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DR. F. J. ALWAY, Univ. of Minnesota.
PROF. C. BARTHEL, Centralanstalten för Försök.
sväsendet pä Jordbruksomradet, Stock-
holm, Sweden.

Dr. M. W. BEIJERINCK, Technische-Hooge-
school, Delft, Holland.

PROF. A. W. BLAIR, Rutgers College.

DR. P. E. BROWN, Iowa State College of Agri-

DIRECTOR H. R. CHRISTENSEN, Staten Planteavls-
Laboratorium, Copenhagen, Denmark.

DR. H. J. CONN, N. Y. State Exp. Station.
DR. H. VON FEILITZEN, Svenska Mosskulturföre-
ningen, Jönköping, Sweden.

DR. E. B. FRED, University of Wisconsin.
DR. R. GREIG-SMITH, Linnean Society, Sydney,
New South Wales.

DR. B. L. HARTWELL, Rhode Island Experiment

DR. C. B. LIPMAN, Univ. of California.
DR. F. LÖHNIS, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.
DR. T. L. LYON, Cornell University.
DR. E. A. MITSCHERLICH, University of Königs-
berg, Prussia.

PROF. C. A. MOOERS, Tenn. Exp. Station.
DR. THEO. REMY, Institut für Böden-u. Pflan-
zenbaulehre, Bonn a. Rhein.

PROF. G. ROSSI, Royal Agricultural High School
in Portici, Naples, Italy.

DR. E. J. RUSSELL, Rothamsted Experiment Sta-
tion, Harpenden, England.

DR. O. SCHREINER, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.
DR. A. A. F. DE SIGMOND, Technische Hoch-
schule, Budapest, Hungary.

PROF. CHAS. E. THORNE, Ohio Experiment Sta-

DR. N. TULAIKOFF, Forest Institute, Petro-

SOIL SCIENCE is published monthly at Rutgers College, the New Jersey State College for the Benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, New Brunswick, N. J. Each issue consists of approximately 100 printed pages. The subscription price is $4.00 a year, payable in advance; the price of single copies is 50 cents. Postage will be prepaid by the publishers for all subscriptions in the United States and its dependencies. An additional charge of 25 cents is made for each yearly subscription in Canada, and 50 cents for subscriptions in foreign countries.

Entered as Second-Class Matter, February 19, 1916, at the Post Office at
New Brunswick, N. J., under the Act of March 3, 1879.




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