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Reply of the Chevalier de St. Pierre. -Trent's Mission
to the Frontier. Washington recruits Troops. -
Dinwiddie and the House of Burgesses. Independ-
ent Conduct of the Virginians. Expedients to
gain Recruits.-Jacob Van Braam in Service. -
Toilful March to Wills' Creek. Contrecœur at the
Fork of the Ohio. - Trent's refractory Troops
March to the Little Meadows. -Rumors from the Ohio.
- Correspondence from the Banks of the Yough-
iogheny. Attempt to descend that River.
Alarming Reports. Scouting Parties. - Perilous
Situation of the Camp. - Gist and La Force. -
Message from the Half-king. - French Tracks.
The Jumonville Skirmish.
Treatment of La Force.
-Position at the Great Meadows. Belligerent
Feelings of a Young Soldier
Scarcity in the Camp. - Death of Colonel Fry. - Promo-
tions. Mackay and his Independent Company. –
Major Muse. Indian Ceremonials. Public
Prayers in Camp.
Affairs at the Great
Meadows. Desertion of the Indian Allies. -Capit-
ulation of Fort Necessity. - Van Braam as an In-
terpreter. Indian Plunderers. Return to Wil-
liamsburg. Vote of Thanks of the House of Bur-
gesses. Subsequent Fortunes of the Half-king. —
Comments on the Affair of Jumonville and the Con-
duct of Van Braam
Founding of Fort Cumberland. - Secret Letter of Stobo.
-The Indian Messenger. - Project of Dinwiddie.
-His Perplexities. A Taint of Republicanism
in the Colonial Assemblies. - Dinwiddie's Military
Measures.-Washington quits the Service. -Over-
tures of Governor Sharpe of Maryland. - Washing-
ton's dignified Reply.-Questions of Rank between
Royal and Provincial Troops. -Treatment of the
French Prisoners. Fate of La Force. - Anecdotes
of Stobo and Van Braam
Return to quiet Life. — French and English prepare for
Hostilities. Plan of a Campaign. - General Brad-
dock. His Character. Sir John St. Clair, Quar-
termaster-general. His Tour of Inspection.-Pro-
jected Roads. - Arrival of Braddock. Military
Consultations and Plans. Commodore Keppel and
his Seamen. Ships and Troops at Alexandria.
Excitement of Washington. - Invited to Join the
Staff of Braddock. A Mother's Objections.—
Washington at Alexandria. - Grand Council of
Governors. Military Arrangements.
William Johnson. - Sir John St. Clair at Fort
Cumberland. - His Explosions of Wrath. Their
Effects. Indians to be Enlisted. Captain Jack
and his Band of Bush-beaters
Washington proclaimed Aide-de-camp - Disappoint-
ments at Fredericktown. Benjamin Franklin and
Camp at Fort Cumberland. Hugh Mercer.
— Dr. Craik.—Military Tactics. — Camp Rules. ·
Secretary Peters. Indians in Camp. - Indian
Beauties.-The Princess Bright Lightning.—Er-
rand to Williamsburg. - Braddock's Opinion of
Contractors and Indians. - Arrival of Conveyances 177
March from Fort Cumberland. - The Great Savage
Mountain. Camp at the Little Meadows. - Divi-
sion of the Forces. - Captain Jack and his Band. -
Scarooyadi in Danger. Illness of Washington.
His Halt at the Youghiogheny.
March of Brad-
The Great Meadows. — Lurking Enemies.
- Their Tracks. Precautions. Thicketty Run.
- Scouts. — Indian Murders.-Funeral of an In-
dian Warrior. - Camp on the Monongahela.
Washington's Arrival there. -March for Fort Du-
-The Fording of the Monongahela. The
The Retreat. - Death of Braddock.
Arrival at Fort Cumberland. - Letters of Washington
to his Family.-Panic of Dunbar
Costs of Campaigning. — Measures for Public Safety.—
Washington in Command. - Head-quarters at Win-
chester. Lord Fairfax and his Troop of Horse.-
Indian Ravages. Panic at Winchester. - Cause
of the Alarm.-Operations elsewhere. - Shirley
against Niagara. — Johnson against Crown Point.
- Affair at Lake George.— Death of Dieskau
Reform in the Militia Laws. -Discipline of the Troops.
Dagworthy and the Question of Precedence. -
Washington's Journey to Boston.-Style of Trav-
elling. - Conference with Shirley. - The Earl of
Loudoun.- Military Rule for the Colonies. -Wash-
ington at New York. - Miss Mary Philipse
Troubles in the Shenandoah Valley. - Greenway Court
and Lord Fairfax in Danger. Alarms at Win-
chester. Washington appealed to for Protection.
-Attacked by the Virginia Press. - Honored by
the Public. Projects for Defense. - Suggestions
of Washington. The Gentlemen Associators.
Retreat of the Savages. Expedition against Kit-
tanning. Captain Hugh Mercer.
gle through the Wilderness
Second Strug-
Founding of Fort Loudoun.- Washington's Tour of In-
spection. Inefficiency of the Militia System.
Gentlemen Soldiers. - Cross-purposes with Dinwid-
die. Military Affairs in the North. - Delays of
Lord Loudoun. -Activity of Montcalm.- Loudoun
in Winter Quarters
Washington vindicates his Conduct to Lord Loudoun. ·
His Reception by his Lordship. - Military Plans.
Lord Loudoun at Halifax. Montcalm on Lake
His Triumphs.- Lord Loudoun's Fail-
Washington at Winchester.
Misunderstandings with Dinwiddie. Return to
Washington recovers his Health. Again in Command
at Fort Loudoun. - Administration of Pitt.
- -Lou-
doun succeeded by General Abercrombie. - Military
Arrangements. Washington Commander-in-chief
of the Virginia Forces. Amherst against Louis-
burg. General Wolfe. Montgomery. Capture
of Louisburg. Abercrombie on Lake George.
Death of Lord Howe. - Repulse of Abercrombie.-
Success of Bradstreet at Oswego
Slow Operations. — Washington Orders out the Militia.
- Mission to Williamsburg. Halt at Mr. Cham-
berlayne's. Mrs. Martha Custis. - A Brief Court-
ship. An Engagement. — Return to Winchester.
-The Rifle Dress. Indian Scouts.- Washington
elected to the House of Burgesses. Tidings of
Amherst's Success. The New Road to Fort Du-
quesne. March for the Fort. - Indiscreet Conduct
of Major Grant.-Disastrous Consequences.-Wash-
ington advances against Fort Duquesne. - End of
the Expedition. - Washington returns Home. - His
Plan of Operations for 1759.-Investment of Fort Niag-
ara.- - Death of Prideaux. - Success of Sir Wil-
liam Johnson.
Amherst at Ticonderoga - Wolfe
at Quebec.-His Triumph and Death. - Fate of
Montcalm Capitulation of Quebec.
Attempt of
De Levi to retake it. Arrival of a British Fleet.
Last Stand of the French at Montreal.
der of Canada
Washington's Installation in the House of Burgesses.-
His Rural Life. Mount Vernon and its Vicinity.
-Aristocratical Days of Virginia. - Washington's
Management of his Estate. Domestic Habits.
Fox-hunting. Lord Fairfax. - Fishing and Duck-
shooting. The Poacher. Lynch Law. - Aquatic
State. - Life at Annapolis. — Washington in the
Dismal Swamp.