Slike strani

GEORGIA, in 1787, appointing deputies to Convention to form the Constitu-
tion. Act of..

.......... 179

....... 422

..... 321

GEORGIA. Chronological statement of the Charters and Constitutions of... 408
GEORGIA ceded western lands to the U. S. April 24, 1802.........
GERRY, Vice President of the U. S. Election of Elbridge...........................
GERRY, Vice President, in the Senate of the U. S. Attendance of Elbridge 340
GIBSON, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Letter of ap-
probation from John B.........


GOVERNMENT of the Confederation to provide for its support, defence, &c.
Reports of committees and Resolutions of Congress exhibiting the ineffi-
ciency of the. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
...131-139, 140-142-146-150, 151
GOVERNMENT under the Constitution of the U. S. Resolutions of Con-
gress of the Confederation of September 13, 1788, providing for the com-
mencement of the.......
GOVERNMENT under the Constitution. Brief statement of the manner of
commencing proceedings of the.......................
GOVERNMENT. George Washington's opinions of the principles and po-
licy of our....



....... 191

....... 211-215

....... 270

GOVERNMENT. John Adams'........· ·do. • • • • • • •
GOVERNMENT. Thomas Jefferson's... do....... · ·do.· · · · · · · ... xxxi. 275-279
GOVERNMENT. James Madison' xxxii. 283
GOVERNMENT and providing the means of executing the Constitution, &c.
General Laws relating to the continued organization of the... 287
GOVERNMENTS of the several States and territories. Chronological state-
ment of the Charters and formation of the.....
GOVERNMENT of the territory of the U. S. north-west of the river Ohio.
An ordinance for the..
GOVERNMENT of the U. S. in possession of the public offices. Description
of the sources of information regarding the Legislative, Executive and
Judicial action of the




...... 451

HABEAS Corpus in all cases of foreigners confined in the U. S., &c. The


judges of the U. S. Courts authorized to grant writs of..........
HARRISON, as President of the U. S Election of William Henry.
..... 329-331
HISTORICAL and other information in the public offices at the seat of Go-
vernment. Description of the sources of .....................
HOUDON'S statue of Washington at Richmond, Virginia. Remarks and cor-
respondence relative to.............




HOUSE of Representatives of the U. S. Oaths of office to be taken by the
Members and Clerk of the........
22, 288-281
HOUSE of Representatives, from 1789 to 1851. Names of Speakers of the 386–387
HOUSE of Representatives of the U. S., from 1789 to 1851. Names, service,
&c., of the Clerks of the...................


HOUSE of Representatives of the U. S. Description of the Journals of the 452-456
HOUSE of Representatives of the U. S., from 1789 to 1851. Remarks descrip-

tive of the documents printed by order of the

457, 458, 459

ILLINOIS. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of 431
IMPEACHMENTS from 1789 to 1851. Description of the Journal or record

of the Senate on ......




IMPOST duties of April 18, 1783, was the cause of proceedings which ulti-
mately led to the adoption of the Constitution. Report of Committee of the
Congress of Confederation, showing that the failure of the States to carry
the general system of........
...131-139, 140-142–146, 150, 151
IMPOST, &c., as provided by resolution of Congress, April 18, 1783.
Commerce.) Resolutions of Congress of February 15, 1796, recommend-
ing to the States to empower Congress to carry into effect a general sys-
tem of.........
139, 141-149, 151–153
INAUGURAL address of George Washington, President of the U. S. April

30, 1789.........

