Slike strani

Levis, light; levity, alleviate, relief.

Lex (lēg-is), law; legal, legislate.
Liber, free; liberal, liberty.
Linquo (lict-um), I leave; relinquish,

relict, relics, delinquent. Litera, a letter; literal, literature,

literary, letters, obliterate. Locus, a place; location, dislocate. Longus, long; longitude, elongate. Loquor (locut-us), I speak; loqua

cious, eloquent, elocution. Lumen (lumin-is), light; illuminate, illumination, luminous. Lux (luc-is), light; lucid, pellucid. Magister, a master; magistrate,

magistracy, magisterial, master. Magnus, great; magnificent, mag

niloquent, magnify, magnate. Malus, bad; malady, malice, mal

treat, malevolent, malaria. Maneo (mans-um), I remain; man

sion, remain, permanent. Manus, the hand; manufacture, manual, manuscript, emancipate.

Mare, the sea; marine, mariner,

maritime, submarine.

Mater, a mother; maternal, matricide.

Maturus, ripe; mature, maturity. Medeor, I heal; medicine, remedy. Medius, the middle; medial, imme

diate, Mediterranean. Memini, I remember; memor, mind

ful; memorable, commemorate, memento, immemorial. Mens (ment-is), the mind; mental,

comment, vehement. Mergo (mers-um), I dip; submerge,

emerge, emergency, immersion. Merx (merc-is), goods; merchant,

mercantile, mercer, commerce. Metior (mens-us), I measure; immense, mensuration. Migro, I remove; migrate, migratory, emigrant, immigrant.

Miles (milit-is), a soldier; military, militant, militate, militia. Miror, I admire; admire, admirable, admiration, miracle, mirage.

Misceo, I mix; mixture, miscellaneous, promiscuous. Mitto (miss-um), I send; mission, missile, commit, submit, remit, transmit, promise.

Modus, a measure; mood, modify,

accommodate, commodious. Mons (mont-is), a mountain; mountain, promontory, surmount. Mors (mort-is), death; mortify, mortal, mortality.

Moveo (mot-um), I move; motion, movable, move, mobile, remove, commotion.

Multus, many; multiplex, multi

tude, multiply, multiple. Munus (munĕr-is), a gift; remunerate, munificent, municipal. Muto, I change; mutable, immut

able, commute, transmute. Nascor (nat-us), to be born; nascent,

natal, nativity, innate, cognate. Navis, a ship; navigate, navigator, navigation, naval, navy. Necto (nex-us), I tie; connect, connection, annex, annexation. Noceo, I hurt; noxious, obnoxious,

innocuous, innocent, innocence. Nomen (nomin-is), a name; nomi

nate, nomination, nominal, cognomen, denominate. Nosco (not-um), I know or mark;

note, notation, notable, notify. Novus, new; novel, novelty, novi

tiate, novice, innovation. Nox (noct-is), night; nocturnal, equinox, equinoctial.

Numero, I number; enumerate, numeration, innumerable. Nuntio, I announce; nuncio, annunciation, pronounce, de

nounce, renounce.

[blocks in formation]

Octo, eight; octave, octagon, October.

Odor, smell; odour, redolent.
Omnis, all; omnipotent, omni-

scient, omnipresent, omnibus. Onus (onĕr-is), a burden; onerous. exonerate.

Opes, wealth; opulent, opulence. Opus (opěr-is), a work; operate, operation, operative, co-operate.

Ordo (ordin-is), order; ordinal, ordinary, ordain, ordinance, subordinate.

Os (oss-is), bone; ossify, ossification. Pando (pans-um or pass-um), I spread; expand, expanse, com


Panis, bread; pantry, pannier, company, companion. Par, equal; (pair), par, parity, peer. Pareo, I appear; apparent, apparition.

Paro (parat-um), I prepare; prepare, repair, apparatus, apparel.

Pars (part-is), a part; partition,

particle, partial, compartment. Pasco (past-um), I feed; repast, pastor.

Pater, a father; paternal, patricide. Patior (pass-us), I suffer; patient,

impatient, passion, passive. Pauper, poor; pauper, poverty, impoverish.

Pax (pac-is), peace; pacify, pacific. Pello (puls-um), I drive; repel,

expel, expulsion, compel, pulse, impulse.

Pendeo (pens-um), I hang; de

pendent, suspend, pendulum, append, appendage.

Pendo, I weigh out, hence, I pay;

expend, expense, recompense. Pes (pěd-is), the foot; impede,

impediment, pedestrian, biped, pedestal.

Pingo (pict-um), I paint; picture.

picturesque, pigment, depict. Placeo, I please; placid, complacent, complacency.

Planus, level; plane, plain, plan. Plaudo (plaus-um), I clap the hands;

applause, (explode), plausible. Plecto (plex-um), I weave; complex, perplex, perplexity.

