Slike strani

him; and at the same time Shuttleworth, as a confirmation of the reality of their intention, put the ramrod into the gun to show the man that the piece was charged. The prisoner, nevertheless, took to his heels immediately, and Shuttleworth, in his haste to put his threat in execution, instantly levelled his gun, without extracting the ramrod, and fired; the charge of the gun, together with the ramrod, entered the body of the unfortunate prisoner, who turned round, and attempted again to strike his assailants, but fell, and in a short time expired. The verdict of the coroner's inquest was wilful murder.


1st.-TRIAL AND CONDEMNATION OF MARSHAL NEY.-The following from the Paris papers, is an account of the trial, condemnation, and execution of Marshal Ney. This great and necessary sacrifice has been made with all the solemnity and impar tiality due to the magnitude of the crimes he committed, and to the character and justice of the court by which he was tried.-After his defence had been gone through against the evidence brought forward on the part of the prosecution, the marshal, it appears, reserved another ground of justification. It was a peremptory requisition, to be comprehended in, and to be allowed to take the benefit of, the Military Convention of Paris. This plea was overruled by the court, and Ney, finding it unavailing, and reduced to despair, exclaimed, "Until this moment my defence has been uncontrouled, but now I perceive that it is clogged and fettered. I prefer not having any defence set up for me to one which is but the mockery of a defence. am accused against the faith of treaties,


and I am prohibited from appealing to them. I shall act like Moreau; I appeal to Europe and posterity."

The Chamber of Peers voted five times in the course of their deliberations before they agreed to his conviction and the sentence of death. The first nominal appeal decided the question respecting the reception given by the marshal to the usurper's emissaries in the night between the 13th and 14th of March, by a majority of 113 to 47. The charge of having excited, by the proclamation of the 14th, his army to rebellion and desertion, of having ordered his troops to join the usurper, and of having at their head effected the junction, formed the second question, which was unanimously carried, with the exception of a single vote, which was withheld. The nature or designation of the crime constituted the third appeal, which was declared high treason, and a violation of the safety of the state, by an almost unanimous decision. The two last appeals took place on the application of punishment, which was pronounced death, according to the military forms, by a majority of 139. The conduct of Ney appears to have been essentially altered from the instant he was convinced that he had no prospect of esca ping. He became collected, firm, bold, and vehement in his remarks and interruptions during the trial, and he heard his sentence with perfect composure.

THE KING'S HEALTH.-The following bulletin was exhibited on Sunday at St James's :

"Windsor Castle, Dec. 2. "His majesty has enjoyed good bodily health during the last month, and has in general been very tranquil; but his majesty's disorder is not abated."

(Signed as usual.) BUONAPARTE'S ARRIVAL AT ST HELENA.-Government have received dispatches from Sir George Cockburn

from St Helena, dated the 25th October he had arrived there on the 15th. Buonaparte is stated to be in good health and tolerable spirits. The persons of his suite are also well, but are reported to be heartily sick of their expedition.

6th. EDINBURGH.-On Saturday evening, about six o'clock, their Royal Highnesses the Archdukes John and Lewis, brothers to the Emperor of Austria, attended by Count Woyna, chamberlain, Count St Julien, secretary, Haffer Wittmensteden, and Dr Fischer, arrived at the Royal Hotel, Prince's-street. Shortly after, they were waited on by the Lord Provost, the Lord Advocate of Scotland, General Wynyard, and several other gentlemen, to welcome their arrival. These distinguished characters visit Edinburgh in the course of a tour through England and Scotland.

7th EXECUTION OF MARSHAL NEY.-The sentence was carried into execution this morning, at twenty minutes past nine o'clock.

Just before the Marshal left his chamber, he changed his dress, put on a waistcoat, black breeches and stockings, blue frock coat, and a round hat. It was in the carriage of M. the Grand Referenderie that he was carried across the garden of the Luxembourg, to the extremity of the grand alley that leads to the Observatory, the place appointed for his execution. A small detachment of gendarmerie, and two platoons of veterans, were there waiting for him. On seeing that they stopped, the marshal, who probably thought they were conducting him to the plain of Grenelle, expressed some surprise. He embraced his confessor, and gave him his snuff-box, to be delivered to madame the marechale, and some pieces of gold which he had in his pocket, to be distributed among the poor.

