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THE women complain of the men, and the men complain of the women. Which is right or which is wrong? and who shall decide the contest? Were the decision left to us, without consideration, we should give it in favour of the most amiable-consequently women. But with this sentence the men would not be contented; they would accuse us of partiality, and say that we are bribed by the kind looks of Lydia, or Arethusa's charming smile; they would make an appeal from our judgment, and our defence would be of no avail. Perhaps the following tale may elucidate this argument:


wanted nothing but a Grecian dress to be a perfect Mars; and sometimes the talkative Pustolow appeared amiable, who, notwithstanding his judicial dignity, contended with Vestris in grace, and performed every day at least ten French hornpipes. But it did not continue long.In the first she soon perceived merely a tiresome and conceited fool; the young god of war, on a nearer acquaintance, was metamorphosed into a stately dragoon; and the amusing judge was shortly converted into a wearisome chatterer. Her choice, at last, fell on young Boris, who was really amiable; in this choice the heart and understanding were unanimous. Boris was brought up under the eye of his tender and sensible parent, in a foreign country. His head was furnished with useful and ornamental knowledge, and his

Julia was the ornament of the metropolis; she appeared, and the men saw and listened to her alone, conversed alone with her. And the women-the women whispered to each other, viewed her with malicious smiles, and endea-heart cherished virtuous precepts. He was in voured in vain to find out a fault in her to appease, in some degree, their offended selflove. Is it necessary, after the above, to say that every youth adored Julia, and considered it an honour to be reckoned among her slaves? One sighed, another wept, a third hung his head, and of every one who appeared || sorrowful it was said, "he is in love with Julia."

And Julia loved no one thing except herself. With haughty self sufficiency she looked around her, and thought-where is my equal? who is worthy of me? Yet she very wisely suffered not any of these thoughts to be conjectured; and when she was remarked for beauty and good sense, she was equally admired for her modesty and talent of dissimulation.

By degrees she approached the end of her fourth winter, and she began to perceive that vanity was only a vapour, which, though it plunges the soul in a pleasing delirium, has nothing stable or gratifying. However one may be taken up with self, it is yet not sufficient; something more than the magical 【 must be loved.

person pleasing, though not handsome; his countenance had the noblest cast, and a soul shone from his eyes. He blushed like an innocent girl at every immodest word; spoke little, but always sensibly and agrecably, strove not to shine by his wit and knowledge, and listened patiently to every body. The real worth of such a character is seldom known; tinsel is often regarded equally with pure gold, and modesty, the companion of real worth, is thrown into the shade, while impudence is caressed and applauded.

Boris loved Julia; how was it possible to avoid loving one so amiable and handsome? but her numberless adorers kept him at a dis tance; he regarded her from a far without sighing; in a word, without acting the lover. Nevertheless Julia knew he loved her; whoever is so inclined may wonder at the quick. sightedness of women! but not more visible than the sun at noon day is to a woman the effect of her charms on a man of sentiment, however he may endeavour to conceal it. Julia soon distinguished the modest youth from the rest of her lovers; she encouraged him to ap

Julia now took an attentive survey of her¦proach her with friendly looks and smiles, she

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Boris did not belong to the number of those who construed every friendly word or look of a girl into a declaration of love, and, in their own conceit, set themselves down already as the favoured lover, when they are hardly even thought of; but, with all his discretion, he formed hopes; and hope is to love what a warm April shower is to the newly sown seeds. He was nearly on the point of throwing himself at the feet of Julia to require an avowal of her love, and Julia was looking with desire towards that moment, when a new phenomenon in the great world appeared on the horizon, and drew universal attention.


The young Prince Karin, a favorite of nature and fortune, of high rank, rich and handsome, made his entrée into the world'; all eyes turned towards him; he was the talk of the day. Every body praised him, principally the wobut especially those to whom he had paid most attention, or those whom he had flattered. His good sense could not be sufficiently extolled, even when he merely conversed about the weather; and it need not be a matter of great astonishment, for enthuiasm is a microscope which magnifies things in a most surprising manner.

