Slike strani

refuge, which was prolonged, notwithstanding the attempts of the French commandant of Bastia to secure his person, until he heard the final resolution of the allied powers on his behalf. This had been solicited at Paris by one of his former aidde-camps, an Anglo-Italian, named Macirone, through whom Murat desired permission to reside in England. The request was most prudently rejected on the part of Lord Castlereagh. The British laws, customs, and particularly the habits of the people, render our island a most improper place of residence for persons whom it is desirable to seclude from political intrigues, or from unrestrained intercourse with the rest of Europe. Murat, in the power of the allies, must always have been regarded as a prisoner of state, although at large, and on his parole; and such a prisoner can be only kept with perfect safety under a government, which possesses strong powers of coercion, in case the personal freedom permitted to him should be found liable to abuse. There was, however, due respect paid to the misfortunes of a king, who had once been the ally of Britain and Austria. The agent of Murat was supplied by Prince Metternich with a note of the conditions, upon compliance with which the EmSept. 1. peror of Austria was willing to grant an asylum to King Joachim. I. That he should assume the name of a private person; and that which the queen had adopted was proposed to him. II. That he might chuse his residence in any town, either in Bohemia, Moravia, or Upper Austria; or should he prefer a country residence in any of these provinces, his wishes would not be opposed. III. King Joachim was to engage his word to the emperor, that he would not quit the Austrian states without his express consent, and that

he would live as a private individual of distinction, subject, however, to the laws of these states. On these conditions he was offered a passport to proceed to Trieste, for the purpose of joining his wife and family.

More mild and honourable conditions were surely never proposed to a man in Murat's situation, and they were such as he would gladly have accepted, when he transmitted from Toulon to the hands of Fouché his resolution to submit his person to the disposal of the allies. But upon his arriving at Corsica, he had unfortunately found about four hundred of his followers, chiefly officers discharged from the Neapolitan army, or who had fled upon the return of Ferdinand. A desperate man, surrounded by desperadoes, he now assumed once more the regal character, took possession of the town of Ajaccio, and proceeded to levy soldiers with the avowed purpose of an attempt to recover Naples. For this purpose, he purchased five small vessels, and a quantity of arms and ammunition. Macirone, the bearer of Prince Metternich's proposal, found Joachim at Ajaccio in mimic state, having sentinels mounted, and his colours displayed before the door of his house. His reception of Prince Metternich's articles plainly shows, that his offer to retire into England was with the secret purpose of waiting a favourable opportunity again to assert his supposed right to his kingdom. But Austria afforded no facilities of this kind: There was there neither an opposition, to whom he might appeal,-nor a disaffected jacobinical faction, with whom he might intrigue,-nor the opportunity of maintaining a correspondence with the malcontents of France and Italy. If Murat accepted the terms of the emperor, it could only be with the certainty that he would not be permitted to elude them in letter or

in spirit. Life, safety, opulence, all to be enjoyed in the society of his family, seemed tasteless to this victim of ambition, who, having experienced that chance could raise to a throne the waiter of a pot-house, was unwilling to admit that fortune could resume the grandeur she had Sept. 25. conferred. While, by a letter addressed to Macirone, he pretended to accept the conditions proposed to him, by anoSept. 28. ther, dated only three days later, he refused them with contempt. "I will not accept," were his expressions, "the conditions which you are charged to offer me. I perceive nothing in them but an absolute abdication, on the mere condition that I shall be permitted to exist, but in eternal captivity, subjected to the arbitrary action of the laws under a des potic government." He expressed himself confident in the attachment of his army. "I am going to join them-They are all eager to see me again at their head-They, and every class of my well-beloved subjects, have preserved to me their affections-I have not abdicated-I have a right to recover my crown, if God gives me the force and means."

