efti mate them at 100,000. The bulk of the inhabitants are emigrants from Connecticut and Maffachusetts, and their defcendents. There is one fettlement of Scotch people, which are almoft the only foreigners in the ftate. As to the character, the manners, the cuftoms, the laws, the policy and the religion of the people in Vermont, it is fufficient to fay they are New Englandmen.

Curiofities. In the township of Tinmouth, of the fide of a fmall hill, is a very curious cave. The chafm, at its entrance, is about four feet in circumference, Entering this you defcend 104 feet, and then opens a fpacious room 20 feet in breadth and 100 feet in length. The angle of defcent is about 45 degrees. The roof of this cavern is of rock, through which the water is continually percolating. The ftalactites which hang from the roof appear like icicles on the eyes of houfes, and are continually increafing in number and magnitude. The bottom and fides are daily incrufting with fpar aud other mineral fubftances. On the fides of this fubterraneous hall, are tables, chairs, benches, &c. which appear to have been artificially carved. This richly ornamented room, when illuminated with the candles of the guides, has an enchanting effect upon the eye of the fpectator, If we might be indulged in affigning the general cause of these aftonishing appearances, we should conclude from the various circumstances accompanying them, that they arife from water filtrating flowly through the incumbent ftrata; and taking up in its paffage a variety of mineral fubftances, and becoming thus faturated with metallic particles, gradually exuding on the furface of the caverns and fiffures, in a quiefcent ftate, the aqueous particles evaporate, and leave the mineral fubftances to unite according to their affinities.

At the end of this cave is a circular hole, 15 feet deep, apparently hewn out, in a conical form, enlarging gradually as you defcend, in the form of fugar loaf. At the bottom is a fpring of fresh water, in continual motion, like the boiling of a pot. Its depth has never been founded.

Conftitution,] The inhabitants of Vermont, by their reprefentatives in convention, at Windfor, on the 25th of December, 1777, declared that the territory called Vermont, was, and of right ought to be a free and independent ftate; and for the purpose of maintaining regular government in the fame, they made a folemn declaration of their rights, and ratified a conftitution, of which the following is an abstract.

Their declaration, which makes a part of their conftitution, afferts that all men are born equally free-with equal rights, and ought to enjoy liberty of confcience-freedom of the prefs-trial by jury-power to form new states in vacant countries, and to regulate their own internal



police that all elections ought to be free-that all power is originally in the people-that government ought to be inftituted for the common benefit of the community-and that the community have a right to reform or abolish government-that every member of fociety hath a right to protection of life, liberty and property-and in return is bound to contribute his proportion of the expence of that protection, and yield his perfonal fervice when neceffary-that he fhall not be obliged to give evidence against himself-that the people have a right to bear arms-but no ftanding armies fhall be maintained in time of peace-that the people have a right to hold themselves, their houses, papers, and poffeffions free from fearch or feizure-and therefore warrants without oaths first made, affording fufficient foundation for them, are contrary to that right and ought not to be granted-that no perfon fhall be liable to be tranfported out of this ftate for trial for any offence committed within this state,


By the frame of government, the fupreme legislative power is vefted in a houfe of reprefentatives of the freemen of the state of Vermont, to be chofen annually by the freemen on the firft Tuesday in September, and to meet the fecond Thursday of the fucceeding October-this body is vefted with all the powers neceffary for the legislature of a free statetwo thirds of the whole number of representatives elected, make a quo


Each inhabited town throughout the ftate, has a right to fend one reprefentative to the affembly.

The fupreme executive power is vefted in a governor, lieutenant-governor, and twelve counsellors to be chofen annually in the fame manner, and vefted with the fame powers as in Connecticut.

Every perfon of the age of 21 years, who has refided in the state one whole year next before the election of reprefentatives, and is of a quiet, peaceable behaviour, and will bind himself by his oath, to do what he Thall in confcience judge to be most conducive to the best good of the ftate, fhall be entitled to all the privileges of a freemen of this ftate.

Each member of the house of reprefentatives before he takes his feat, muft declare his belief in one God-in future rewards and punishments, and in the divinity of the fcriptures of the Old and New Testament, and muft profefs the proteftant religion.

Courts of juftice are to be established in every county throughout the ftate.

The fupreme court, and the feveral courts of common pleas of this flate, befides the powers ufually exercised by fuch courts, have the powers of a court of chancery, fo far as relates to perpetuating teftimony, obtaining evidence from places not within the ftate, and the care of the perfons and estates of those who are non compotes mentis, &c. All profecutions are to be commenced in the name, and by the authority of the freemen of the state of Vermont. The legislature are to regulate entails fo as to prevent perpetuities.

All field and staff officers, and commiffioned officers of the army, and all general officers of the militia, fhall be chofen by the general assembly, and be commiffioned by the governor.

Every feventh year, beginning with the year 1785, thirteen perfons (none of whom are to be of the council or affembly) fhall be chofen by the freemen, and be called the council of cenfors,' whofe duty it shall be to enquire whether the conftitution has been preferved inviolate in every part-whether the legislative and executive powers have been properly exercifed-taxes juftly laid and collected-the public monies rightly difpofed of-and the laws duly executed.-For these purposes, they shall have power to fend for perfons, papers, &c.—to pafs public cenfures-to order impeachments, and to recommend the repeal of all laws enacted contrary to the principles of the conftitution. They are to be vested with thefe powers for one year only, after the day of their election,

The council of cenfors, when neceffary, may call a convention, to meet within two years after their fitting-to alter the conftitution-the propofed alterations to be published at least fix months before the election of delegates to fuch convention.

Chief town.] BENNINGTON is the principal town in Vermont. It is fituated in the fouth-west corner of the ftate; near the foot of the Green Mountain. Its public buildings are a church for Congregationalists, .a court-house and gaol. It has a number of elegant houfes, and is a flourishing town. Near the center of the town is Mount Anthony, which rifes very high in the form of a fugar-loaf. The affembly commonly hold their feffions at Windfor.


For the new difcoveries on the north-west coast of America, fee the Voyages of Captains Portlock and Dixon.

+++ For the difcoveries in the South Seas, fee the Hiftory of New Holland with an introductory Preface on Banishment, by the Right Hon. Lord Aukland.

For the British fettlements in New South Wales, fee Governor Phillip's Voyage to Botany Bay, which includes feveral new difcoveries. SS Alfo Fleurieu's Difcoveries of the French in the South Sea. The above Books printed for J. STOCKDALE.

British American Dominions.



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UN NDER this name is comprehended all the tract of country, which

lies north of Canada, commonly called the Efkimaux country, including Labrador, now North and South Wales; faid to be 850 miles long, and 750 broad.

To fpeak generally, this is a mountainous, frozen, barren country, abounding with lakes, rivers and bays, that furnish plenty of fish. The fur of the various animals is close, soft and warm. The fishery and the fur trade are the only things which render this country valuable. This trade is in the hands of a company of nine or ten perfons, who received a charter in 1670, and whofe profits are not inconfiderable. One year they carried from Great-Britain, articles to the amount of £.16,060; and in return, carried furs and fish to the amount of £.29,380.


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