In the mean time a report prevailed that the young Prince was perfectly indifferent to fe male charins, and that Cupid had in vain emptied his quiver against him. What a task for the women! what fame for the victor! It appeared to cach as if offended Cupid, with weeping eyes, had applied to them, saying, revcuge me, or I shall die of chagrin ! Cupid die! Ye Gods! what a misfortune! How could it be possible to exist without the amiable child? O, no! we must take his part; he must be revenged, let it cost what it will! The new Alcides must be tamed, must be enslaved, must be enchained!

All the females of the metropolis now appeared adorned with gold chains, as a sign of certain victory. Tremble, tremble audacious yout!! the rattling, sparkling chains proclaim thy downfall!

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her. He spoke to her; but she answered him drily.-Julia was confused.

Smiling and careless the young spark roved about, till he met Julia at a public place. She eclipsed all the females. He was the handsomest among the men. "He must fall in love with her," thought the latter. "She must fall in love with him," said the former; and every one cast down their eyes, and gave up all hope. Julia's admirers dispersed on all sides in despair; Boris alone did not leave,

The next day, when Boris called on Julia, a dreadful head-ach prevcuted her admitting him. The third day he saw her at a ball. The young Prince sat next to her, danced with, her, conversed with her. Boris was saluted civilly. He was asked how he did, without attending to his answer. He approached on the other side. He was not observed. And how was it possible he could be, as the Prince did not sit on that side? Poor Boris! you might have been happy; but the moment is past. There now remains nothing to you but to retire. And he did so. He quitted the room and Julia, with what feelings may easily be imagined. We will also quit him; may he weep in solitude, and if possible learn to forget the lovely inconstant.


Julia was transported with her new conquest. Her Prince was an Autinous, when silent; a Cicero, when he spoke; and a demigod, when he said, “Julia, I love you!" did he deceive her. He was in reality enamoured of her charms. He could listen to no concert if Julia did not sing; went to no ball where she did not dance; and visited no public walk which was not graced with Julia's presence. He formerly was fond of gaming; but he sacrificed the cards to Julia. He used to spend many hours in the day with his English horses, but on Julia's account he forgot the horses. One might perceive his love was serious. Perhaps it may be observed, that in the days of chivalry, love was still more serious; but every century has its own customs, and we live in the nineteenth. Our belles are not so difficult to be pleased as they were under Francis I. and certainly no one will now throw her glove on the mane of an enraged lion, and order her knight to fetch it, undoubtedly for no other reason than that, very probably, none of the knights of the present time would obey her commands.

Julia was convinced that the Prince could not live without her. It only appeared strange to her that he always spoke of his heart, but never of his hand. Many of her friends already wished her joy of such a bridegroom; but the bridegroom did not explain himself more clearly. At last Julia gave him to understand how much it surprized her. The tender Prince appeared offended. "Julia doubt the power of her charms!" exclaimed he with warmth; "Julia will exchange the ardent god of love for frigid Hymen? The enchanting smile of one for the constant wrinkles of the other? A garland of roses for the bonds of a slave? O Julia!

tongues. Their tears are crocodile's tears, and whoever trusts to them is inevitably lost.” In these and such like colours the enraged Julia painted mankind. Such kind of passionate accusations are to be excused; but are they just? are then the hearts of all men cast in one mould? must all be answerable for one? But the passions seldom make good logicians: they take easily one for all, and all for one.

love bears no constraint; one word, and the|| have tiger hearts. Poison is beneath their happiness of two lovers is for ever destroyed. Would Petrarch have so ardently loved his Laura, would he have composed one of those glowing sonnets which now enchant us, if Laura had been his wife?" Julia turned pale at this discourse; the Prince perceived that this philosophy did not please her; he retreated." At least," said he, “we will lengthen the time of our courtship, as long as we can; for never, never enchanting Julia, will these delightful hours return." But Julia could not adopt his sentiments; she was not at rest till he had given her his word to be united with her in the holy bands of wedlock.