The truth was, that, forgetting alike the difference of times, circumstances, countries, and personal talents, Murat had imagined to himself the possibility of effectuating a second revolution in Naples, such as Buonaparte Sept. 28. had so lately accomplished in France. For this purpose, he sailed, with his flotilla of five vessels, with the purpose of disembarking at Salerno. In imitation of his grand prototype, he had prepared a proclamation, which might almost be regarded as a parody on those of Buonaparte. "He had determined," he said, "to retire from public life, when he learned that the insulting term 'hostile banditti,' had been applied to

that Neapolitan army, which was composed of the flower of the nation. He then resumed his resolution, and, heading the brave men who had formerly fought under him, was come to maintain the honour of the army, and his own rights." The nation was exhorted to fly to arms; the amaranth was appointed as the national colour, and the Neapolitan ladies were invited to adorn themselves therewith. The proclamation would not have been faithful to the style of the great original, had it not exhibited a sufficient portion of falsehood. The Neapolitans were thereby assured, that the allied powers would not again arm themselves against King Joachim. The emperor, formerly deceived with respect to the real political state of Naples, would now, it was averred, become his ally, and it would be an insult to the good faith of the British cabinet to suppose it would hesitate to repair the injury it had done, by taking up arms against the rightful sovereign of Naples. All this eloquence, and much more to the same purpose, was doomed to reach no farther than the deafened and thankless ears of a few rude Calabrian fishers. A storm dispersed the five small vessels in their passage from Corsica to the coast of Naples, and when it subsided, Murat found the felucca in which he was embarked separated from the others, and atthe entrance of the Gulf of St Euphemia. The chance of any force he might obtain by waiting to collect his flotilla, was not to be balanced with the risk of delay. Joachim, dressed in a rich uniform, and attended by about thirty officers, among whom was General Franceschetti, disembarked at Pizzo. On his entering the market-place of the little town, numbers came to gaze on him, but none to join him. He collected horses, mounted his retinue, and proceeded towards Monteleone, the ca

Oct. 8.

pital of Calabria. On his way, he met a colonel of gens d'armes, by name Trentacapelli, whom he commanded to follow him. The officer eluded the request, afraid, probably, of being detained had he given a direct refusal. "My king," he replied, "shall be he whose flag shall be displayed on the castle of Monteleone.' Murat permitted him to proceed on his journey. On arriving at Pizzo, Trentacapelli found the inhabitants taking arms in the cause of Ferdinand, under command of Seignior Alcala, the steward of the Duke del Infantado, to whom the village belongs. Colonel Trentacapelli put himself at their head, and hastened to pursue Murat, who was already half way on his journey to Monteleone. With the fool-hardy infatuation that seems to have characterized most of his measures, Joachim concluded that the strong party which advanced from Pizzo, were following with the purpose of joining him, and determined to wait their arrival. On their approach, the shout of Viva il Re Gioachino! which was raised by his attendants, was answered by a volley of musketry. A smart skirmish ensued, in the course of which Murat fired his last pistol in the face of Trentacapelli, but without killing him; and at length, breaking through the enemy, with about twelve followers, all of whom, save himself, were wounded, he regain ed, at full gallop, the sea-beach, near the place where he had disembarked. Here all hopes of escape terminated. The commander of the felucca from which he had disembarked had taken the alarm on hearing the firing, and, giving up Murat for lost, bore away from the coast. Joachim threw himself into a fishing-boat, and endeavour ed to get it launched. The fisherman and his comrades pulled the boat to the beach, and surrounded him. As a last effort, he produced the passport for Trieste. It was too late. A female

rushed upon him, and tore off his decorations, and he was conveyed before General Nanziante, the commander of Calabria, where he underwent a short examination.

-News of the capture of Murat was carried to Naples by telegraph, and by the same expeditious means an order was conveyed to the commandant of the military district in which he had landed, to subject him to a trial by martial law. His trial and condemnation were very summary; for the lot of a captive and defeated pretender is seldom long dubious. He was found guilty by the court-martial, unanimously, of having attempted to excite rebellion and civil war, and the president, General Nanziante, passed sentence of death accordingly. The justice of this doom is vindicated by the general law of nations; yet, considering that Murat, though now unquestionably a private man, had been so lately numbered among those who make peace or war at their pleasure, a firm government would have disdained, and an humane monarch hesitated, to execute the sentence. It is said, accordingly, that Ferdinand expressed some scruples at signing the fatal warrant, until reminded that the unsettled state of his newly recovered kingdom did not permit him in prudence to spare the forfeit life of his unhappy rival. The sentence of death was executed in the same day. Murat made it his request that he should be shot by a party of his own guard, which was of course refused. With unnecessary cruelty, the Neapolitan officer denied him the use of scissars to cut off his hair, which he wished to send to his family. At the last fatal moment he behaved with the courage to be expected from Le beau sabreur, placed on his breast a picture of his wife, refused to have his eyes bandaged, or to use a seat, received six balls through his head, and fell without a

groan. His remains were interred in the chapel belonging to the castle in whose hall the execution had taken place.