Arrived at the gate, the carriage

turned a little to the left, and stopped about forty paces from the gate, and thirty paces from the wall, near which the execution was to take place. A piquet of veterans, sixty strong, had been on the spot since five o'clock in the morning. At the moment when the carriage stopped, the platoon arranged itself. An officer of gendar merie got out of the carriage first, and was followed by the marshal, who appeared to ask him if that was the place of execution. After embracing the confessor, who remained near the coach, praying fervently, the marshal proceeded, with a quick step and determined air, to within eight paces of the wall, and turning round upon the soldiers with vivacity, and, at the same time, facing them, cried out with a loud and strong voice "Comrades, straight to the heart-fire." While repeating these words, he took off his hat with his left hand, and placed hi right hand upon his heart. The officer gave the signal with his sword at the same moment, and the marshal instantly fell dead, pierced with twelve balls, three of them in the head.

Conformably to military regulations, the body remained exposed on the place of execution for a quarter of an hour. There were but few persons however present, for the populace, believing that the execution would take place on the Place de Grenelle, had repaired thither.

After remaining exposed a quarter of an hour, the body was placed upon a litter, covered with a cloth, and carried by the veterans to the hospital of Foundlings.

At half-past six next morning (December 8) it was conveyed to the burying ground of Pere la Chaise, in a hearse, followed by a mourning coach and several other coaches. It had been inclosed in a leaden coffin within

an oak one.

8th. Last week, a man of the

name of Bishop, who lives in Redcliff-
street, Bristol, had a quarrel with a
farmer Phelps, of Knowles, when a
scuffle and battle ensued, during which
the former bit off the thumb of the lat
ter: mortification and death followed.
Coroner's verdict-Manslaughter.
9th. VENICE. The horses of Co-
rinth have become the objects of a kind
of idolatry. Since their arrival the
people flock in crowds to the square of
St Mark, and kiss with enthusiasm
these ancient monuments of Venetian
glory. To satisfy the public curiosity,
medals have been struck with the
heads of the horses. The civic coun-
cil has voted a sum of 4000 ducats for
the relief of the Austrian soldiers
wounded in the last campaign.--The
city has also voted thanks to Lord

several lines in the grand square, in front of the Senate-house. The new Bazar is a much finer building than the old one.

11th. This morning, when the gentlemen engaged in the Newbury bank entered it to proceed to business, they discovered that the whole of the property had been stolen, amounting, it is supposed, to near 20,000l. All the books and documents relative to the bank were also carried away. The robbery had been effected by means of false keys. It was in vain to keep the bank open, as there were no notes or cash to pay with; and the cruelty of taking the books away rendered it impossible to transact any business. Anexpress was sent off to the public office Bow-street, where every assistance was rendered to the distressed parties. The officers have discovered that bank notes, part of the stolen property, to the amount of upwards of 800l. were paid to a respectable man at Abingdon, on Monday morning, for the purchase of some property. There is every reason to believe that this extensive depredation had been long in contemplation by some old thieves.

26th. The traitor Lavalette has made his escape from prison. It appears that Madame Lavalette his wife, having in vain endeavoured to move the clemency of the king, determined to effect the escape of her husband. For this purpose, she in the course of Wednesday week, (the day on which he got off) repeatedly visited the prison

ST PETERSBURGH.-Moscow is rising from its ruins finer than ever it was, though not so large. The change which has taken place in so short a time is almost incredible. The present governor, Tomazow (admiral and general), is incessantly and actively employed in its rebuilding. It is a spec tacle astonishing and truly novel in our times, to see that immense plain, on which the eye distinguishes a various and confused mixture of ruins of palaces in stone and in wood, of houses large and small, of the nodding walls of burnt mansions, of uncultivated fields, every where intermixed with piles of brick and heaps of lime, while swarms of workmen of every kind give animation to the picture. The whole reminds us of the tower of Babel, with this distinction, that the result will be very different. All the roads leading to the city are covered with trains of carts laden with materials. The Kremlin is in part rebuilt, and on a more regular plan; those of 27th.-EATON, THE PEDESTRIAN. its old walls that remained, are point--Yesterday morning, at a quarter ed anew and whitened. The cannons past eight o'clock, this person comtaken from the enemy are ranged in pleted his task of walking 1100 miles

of the Conciergerie, and every time in a different dress. In one of those visits she contrived to take in a suit of female attire similar to that which she herself had on, and in this disguise her husband escaped.—She is detained.