......... 211

....... 270

........ 279

INAUGURAL address of John Adams, President of the U. S..
INAUGURAL address of Thomas Jefferson, President of the U. S......................... 275
INAUGURAL address of Thomas Jefferson, President of the U. S.
INAUGURAL address of James Madison, President of the U. S......................... 283
INDEPENDENCE of mind. Importance to every citizen of preserving... XXV
INDEPENDENCE. Proceedings in Congress of the United Colonies, from
June 8, to July 4, 1776, respecting a declaration of....
INDEPENDENCE by the Representatives of the United States in Congress
assembled, July 4, 1776. The Declaration of...........
INDEPENDENCE. Resolution of Congress for promulgating the Declara-
tion of




INDEPENDENT STATES. Resolution of Congress of July 2, 1776, that
INDEX to the Constitution and amendments. An Analytical
INDEXES prepared by order of the two Houses of Congress. Description of 465
INDIANA. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of.. 430
INTRODUCTORY remarks to the work and to the several chapters. (See

IOWA. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of..... 443


JACKSON, as President of the U. S. First election of Andrew
JACKSON, as President of the U. S. Second election of Andrew........... 327
JEFFERSON'S declaration of the principles of our Government. Thomas
Xxxi, 275-279

JEFFERSON, President of the U. S., on March 4, 1801. First inaugural
address of Thomas....


JEFFERSON, President of the U. S., on March 4, 1805. Second inaugural
address of Thomas.......
JEFFERSON, as Vice President of the U. S. Election of Thomas.......... 317
JEFFERSON, as President of the U. S. First election by House of Repre-
sentatives of Thomas




JEFFERSON, as President of the U.S. Second election by electors of Thomas 319

JEFFERSON, Vice President, in Senate of the U.S. Attendance of Thomas 336
JOHNSON, as Vice President of the U. S. Election by the Senate of Rich-
ard M.....

(The number of electoral votes required for an election being 148, and
R. M. Johnson having received only 147, the election then devolved
upon the Senate, and R. M. Johnson was elected.)

JOHNSON, Vice President, in Senate of the U. S. Attendance of Rich-

ard M.................


JOHNSON, as Senator of the U. S. Terms of service of Richard M....................... 370
JOURNALS of the Congress of the Confederation, 1774 to 1789. Description
of the


JOURNAL of the Convention that formed the Constitution in 1787. Descrip-
tion of the...


JOURNAL of the House of Representatives of the U. S. from 1789 to 1851.
Description of ..............................



JOURNAL of the Senate of the U. S. from 1789 to 1851. Description of Le-

...455, 456


JOURNAL of the Senate of the U. S. from 1789 to 1851 (in part). Descrip-
tion of the Executive


JOURNAL or record of the Senate on impeachments, from 1789 to 1851. De-
scription of....................................


..... 456

JOURNALS of the Senate and House of Representatives of the U. S. Re-
marks descriptive of the contents of the Legislative ...
JUDGES of Courts of the U. S. authorized to grant writs of Habeas Corpus
in all cases of foreigners confined in the United States, and to discharge
them. The......



JUDGES of the Supreme Court of the U. S., from 1789 to 1851. Names, states,
length of service, &c., of the........

JUDICIAL proceedings of one State in every other State, territory, &c. Au-
thentication of........
JUSTICE in the Courts of the U. S. An act to provide further remedial..... 301


[ocr errors]

KANE, Judge of the District Court of the U. S. for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania. Letter of approbation from J. K.
KENTUCKY. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of 412
KNOWLEDGE. Remarks on the proper mode of acquiring and imparting. xix

LAND in the north-western and western territory of the U. S. Proceedings
which led to the cession by the States, of the


LANDS to the U. S. Act of New York for the cession of its western or


LANDS to the U. S. Resolution of Congress recommending to the States to
cede their western....


LANDS ceded by the States should be disposed of for the common benefit of
the U. S., and formed into Republican States. Resolution of Congress of
October 10, 1780, that the...

LANDS were ceded to the U. S., and dates of cession. Names of States by
which the western.....



... XXV

LANDS of the U. S., and private land claims to March 3, 1851. Description
of the publications under the authority of the U. S. relating to the public.. 460
LAW. Definition and sanctity of the civil
LAWS, relating to the continued organization of the Government, and pro-
viding the authorities and means of executing the Constitution, in certain
contingencies, and for other purposes, &c.
LAWS of the U. S. declared competent evidence in all tribunals and offices
of the U. S., and of the several States. Little and Brown's edition of the
302, 303

LAWS of the U. S., including the Treaties. Description of the books con-
taining the

LAWS of the U. S. Description of Books of Abridgments and Digests of

LEGISLATIVE Journals. (Vide Journals.)




