Schola: Be a Volunteer, Succeed at School

Sprednja platnica
Mojca Kovačič, Marjeta Pisk, Dan Podjed
Založba ZRC, 3. jun. 2018 - 106 strani

In this book, we present the results of a two-year project that was carried out by partners in five European countries with the financial support of the EU Erasmus+ programme. The project addressed young people and mentors and helped them understand the importance of non-formal and informal education, supported by volunteering, in preventing early school leaving. In this way, the project team put special attention on recognising the key competences that young people acquire through their voluntary work. The initial goal of the project was to test ideas and concepts at the local levels – to see which approaches are the most appropriate in a certain country, socio-cultural framework and even on a micro-level of schools and other institutions involved in the project. The book offers theoretical contribution on the topic of the project as well as presents the working process from individual countries – Belgium, France, Italy, Poland and Slovenia.


V knjigi predstavljamo rezultate dveletnega projekta, ki smo ga partnerji iz petih evropskih držav izvedli s finančno podporo programa EU Erasmus +. Projekt je obravnaval mlade in mentorje ter jim pomagal razumeti pomen neformalnega in priložnostnega izobraževanja, ki ga pridobijo preko prostovoljstva, pri preprečevanju zgodnjega opuščanja šolanja. Projektna skupina je namenila posebno pozornost prepoznavanju ključnih kompetenc, ki jih mladi pridobivajo s svojim prostovoljnim delom. Prvotni cilj projekta je bil preizkus idej in konceptov na lokalni ravni, da bi ugotovili, kateri pristopi so najprimernejši v določeni državi, socialno-kulturnem okolju in tudi na mikro ravni šol in drugih institucij, vključenih v projekt. Knjiga ponuja teoretični prispevek na temo projekta in predstavlja delovni proces posameznih držav - Belgije, Francije, Italije, Poljske in Slovenije.


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