After this promise he thought he could take liberties, which even Julia did not deny, while he kept them within bounds; but he daily grew more assured, and moments occarred where the protector of innocence alone could have rescued the virtue of Julia.

Julia was sensible of her danger, and insisted that the wedding day should be fixed. In the mean time the Prince made use of all his arts to overcome Julia's fortitude; but in vain. In those moments, when to all appear ance she was on the point of forgetting herself, she with a stern look made him keep his distance; so that at last he gave up all hopes of being happy without the name of a husband.

As Julia awoke one morning with the thoughts of her beloved Prince, she received a billet to the following purport :-"You are charming, Julia, but what is more charming than liberty? It is painful to me to leave you; but the thoughts of an indissoluble tie is much more painful for me to endure. The heart bears no constraint, and ceases to love when it pleases. What then are the bands of wedlock but an insupportable yoke? You do not choose to love after my manner, for love's sake alone, as long as the inclination of the heart continues. Farewel, then! call me faithless if you please; that I have broken my word; but it is an old maxim, that the oaths of lovers are written on saud, which the slightest breeze effaces. With so many amiable qualities, it will not be difficult for you to find a worthy husband, who, perhaps, may possess the rare virtue of truth and constancy! There are phoenixes, but I am not one, at least, in that sense. I shall therefore trouble you no more. I leave Moskow. Farewel.

PRINCE KARIN." Julia trembled in every joint, and fell, after, the manner of the new Didos, into a fainting fit. When recovered from it, she found some relief in abusing the men. "They are altogether faithless, perjured villains! They

Julia's misfortune was known throughout the town the next day. "The Prince has forsaken Julia," was the word; and the men shrugged their shoulders, while the women smiled maliciously, and each secretly thought, "he would certainly not have forsaken me." How was it possible for Julia now to appear? She hated the world; and did not quit her room for many wecks.

A fortnight after this affair Boris announced himself; after a little reflection she gave orders to admit him. Poor Boris! the arrow of Julia's eloquence fell on him equally with the rest of his sex. Like a convicted malefactor he was obliged to listen to the bitterest reproaches; another in his situation had perhaps struck Julia dumb with one word, and made her blush with shame; but the good Boris loved; he did not come to shame the injured Julia.

Julia was satisfied with his visit; she wished to see him again, and she lost by degrees her anger against mankind. The tender, affec tionate, noble heart of Boris, which in the bustle of the great world she could not have been able to judge of so well as in the confidential converse of her quiet apartment, made an impression on her. "Why," with tears exclaimed she, "why are not all men like you? love would not then be for us the source of misery." Boris took advantage of this moment, and Julia promised to be his; bat under the condition that they should retire from the world. "The wicked world does not deserve to witness our happiness;" she said, "its ridiculous vanity is hateful to me. Let us, dear Boris, retire into the country." "My whole life shall be dedicated to your happiness, incomparable Julia," auswered Boris. "Gladly with you will I live at the extremity of the globe; and never, either by a reproach or complaint, give you cause for sorrow. Your will shall be my law; for my happiness I have to thank you; it is therefore my duty to anticipate your wishes, and depend solely upon you.” Boris did not deceive Julia. The first six or seven weeks passed over in the country like a serene day. The worthy husband was happy in the possession of his charming wife, and Julia returned his tenderness with equal

love; an ardent passion inspired both hearts; she felt the delicacy of his conduct, and when nature itself seemed to partake in their happi-alone rewarded him for it with the most transness; spring appeared every where in its full porting caresses. "Do you not perceive," beauty; the sweet scents of the flowers, the said she with an enchanting smile, "that the warbling of the the birds, every thing couspir-pleasures of town, and the change of objects, ed to increase the transport of the tender is a renewal of our love? My heart, harassed pair. with the dissipation of the world, so joyfully reposes itself in your embraces." Boris sighed, but so gently it was not heard by Julia.