....... 247

LEE, on the death of George Washington. Funeral oration of Henry.
LETTERS-OF-MARQUE being fitted out in the U. S. against foreign powers.





An act to prevent Privateers or.....
LIBERTY. Definition of rational or civil.......
LIBERTY and independence on July 4, 1776. Declaration of............... 195
LIBERTY, &c., on June 17, 1775. Declaration of Congress for the mainte-
nance of American..



LIBERTY consists. In what the enjoyment and even the support and pre-
servation of.........
LIBRARY of Congress. Description of selection of certain books in the.... 472
LIBRARY of the State Department. Description of selection of certain books
in the...


LIEUTENANT-GENERAL and commander-in-chief of the Armies of the
U. S., July 3, 1798. Appointment of George Washington to be...... 231-239
LIGHT as regards the fundamental law. Remarks on necessity of the peo-
ple's having


LITTLE and Brown's editions of the Laws of the U. S., declared to be com-
petent evidence in all tribunals and offices of the U. S., and of the several
302, 305
LOUISIANA. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of 429

MADISON'S declaration of the principles of our Government. James.xxxii. 283
MADISON, President of the U. S. on March 4, 1809. Inaugural Address of

........ 283

First election of James ............................................
Second election of James


MADISON, President of the U. S.
MADISON, President of the U. S.
MAINE. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of... 432



MARSHALS attendant on the Supreme Court of the U. S., from 1789 to 1851.

Names, &c. of the........

.......... 393

MARYLAND, in 1787, appointing deputies to convention to form the Consti-
tution. Act of

...... 183


MARYLAND to ratify the Articles of Confederation, until March 1, 1781.
Dates of ratification by the States and cause of the delay of
MARYLAND. Chronological statement of the Charters and Constitutions of 408
MARYLAND to ratify the Articles of Confederation until the States possess-

ing the North-Western and Western Territory should cede the same to
the U. S. for the common benefit of all the States. Statement of the causes
of delay by.......

MARYLAND on said subject. Instructions to the Delegates in Congress

MARYLAND to ratify the Articles of Confederation. Resolution of Congress
earnestly requesting

MASSACHUSETTS, in 1787, appointing deputies to Convention to form the
Constitution. Act of...




...... 183

MASSACHUSETTS. Chronological statement of the Charters and Constitu-
tions of........


MASSACHUSETTS ceded Western lands to the U. S. April 19, 1785...... 422
MEMBERS of the Senate and House of Representatives to take an Oath to
support the Constitution, and the manner and form thereof. An act pre-
scribing the time for

....22, 288

..... 292

MESSENGERS or persons to deliver electoral votes. Compensation to, and
penalties of·······
MESSENGERS or persons to deliver electoral votes. Compensation to..... 300
MICHIGAN. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of 434
MIFFLIN, President of Congress, to George Washington, in answer to resig-


nation of his commission. Address of Thomas..
MINESOTA Territory. Proceedings in Congress relative to the............ 447
MINISTERS and their domestics. An act for the protection of Foreign..... 2-9
MISSISSIPPI. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of 430
MISSOURI. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of 433
MONROE, President of the U. S. First election of James ......................
MONROE, President of the U. S. Second election of James
MONUMENT be erected to General Washington in the Capitol at Washing-
ton. Resolution of Congress that a marble..................
MOURNING of the Government on the Death of George Washington. Pro-
ceedings and





NAVY from 1789 to 1851. Names, States, services, &c., of Secretaries of the 399
NEBRASKA Territory. Proceedings in Congress relative to the........... 448
NEUTRALITY of the U. S. by prohibiting its citizens, within its limits, from
preparing any offensive means against a foreign nation. An act to pre-
serve the


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