Slike strani

Such, dear Frederica, is just at this inomeut the case with Mademoiselle Rusée, a situation,

peruques, bunches of parsnips, carrots, and turnips, “Fruits, roots, and greens, then fill'd the ample however, to which she appears wholly inscu


"And kitchen-garden thus adorn'd the face."

We have little of novelty to remark, in the articles of jewellery, except the pearl brooch, and necklace representing the palm-leaf, and the Utopian diadem, composed of various precious gems; with girdle-buckle to correspond. The prevailing colours are purple and blue; the most genteel, spring green,shots, jonquille, pink, and primrose.



sible; for with her

"Another and another still succeeds, "And each as welcome as the former:" Our beaus are, however, fast recovering from their enthralment; their flame, you know, frequently requires the aid of variety to keep it alive. Our young ladies begin to view their favourite with jealous eyes, and the heads of the family now question their prudence and policy in placing so formidable a magnet within the circle of their daughters' hitherto unrivalled and undisputed charms; so that there is no very great reason to suspect she will receive any violent entreaty to protract her visit beyond the original stated period; that, thank my stars! expires in a fortnight. My sober

From a Lady resident in London, to her friend friend, L-(of whom I have forwarded you

in the country.

THE men may say what they will to the contrary, but I am fully persuaded, my dear Frederica, that vanity is as inherent a quality in these lords of the creation as it is with us. It is but a trite remark, that more women fall through their vanity than from the force of an ill-governed and ill-inspired attachment; and from the most scrupulous obscrvation, I am led to affirm, that it is the vanity of man, more than the ardour of an individual personal preference, which leads them to pursue and to conquer the vain and the vicious, the unfortunate and the unprotected of our sex. For the latter, I trust that the fountain of humanity which has so often filled my eyes with tears, will never be dry; and for the former, may that sense of virtuous indignation which springs from the best properties of our nature, oh! may it never be extinct! Mademoiselle Rusée, the frail heroine of my last epistle, has been the cause of much dissatisfaction in our family circle. Her monopolizing system begins to be disputed, and the female committee have sat, and one and all condemned it as unjust and nefarious. The men are beco ne jealous of each other; and Mademoiselle's character is in a fair way of being wrecked through the whirlwind of their vanity, and her own unprincipled folly.

Lobserve, Frederica, that these male flirts hold their tongues only while they suppose themselves in favour; but when the coquette in her customary wanderings gives a wound to their self-love, she is generally accompanied in her flight by the sting and venom of their slander; and each retiring, or mortified woman, helps to sound the trumpet of disgrace.

hints from which, if you are not very stupid, you will have formed a few consequent and natural surmises), is entirely restored to my good graces. He is very silent respecting the conduct of our fair guest, except that yesterday he said to me," May 1 take the liberty of advising Miss M- to appear as little as possible in public with Mademoiselle Rusée, during her sojourn in this family; my regard for her reputation is the excuse which offers itsel☛ for this apparent freedom." I felt the kindness of the gentle admonition, and properly expressed my determination to abide by it. She is engaged to some gay party or other every day during her stay; I shall excuse myself from most of them, and this I can the more easily do as the sisters are too fond of pleasure to resist it, even when offered in a questionable shape; they will of course accompany her in all ber gay movements.

To-morrow they go to the masked ball of the Marchioness B's. Mademoiselle, in a rich and beautiful Turkish dress, will appear in the character of Roxilana, the two sisters as chambermaids. Mademoiselle's dresses on every occasion combine all the elegance and novelty of fashion; the price of an article is the least and last consideration. It mast, however, be allowed, that her apparel is well recommended by her taste and excellent personal advantages. Her earriage costume at this time, consists of a French coat, hat, and boots of figured jonquille shot sarsnet; the seams of the coat, as well as its several terminations, are edged with purple chenille cord; and up the front, where it is clasped with steel ornaments, is a wide fancy border in purple chenille embroidery. Her hat is of a singu

larly fanciful construction; the crown is form-
ed in a sort of full square, at each corner of
which is a pendant tassel; the verge does not
project, but is formed of a full band of silk,
twisted with purple cord; from the extreme
edge is suspended a transparent veil of Mech-
lin lace. This whimsical article of adornment
is most characteristic of the wearer, for it
really resembles more the original cap of folly
than any thing I have ever seen. The several
shades of yellow appear to be her favourite
colours, and in this she discovers her judg-
ment, as it is certainly the colour of all others
best suited to dark eyes and hair. She has a
most superb and elegant ball dress, formed in
Grecian draperies, of bright amber net, over a
gossamer satin slip, bordered with jessamine
wreaths, in silver; the long sleeve and sto-
macher of transparent silver tissue. A silver
Bet caul incloses her hair, exclusive of a few
stray ringlets, which are allowed to fall in irre-
gular disorder over her fair exposed shoulder.quently adopted in the country.
Her shoes are of white satin, with small silver
rosettes and bindings. Indeed her whole
wardrobe is remarkable for the combination of
taste, fashion, and splendour, as well as for its
just and seasonable appropriations.