"Good God!" exclaimed Julia, "how can any body live in town? how is it possible ever to forsake the country? Nothing is there but confusion and disquietude; here blooms the pure state of innocence; there reigns perpetual constraint; here peace and freedom. Ah! dear Boris," and with the tenderest looks she pressed his hand on her heart, "Ah! dear Boris, in the peaceful country, in the bosom of nature alone, can a sentimental mind enjoy the full plenitude of love."

One evening, when Julia received visitors, Boris saw Prince Karin enter among other company. He turned pale, and was violently agitated; but recovered himself in a few mo ments so far as to receive the Prince with civility; but he took care to avoid meeting the eyes of Julia during the whole evening, that he might not distress her, fearing she would read the uneasiness of his heart in his looks.

After supper, when the company departed, and Julia found herself alone with Boris, she took his hand and said, smiling:-" Did you observe, my dear Boris, with what cool civility I treated Prince Karin? It would have been ridiculous to have shut our doors against him; let the indiscreet fickle Narcissus feel that he is now perfectly indifferent to me, that my former folly has not left one trace in my

Boris kissed her hand, and owned that he thought her conduct was very proper.

The praises of Julia on a country life grew colder and less frequent towards the close of summer; but when pensive autumn took place of the delightful summer, as the flowers in the gardens and fields drooped, and the leaves fell from the trees, the birds retired, and it began to be every where lonely and melancholy, she lost all inclination to extol a country life. Boris perceived she began to feel ennui. Sighing, he took up a volume of the New Heloise, and read to her an extract, on the hap-heart, and that I have no cause to fear him.” piness of mutual love. Julia listened to him with attention, and said:-"Charming! but yet Rousseau is more followed from imagination than conviction; it were indeed well if it were to continue so. Certainly the bliss of love is the greatest of blessings; but can it always remain the same? will it ever satisfy the mind? will it ever be an equivalent for all other enjoyments? Ah! the heart of mankind is insatiable: it always requires novelty, new ideas and impressions, which renovate and strengthen its feelings; I believe the most ardent love must languish, and tire at last, in solitude; comparison is required to enhance the worth of a beloved object." Boris answered, sighing" I thought otherwise; however, to-morrow we will take a journey to town."

Julia appeared again on the theatre of the great world, with all the blaze of fresh beauty, riches, and splendour. She was received with transport, and roses sprang up under all her steps; one pleasure chased away the other, Que diversion followed the other as formerly; with only this difference, that now, as a wife, she could enjoy all the dissipation of life with much less restraint than before. She opened

In a few days Julia had again company, and the Prince came there also. He was gay, entertaining, witty, and hardly spoke to any one except the mistress of the mansion; with regard to Boris, he hardly noticed him at all; in a word, he played the part of a man of the ton.

At length he never missed being at Julia's house. "What an agreeable house," cried both men and women; "Julia is an angel," added one; "the amiable Prince Karin dispenses pleasure around him," said another: Mean while people began to make observatious. Some regarded Boris with a smile, others with a shrug of the shoulders. "What is there to wonder at?" whispered one to the other, "old love is never forgotten; and now one is more secure; the husband is a quiet good soul, and all is in a proper train."

Boris's behaviour towards Julia remained just the same as usual; but in her he soon remarked an alteration. She was often absorbed in thought; sometimes she turned red, sometimes pale. She tried to hide her uneasiness, sometimes would throw herself with vehemence around the neck of Boris, ap

her house to receive company, and had partiespeared as if she had something to impart, yet

at home four times, at least, in the week. Boris was silent, and did every thing she pleased:

say not a word. The prudent Boris also remained silent; only when in the dusk, he

wandered along his favourite walk, and tears streamed from his eyes.