Plico, I fold; complicate, reply. Plus (plur-is), more; plurality, surplus.

Pona, punishment; penalty, repent. Pono (posĭt-um), I place; position, imposition.

Pons (pont-is), a bridge; pontiff, transpontine, pontoon. Populus, the people; populous, population, popular, public, publish.

Porto, I carry; export, report, import, portable, portfolio, porter, porterage, deportation, Possum, I am able; potens, able; possible, possibility, potency, potentate, impotent, impo


Poto, I drink; potion, potable, potation, poison.

Prehendo, I take; apprehend, comprehension, apprentice. Premo (press-um), I press; compress, repress, suppress, print, reprimand.

Pretium, a price; precious, appreciate, prize, appraise, depreciate. Primus, first; prime, primitive, primrose, primate, primer. Privo, I separate; deprive, privateer, private.

Probo, I try or prove; probable, prove, reproof.

Proprius, one's own; property, proprietor, appropriation.

Pugna, a fight; pugnacious, pugnacity, repugnant, impugn. Quæro (quæsit-um), I seek; quest, query, question, inquiry, inquisition. Quatuor, four; quadrilateral, square, quarry, quart, quadrant.

Radius, a ray; radiate, radiant,

irradiate, (ray).

Radix (radic-is), a root; radical, eradicate.

Ratio, reason; rational, ration, reason, reasonable. Rego (rect-um), I rule; regal, regu

late, regiment, rector, rectify. Rex (reg-is), a king; regal, inter

regnum, royal.

Rideo (rīs-um), I laugh; deride,

derision, ridicule, ridiculous. Rogo, I ask; interrogation, arrogate,

prorogue, derogatory. Rota, a wheel; rote, rotation,

rotund, round, routine. Rumpo (rupt-um), I break; rupture, disruption, irruption, eruption, abrupt.

Rus (rūr-is), the country; rural,

rustic, rusticate.

Sacer, sacred; sacrilege, sacrament, desecrate.

Salio (salt-um), I leap; sally, assail, assault, insult, [salmon = the leaping fish], salient.

Salus (salut-is), health; salvus, safe; salutary, salubrity, salubrious, salvation, Saviour.

Sanctus, holy; sanctify, saint. Sanguis (sanguin-is), blood; san

guine, sanguinary. Sano (sanat-um), I cure; sane,

insane, sanitary, sanitorium. Scando (scans-um), I climb; scala,

a ladder; scan, scale, ascend, ascent, descend, descent. Scio, I know; science, scientific, conscience, omniscient.

Scribo (script-um), I write; scribe,

scripture, manuscript, describe. Seco (sect-um), I cut; dissect,

bisect, insect, segment, section. Sedeo (sess-um), I set; sedentary, sediment, subside, residence. Senex, an old man; senile, senior, senate, senator.

Sentio (sens-us), I feel or perceive; sense, sentimental, sentient. Septem, seven ; septennial, September, Septuagint. Sequor (secut-us), I follow; sequel, consecutive, consequent, consequence, subsequent. Servio, I serve; servant, service,

servitor, servile, servitude. Servo, I preserve; reserve, conser

vative, conservatory, reservoir. Signum, a mark; sign, signify,

signal, designation, insignia. Similis, like; similar, similitude, resemble, dissemble, assimilate.

Solus, alone; solitary, sole, soliloquy.

Solvo (solūt-um), I loosen; absolve, resolve, solution, resolution. Specio (spect-um), I see; aspect, respect, retrospect, specious. Spero, I hope; despair, desperate. Spiro, I breathe; spiral, aspire,

inspiration, conspiracy, conspirator.

Statuo, I set up; sto (stat-um), to

stand; statute, statue, institute, restitution, extant, substance.

Struo (struct-um), I build; structure, (construe, destroy), destruction.

Sumo (sumpt-um), I take; assume,

resume, consumption. Tabula, a table; table, tabular, tablet, tabulate.

Tango (tact-um), I touch; tangible,

contact, contagious, contiguous.

Tempus (tempor-is), time; tempor

ary, temporal, extempore, tense. Tendo (tens-um), I stretch; extend,

contend, attend, superintend, intend, intension, tent. Teneo (tent-um), I hold; contain, contents, retain, retentive, tenable, tenacious, tenacity. Terminus, an end or boundary; term, terminus, determine, exterminate, extermination. Terra, the earth; terrestrial, subterranean, Mediterranean. Terreo, I frighten; terror, terrify, deter.

Testis, a witness; testator, testa

ment, testify, contest, protest. Texo (text-um), I weave; texture,

textile, context, pretext. Traho (tract-um), I draw; tractable,

contract, subtract, abstract. Tribuo, I give; tribute, contribute,

contribution, distribute.

Tribus, a tribe; tribe, tribune, tribunal.

Turba, a crowd; turbid, turbulent. Unda, a wave; undulate, inundate, inundation.

