of capitals, consequently we are almost led to think that such letters were thrown promiscuously amongst the type, finding, wherever they chanced to lodge, "a local habitation and a name." However, as we never remember to have found them in the middle of a word, there may have been some rule to govern such a contingency. It would not be surprising if this promiscuous and generous use of big letters first caused Lindley, the son of Robert Murray, proprietor of the "leathern conveniency" of colonial days, to project his grammar. Address of the Minister and Elders of the French Church in New York. TO THE HONNBLE HER MAJESTIES COUNCELL FOR THE PROVINCE OF NEW YORK. Wee the Ministers & Elders of the Reformed Protestant french Church within the citty of new york cannot sufficiently express our abhorrance of that Wicked, and Sacrileges Fact, committed the Night Between Tuesday and wednesday Last, by some Impious Persons in Trinity Church within this Citty: Being a structure built and dedicated to the service of God, the discovery and Punishment of wich hainous crime, wee estime ourselves, so deeply concerned in, to the end it may deterr others from attempting the Like on that, our, or any other Building sett apart for divine worshipp within this citty; That wee humbly take Leave to offer to your honnours, That iff his Excellency, or your honnble board, shall think fitt to Issue a proclamation with a Reward to the Person that shall make a discovery of the said wicked offense; we shall Cheerfully contribute the sume of tenn Pound towards an Incouragement for the Person that shall make such a discovery, and in duty bound wee shall pray, &c. New York 16th LEWIS ROU.\. Minister of the French Church in N. York JOHN BARBARIE Elder LOUIS CARRÉ ancien The date of André's marriage is not recorded in the register of the French church, which is explained by the fact of the frequent interruptions in its services. Marriages and baptisms were frequently performed for the Huguenots in Trinity or in the Dutch church. André's marriage does appear in the register of the Dutch church, but the baptisms of all his children are registered in the French church, and in the following order : Baptême. Auiourdhui dimanche 29° de Juillet 1711 mons Louis Rou notre pasteur a Baptisé André Fresneau né le 24e de ce mois à 3 heures du matin fils de André Fresneau et de Marie Morin presenté au St Baptême aprest la priere du soir par la Sr Morin et Judith Jamain Parein et mareinne. L. Rou Pasteur ANDE FRESNEAU Baptême. Aiourdhuy dimanche 8 fevrier 1713 aprest la priere du soir monsieur Louis Rou a Baptisé Marie Fresneau née le 4o de ce mois fille d'André Fresneau et de Marie sa femme presentée au St Baptême par le dit André Fresneau et Marie Morin Parein et marienne. L. Rou min. ANDE FRESNEAU Baptesme. A la nouvelle york de 9me d'octobre 1715 auiourdhuy dimanche aprest la priere du soir mons Louis Rou a Baptisé Marguerite Fresneau née de 8e de ce mois fille de André Fresneau et de Marie son Epouse presenté au St Baptême par Alexandre Allaire et Marguerite Morin parain et mareine. L. Rou ministre ANDE FRESNEAU Baptême Le samedy 11me Janvier 1717 avant mydy Est né Pierre Fresneau fils d'André Fresneau et de Marie Morin bap tisé par Mons. Louis Rou en sa maison la dimanche 19e du même mois presenté au St Baptême par Mons' René Het et Mad. Ester Charron Parain et maraine. L. Rou Pasteur ANDRÉ FRESNEAU ESTER CHARRON Baptême. A la nouvelle york ce 11me de Mars 1718 Auiordhui mercredy aprest la priere du matin Mons. Louis Rou a Baptisé Thomas Louis Fresneau né le 5me de ce mois fils de Mons André et Marie Fresneau presenté au St Baptême par Mons Thomas Bayeux et Madle Ester Morin Parrain et mar raine. L. Rou ministre ANDRÉ FRESNEAU Baptême, a la Nouvelle york ce 24o de Juillet 1720 Auiourdhuy dimanche aprest l'action du soir Mons Moulinars a Baptisé François Fresneau né le 2a de ce mois fils de monsieur André Fresneau et de Marie son Epouse presenté au St Baptême par monsieur Louis Allaire et Made Judy Morin parain et marrainne. J. J. MOULINARS Pasteur ANDRÉ FRESNEAU We find the name of André Fresneau mentioned in the Journal of John Fontaine, a kinsman of the celebrated Commodore Maury. As this Journal depicts the condition of New York City, as well as its society, at the time of Mr. Fresneau's residence there, we will copy that particular portion of it. A few words as to its author may not be out of place as an introduction. The family of John Fontaine, or de La Fontaine, were Huguenot refugees who left their native land at the time of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, taking up their residence in England. At the age of seventeen, and in the year 1710, John de La Fontaine received the appointment of ensign in Lord Shaw's |