One day, as he returned home towards evening, he hastened towards his favourite walk. The first object which, as he entered it, met his eyes, was Prince Karin, who was sitting with Julia on a grass bank. Her head rested on his shoulder, and her looks were fixed on the ground. The Prince, kissing her hand, said:"You love me, and I should expire with fondness in your arms! Julia, do you think it right to conform to prejudices? follow the dictates of your heart, folow."Julia heard a rustling, and looked round, she shuddered as she perceived Boris; but who can describe the feelings of the unhappy husband? what should he do? stab the faithless being? satiate his vengeance in the blood of the traitress, and then turn the steel against his own bosom? No! he certainly had to combat with his rage, but it was only for a moment; he overcame the struggles of his boiling passion, and, with a death-like countenance, and eyes lifted towards heaven, he quitted the walk.

On the same evening Julia received from him a letter, the contents of which were as follows:

"I have not forfeited my word; not a reproach, not a complaint, has passed my lips; I confided in the powers of my affection; I have deceived myself, and suffer; after what I have seen and heard, we can no longer live together; my presence shall no longer offend you; the rights of a husband are a yoke, if not lightened by love. Farewel, Julia! You are free, Madam! you once had a husband; perhaps you may never hear of him again; the ocean will divide us. I forsake my native country and my friends; the bitter remembrance alone of my misery will be my companion. In the packet which accompanies this, you will find a deed which places you in possession of my fortune. With that I enclose the portrait of my late wife; yet, no! from that I cannot part. I will converse with it as with the shadow of a departed friend, as with the last and only beloved object of my breaking heart.”

burst from her eyes. The Prince attempted

to take the letter from her. "No," said she, with a firm voice, “you do not deserve to read it; a man of honour has written it. The mist has dispersed; I despise both you and myself! You see me now, Sir, for the last time; seduce others, and then laugh at their folly; only forget and leave me for ever. I will not accuse you farther! my thoughtlessness alone deserves to be condemned. Pleasure in the world you can never want; but from this moment you, and such as yourself, will ever be disgusting to me. I henceforth make a vow that never more shall daring vice venture to look me in the face. You may be astonished at this sudden alteration, believe it or not, just as it is agreeable to you, to me it is indiffer ent." With these words she quickly disap peared into the next room. The Prince stood as one thunderstruck; at last he burst into a laugh, either forced or natural, burried into his carriage, and drove to the play. When Julia heard that Boris was gone, without say ing where, she immediately quitted the town, and retired into the country. "Here," said she, sighing, "shall my days pass in melancholy solitude; here, where I once might have been happy! With the best and most affectionate of husbands I left you, dear rural retreat, and alone, a sorrowing widow, I return; but still with a heart which prizes virtue. Alas! this alone comforts me, this alone supports me! Nor ever, holy virtue, will I become unfaithful to you, ever shall you remain my friend. O! I shall see you, shall embrace your counterpart, in the likeness of my never to be forgotten Boris!" Her tears streamed on the miniature of her husband, which she held in her hand.

In this, we must render the women justice; when they once seriously resolve on any thing, their fortitude and their powers in the exccution of it, are worthy of admiration; and the most renowned heroes of self-denial, whose. names history has exalted to the heavens, must divide with them their laurels.

Julia, in whom little more was wanting to make a modern Lais, was now a pattern of virtue. In her bosom every idle wish was extinguished, and her whole life was devoted to the remembrance of her beloved husband. She fancied him present; she poured out her sout to him. "You have forsaken me," she said,

When Julia observed Boris in the walk she sat speechless during a few moments, then followed him precipitately, called him by name several times; her voice faultered, her limbs trembled, and, leaning on the shoulder of the Prince, she faintly tottered towards the house. Not finding him there she covered her face" and you had a right to do so. I dare not with her hands, and threw herself, sobbing, on a sofa. The wily Prince in vain attempted to soothe her; she answered him not a word. She opened the letter of Boris with trembling hands, and having perused it, a stream of tears

venture to wish your return. I only wish peace to your heart. If the remembrance of your wife tortures you, forget her. Wherever you are, be happy; I am encircled with the remembrance of your love; I shall not die with

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