Unus, one; unity, union, unanim.

ity, unanimous.

Urbs, a city; urban, urbanity, suburb, suburban.

Vacca, a cow; vaccine, vaccinate. Valeo, I am strong; valid, valour, valiant, prevail, prevalent.

Vanus, empty; vain, vanish, vanity. Veho (vect-um), I carry; vehicle,

convey, inveigh, invective. Venio (vent-um), I come; venture, advent, prevent, revenue. Ver, the spring; verdant, vernal, verdure.

Verbum, a word; verb, verbal, verbose, proverb.

Verto (vers-um), I turn; version, controvert, divert, diversion, avert, aversion.

Vestis, a garment; invest, vesture.
Vetus (vetĕr-is), old; veteran.
Via, a way; deviate, obviate,
obvious, previous.

Video (vis-um), I see; vision, visible, provide, provident, provision.

Vinco (vict-um), I overcome; victor, victory, convince, invincible. Vita, life; vital, vitality. Vivo (vict-um), I live; victuals, survive, survivor, revive. Voco, I call; vox (võc-is), the voice; voice, vocal, convocation, revoke, vociferate, advocate, equivocal.

Volo, I wish; involuntary, volition, benevolence, malevolence. Volvo (volut-um), I roll; volume, involve, evolve, revolve, revolution.

Vulgus, the common people; vulgar, divulge.


Agōn, a contest; agony, antagonist. Angelos, a messenger; angel, evangelist.

Anthropos, a man; misanthrope, philanthropy.

Archō, I begin or rule; monarch, archaic [= early]; archbishop, archdeacon.

Arctos, a bear; Arctic, Antarctic, Arcturus,

Arithmos, number; arithmetic. Aster or astron, a star; astronomy, astrology, asteroid, disaster.

Atmos, vapour; atmosphere.
Autos, self; autocrat, autograph.
Baptō, I dip; baptise, baptist.
Baros, weight; barometer.

Biblos, a book; Bible, bibliomania.
Bios, life; biography, biology.

Byrsa, a hide, skin; bursar, purser, Bourse.

Chole, bile; melancholy.

Chriō, I anoint; Christ, chrism. Chronos, time; chronology, chronic, chronicle.

Deka, ten; decagon, decalogue. Dēmos, the people; democrat, en

demic, epidemic.

Dokeō, to think; doxa and dogma,

an opinion; doxology, orthodox, heterodox, dogma, dogmatic.

Eu, well; eucharist, euphony, evangelist.

Ge, the earth; geography, geometry, geology.

Graphō, I write; gramma, a letter ;

graphic, grammar, telegraph, biography, diagram. Hemi, half; hemisphere. Hieros, sacred; hierarchy, hieroglyphic.

Hippos, a horse, hippopotamus, hippodrome.

Hodos, a way; method, period, exodus.

Homos, the same; homoeopathy, homogeneous.

Hydōr, water; hydraulic, hydrophobia.

Kalos, beautiful; caligraphy, calotype.

Krino, I judge; critic, criticism,

criterion, hypocrite.

Kyklos, a circle; cycle, cycloid, cyclone.

Lithos, a stone; lithograph, aerolite. Logos, a word, speech; logic, dia

logue, geology.

Metron, a measure; metronome, dia

meter, thermometer, barometer. Monos, alone; monastery, monogram, monosyllable. Naus, a ship; nautical.

Nekros, a dead body; necropolis. Nomos, a law; autonomous, astronomy, Deuteronomy.

Onoma, a name; anonymous, synonymous, patronymic. Orthos, right; orthodoxy, orthography.

Pan, all; pantheist, panoply, pantomine.

Pathos, feeling; pathetic, sympathy. Pente, five; pentagon, pentateuch, Pentecost.

Pherō, I bear; periphery, phosphorus [= the light-bearer]. Phileō, I love; philosophy, Philadelphia.

Phōs (phōt-os), light; photometer, photograph.

Physis, nature; physics, physiology, physician.

Planaō, I cause to wander; planet. Poieō, I make; poet, poetic, pharmacopoeia.

Polis, a city; metropolis.


Polys, many; polytheist, Polynesia, polyanthus.

Pous (pod-os), a foot; antipodes. Skopeō, I see; microscope, tele

scope, spectroscope, bishop [from episkopos, an overseer]. Sophia, wisdom; sophist, philosophy.

Stellō, I send; apostle, epistle.
Stratos, an army; strategy, strategic.
Technē, an art; technical.
Tēlě, distant; telegraph, telegram,

telescope, telephone.

Tetra, four; tetrachord, tetrarch. Theos, a god; theist, theism,

enthusiast, theology.

Thermē, heat; thermal, thermometer, isotherm.

Treis, three; triangle, trigonometry, trilobite.

Edinburgh: Printed by W. & R. Chambers.

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