Thus fell Murat, who, from the meanest rank of society, had raised himself by military courage alone,-for he was devoid of talents,-to the throne of one of the most delightful countries in Europe. Had he made active war during the campaign of 1814, he would have avoided the suspicions of Britain and Austria, or had he remained at peace in the subsequent year, he would have appeased their resentment, and, in either case, retained his rank among the kingdoms of Europe. His remarkable history is less striking, from its being interwoven with that of Buonaparte, to which it forms but an episode. Future times, however, could they forget the massacres of September at Paris, and the 4th of May in Madrid, might assign to Murat a fairer rank than his patron and relative. As a king, he conferred many benefits on his subjects, and was generous and hospitable in his intercourse with

strangers; as a soldier, he led his
men in person against the cannon to
which he exposed them, and as a ge-
neral, he never forsook his army until
it abandoned him. The circumstan-
ces of his death he had himself fore-
told, when he weighed in his rashness,
and instigated, probably, by the pas
sions of others as well as his own, the
various dangers by which he was sur-
rounded. "A king," he said, "who
could not keep his sovereignty, had
no alternative but a soldier's death;
and though a prison might be offered
to him as an asylum, a grave
be at no great distance."

His fall, in a political point of view,
was of importance to the tranquillity
of Europe; for while Murat continued
to live and reign, his court must have
been the natural asylum of the disaf-
fected French, and, liable as Joachim
was to be acted upon by the insinua-
tions of others, there can be little
doubt that, at some future time, he
would have adventured
of ambition for revolutionizing Italy.




Buonaparte attempts to conciliate Foreign Powers.-His Decrees for educating Youth, and abolishing the Slave Trade.-A Plot to carry off the Empress and her Child is detected at Vienna.-Versatility of the French Men of Letters.-Disputes between Buonaparte and his Ministers.-Proclamations of Louis XVIII.-Activity of the Royalists of Paris.-Buonaparte pays Court to the Federates.-Their Procession and Review.-Preparations for War.-Commissioners sent into the Departments.-Disinclination to the War, and Disaffection, prevail generally.-Fouché's Report on these Particulars.-Buonaparte leaves the Tuilleries, and goes to the Palace of Elysee-Bourbon.-He Publishes the additional Act to the Constitutions of the Empire.— Objected to as not originating with the Nation-And as being only an Appendix to the Imperial Code of Constitutions.—It is generally disliked-But subjected to the Votes of the French People.-Illusory Nature of the Sanction thus obtained.-Buonaparte's Brothers arrive at Paris.-Ceremony of the Champ de Mai-Acceptance of the Constitution.-Delivery of the Eagles to the Troops.-Meeting of the Legislative Chambers.-Character of the Chamber of Peers-Of Representatives.-The Chamber of Representatives disputes with Napoleon on Points of Form.-Speech of Buonaparte to the Chambers. Address of the Peers.-Address of the Representatives.-Buonaparte's Reply to that Address.

WHILE Murat was struggling and sinking under his evil fate, Buonaparte was actively preparing for the approaching contest. His first at tempt, as we have already seen, was to conciliate the allied powers. To satisfy Great Britain, he passed an act abolishing the slave trade, and some regulations concerning national education, in which he spoke highly of the systems of Bell and Lancaster. But this approximation of sentiments was too obviously designed to flatter British habits of thinking, to produce much good effect. We have seen, hat these measures were more favour

ably construed by some of our legislators, and that they were so is a complete proof that Buonaparte understood the temper of our nation. To suppose, that, during his ten months of retirement, his mind was actively employed upon the miseries of the negroes, or the deplorable state of ignorance to which his own measures, and the want of early instruction, had reduced the youth of France, would argue but little acquaintance with his habits of ambition. believe, on the contrary, that he would, at his first arrival in France, make any apparent sacrifices which


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