pink satin shoes, with silver clasps. I have
scarce seen a dress this season comprising
more elegant simplicity. So pleased am I with
the whole properties of this costume, that I
have consented to turn copyist, and shall ap.
pear at the amiable Sir Y's private concert
to-morrow, in a robe of Turkish leno, with
similar decorations; but as my humble for
tune precludes the adoption of a pearl edging,
I have substituted a fine narrow vandyke lace;
and I assure you the effect, though less costly,
is almost equally delicate and appropriate.
I have inclosed a sufficient quantity of pea-
green, and jonquille satin, for these simple
ornaments, two colours in high estimation at
this season.
I also inclose a buckle of cut
steel for your girdle, an article which takes
place among genteel women of the clasp. Do
not make your waist immoderate in length;
I warn you against this, because I have often
observed that extremes in dress are more fre

I will now, dear friend, take occasion to describe a simple style of evening dress, which bas greatly taken my fancy, and as you and I are not abundantly gifted with the glittering recommendation of wealth, it will form a convenient and pleasing variety, without the sad drawback of an unjustifiable expence. It is the adoption of a coloured satin stomacher, cuffs, and girdle, to the white crape, muslin, or leno dress. They were first introduced by the young ladies of this mansion, who wore at the route of Lady G. B. round robes of white Paris net, over white sarsnet slips, with pink satin stomacher and cuffs, edged with pearl. A girdle of the same colour, confined with a pearl buckle; a small Spanish hat, of pink șatiu, with a white feather frosted with silver;

I herewith send you my usual packet of general information on this head; and to save my credit, allow me just to throw in the oppo. site scale a little food for the mind. Accept. then, and relish as they so justly merit, 66 The Memoirs of Percival Stockdale," with the account of his writings. You will find this work to abound with entertaining anecdote and useful information, which do credit to the head and

heart of the venerable author.

The elegant little book of "Gleanings from Zimmerman's Salitude," I will forward in my next packet. I learn there is a second edition coming out of this care-soothing and amiable little production, with a portrait of the female Editor, and some account of her life and writings; the latter of which has, I hear, been exceedingly eventful.-Adieu, my pen is worn out in your service, I hasten to give it


Yours, as ever,


London: Printed by and for J. BELL, Southampton-street, Strand.





FOR MAY, 1909.


1. An Elegant PORTRAIT of the RIGHT HON. Jane Elizabeth VISCOUNTESS ANDOVER.

2. TWO WHOLE-LENGTH FIGURES in the FASHIONS of the SEASON, COLOURED. 3. An ORIGINAL SONG, set to Music for the Harp and Piano-forte; composed exclu sively for this Work, by M. P. KING.

4. Two elegant and new PATTERNS for NEEDLE-WORK.


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London: Printed by and for J. BELL, Proprietor of the WEEKLY MESSENGER, Southampton-Street,

Strand, June 1, 1809.

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WITH the next succeeding Number of LA BELLE ASSEMBLEE, viz. on the first day of July next, will be published No. XLVII. being the regular SUPPLEMENTAL Number, which concludes the Sixth Volume of this Work, with the termination of the half year.


The Supplement will contain the HEADS of those POETS whose Works have appeared in the prior Numbers of the Magazine, and likewise of such poets whose Works will appear in the next Number and Supplement.

These Portraits will be Five in number, viz. very fine Portraits, from original Pictures of acknowledged fidelity, of

[blocks in formation]

The Literary part of the SUPPLEMENT will contain


Complete; with INDEX and TITLE-PAGE as usual.

The SUPPLEMENT will be charged Half-a-crown; and Subscribers are requested

to give immediate orders for it to their several Boksellers, that they may procure fine

impressions and complete their Volume.-A richer Number than the Supplement, and

at the same price, will never issue from the periodical press.




For MAY, 1809.




The Forty-fifth Number.


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Her Ladyship, we believe, has a young family still living by his Lordship.

JANE ELIZABETH, VISCOUNTESS || carelessly in his chaise whilst he was traANDOVER, whose Portrait embellishes the velling. present Number of La Belle Assemblée, is the daughter of T. W. Coke, Esq. Member for the county of Norfolk, a gentleman well known to the public for his spirit of independent patriotism, and zeal in the science of agriculture, which has extended his reputation almost as far as that of his native country.

Lady Andover is the eldest daughter of Mr. Coke, and as that gentleman has no male issue, she is, conjointly with her sister, co-heiress to the immense property of her father.

Her Ladyship had the misfortune some · years since to lose her husband, Viscount Andover, by the accidental discharge of a gun into his besom, which was placed

The private and recluse life of Lady Andover afford very few materials for biography. She has not hitherto, though very young, animated the circles of fashion, or joined in the throng of dissipation. Of a temper of mind more domestic than ambitious, she is content to cultivate the vi tues, and discharge the duties of private life; and she considers the rank she fills in life, not as a privilege for indecorum and the neglect of positive duties, but as a sacred trust and depositary for setting forth a good example, and inculcating virtue from a commanding station.

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