in 1100 hours, upon Blackheath. The early period of the day, however, at which the performance was concluded, induced the pedestrian to continue his labours throughout the day, and this he was requested to do, by a large party of respectable persons, who proposed visiting the scene of his operations at four o'clock. At this hour he finally retired from the course, in the most perfect health and strength, greeted by the cheers of an immense multitude of people. Within the last few days, Eaton was visited by several persons of fashion as well as sporting celebrity.Eaton is a native of Woodford, near Thrapston, in Northamptonshire, and since his youth has been equally distinguished for health and a power of pedestrianism scarcely known in his own country. The facility with which he has executed his unexampled task, and the unimpaired vigour he has still preserved, have induced him to propose some further undertakings, with a view to derive some advantage from his extraordinary powers.

28th. A most audacious robbery was committed a few days since, on the premises of Mr Kean, corn-factor, on Bankside, the particulars of which are as follows:-On the day in question, about 12 o'clock, at which hour none of Mr Kean's men, except one, who works in the stables, were on the premises, three men, one of whom had the appearance of a miller, came to the yard; they first went to the dwelling-house, and told the female servant they came for some corn, which was lying in a certain part of the granary, and that they had a cart at the gate to take it away. The servants not suspecting any thing wrong, suffered the cart to drive up to the granary, and the two men put six quarters of corn into the cart, the master amusing Mr Kean's cook and nursemaid in the mean time with his conversation; when the loading was finished, the


cart drove off, and was clear of the premises long before the fraud was discovered.

AGRICULTURAL REPORT. During the last month the weather has been generally more severe than is usual at this period of the season. The sheep stocks on the high grounds have been fed with hay for some time, which, in several places, is already all consumed; and should the spring months be as unfavourable as they are often in the north, there is reason to fear great losses before the hills can yield a full bite of grass. On the lower grounds, turnips have been greatly injured by frost, which has forced into the mar ket both cattle and sheep in greater numbers than the consumption required; and prices have accordingly fallen so much as scarcely to return the original cost. Farm work has been much retarded, especially ploughing; and the principal employment seems to have been thrashing and carrying corn to market, in such quantities as greatly to exceed the demand.

Until the last two or three weeks the prices of all sorts of grain conti. nued to fall; and it is only for wheat that there has lately been some slight advance, and a more ready sale. The average price of wheat in England for the week ending 13th January was 52s. 6d. ; and in Scotland, for the four weeks ending 15th January, 41s. 10d. per quarter. But if it be true, as there is reason to believe, that the quantity in the hands of farmers is much less than they commonly hold at this season, the depression must have passed its lowest point, and prices may be expected to rise, though but slowly, until they are regulated, in some measure, by the appearance of next crop. Barley is hardly saleable in Scotland; and now that the great distillers have ceased, or are about to cease working, it is difficult to conceive where this f

grain will find a market at any price. Every kind of farm produce, in short, is sold with difficulty at such rates as will leave not a shilling for the rent of land of a medium quality, under the best rotations of tilage husbandry. The minds of the corn growers, every where throughout Britain, are at this time clouded with gloomy apprehensions, and the efforts of the most spirited cultivators are paralyzed with dread approaching to despondency.

It would be improper, in this place, to speculate on the causes and consequences of this afflicting state of things, which is now felt, though in different degrees, and acknowledged by every class of the people. With regard to the prospects of the future, the chief resource, such as it is, of farmers in general, must be to lay their lands to grass; for it seems hardly possible that any considerable relief can be obtained from parliament, either in the shape of a reduction of taxes, or of a bounty on exportation; and as to the landed proprietor, if he were at once to give up two thirds of his income, he would only bring ruin upon himself, without enabling his tenantry

to carry wheat to market at the present price in Scotland, of little more than 40s. per quarter. It is scarcely necessary to add, that this is nothing like an apology for the oppressive taxes on farmers, nor for the hardhearted selfishness of some proprietors; but we make the observation with a view to those writers who would have rents and prices brought back to the rate of 1791, without pointing out the means, in that event, of paying the interest of the national debt, and the necessary expenses of government, which have been tripled since that period. The truth seems to be, that it is quite impossible to go on without the continuance, for some time at least, of the present system of an unconvertible paper currency, diminishing its quantity only in a very gradual manner; and, in fact, whatever disadvantages may attend it, the value of money in this country can never be brought up to its value in other countries; while, whether the pound sterling be worth more or less, about forty millions must be levied every year over and above the current expenditure.

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