Slike strani

fterity with the regret of all his contemporaries.


1ft. Rome. We learn, that the beautiful church of the Vatican, which has been robbed of its treafures by the French, is at prefent receiving prefents from different quarters, confifting of golden chalices, pictures, &c. The nobility, clergy, and merchants, are raifing a loan of 150,000 dollars, for purchafing corn in Naples. On the 27th ult. a perfon of the name of Genoves, who had robbed feveral churches, was hanged here, his head and hands afterwards fixed on poles, the body burnt, and the afhes committed to the air.

The ftone arch, which formed the floor of the white tower, over the caft gate, at Lynn, fuddenly fell, while the rope-makers, who drefs hemp under it, were gone to dinner: to prevent farther danger, it is thought advifeable to take down this ornament of the town.

11th. A fociety, under the title of "The Royal Inftitution of Great Britain," and under the patronage of his majefty, commnced its fittings, for the first time, this day. Its profeffed object is to direct the public attention to the arts, by an eftablishment for diffufing the knowledge and facilitating the general introduction of ufeful mechanical inventions and improvements.

In France, as in England, there have been difputes about the commencement of the 18th century. The aftronomer Lalande thus determines the question; which, he fays, was equally agitated at the end of the last century; he having, in his

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library, a pamphlet published on the fubject. Many perfons," fays he, imagine that, because, after having counted 17, they commence 18, that the century muft be changed, but this is a mistake; for, when 100 years are to be counted, we must pafs from 99, and we arrive at 100; we have changed the 10 before we have finifhed the 100. Whatever calculation is to be made, we commènce by 1, and finifli by 100; nobody has ever thought of commencing at 0, and finifhing by 99." Thus, he concludes that the prefent year 1800 inconteftibly belongs to the 18th century.

17th. Lieutenant Rotherfy, of his majefty's fhip Repulfe, of 64 guns, captain Alms, arrived at the admiralty, with the unpleafant intelligence of the lofs of that fhip, a few days fince, on the French coast. She ftruck on a rock near Ufhant, in a violent gale of wind, and, notwithstanding the utmoft exertions were ufed, by the captain and officers, to fave the men, ten brave failors unfortunately perifhed. Capt. Alms, and the remainder of the crew, were made prifoners by the people un fhore, from whom, we underftand, they received all poffible affiftance in the hour of diftrefs. Lieuteant Rotherfy came home in the long boat, in which he happily effected his efcape from the wreck.

27th. With great concern we have to notice a mutiny on board his majesty's fhip Danae, which has been carried into Breft by the villains who obtained poffeffion of her. The purfer of the hip arrived at the admiralty this day with the tidings. 30th. Chelmsford. A remarkable occurrence happened towards the clofe

great corn



clofe of thefe affizes: John Taylor Cambridge
had been arraigned and tried on Hertford
the charge of uttering a forged Hunts
note, in the name of Bartholomew Average of this
Browne, for 8201. 10s. with an
intent to defraud the bank of
Cricket and Co. at Colchefter, of Lincoln
which the jury found him guilty;
but just as baron Hotham was Devon
about to put on his black cap, and Salop
to pass fentence of death, on the
prifoner, one of the barrifters, not
retained on the trial, happening to
turn over the forged note, faw it
figned Bartw. Browne; and throw-
ing his eyes immediately on the York, W.-R..
indictment, perceived it written York, E.-R.
therein Bartholomew Browne. He Dorset
immediately pointed out the cir-
cumftance to Mr Garrow, coun-
cellor for the prifoner, who rofe up
and stated the variance as fatal to
the indictment; in which the judge
concurred, and dicharged the pri-
foner; but, as he was ftill liable to
a new indiament, and immediately
arrested for debt, his friends paid
the latter to fave him from the

31. The following is the refult of Mr. Arthur Young's inquiry, on a fubject on which his experience ought, in this inftance, to be confidered as correct. He confiders the deficiency in the laft year's crops to be in the following proportions, affuming 20 as the general

average crop :



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General average 7 1-3d in 20


DIED. At his houfe on Scotland-green, Enfield, in his 95th year, William Fuller, efq. banker, of Lombard-street, London. was fon of William Fuller, who kept an academy in Founder's Court, Lothbury, to which, on his death, his fon fucceeded, and having, by qualifying in writing and accounts many now eminent merchants of London, befides many others, who ferved the Eafl-India company both at home and abroad, accumulated the fum of 30,000Z. he engaged in a banking-houle, in which he had before placed his fon, who dying, in 1796, left to his father 20 a fum not lefs than 80,0007. Mr. 20 Fuller was a native of Hertford20 thire, and married a person of the name of Flower, by whom he had 20 one fon, deceased, and three daugh20 ters, onc, lately deceafed, married 20 to Mr. Ellis, who was a tanner, 20 and now holds certain mills at St. Alban's,


6 1-half in 20

[blocks in formation]


B 4

Alban's, and two furviving, fingle.
Mrs. Ellis had one daughter, who
has received no fhare of her grand-
father's immenfe wealth, adequate
to her prospects. Mr. Fuller, who
never knew what illness was, and
divided his time between his count-
ing-house and his horfe, being re-
gularly every day on the road, and
having, only within a year or two
of his death, consented to be at-
tended by a fervant juft in fight,
was fuddenly feized with fo much
weakness, that he, for the first
time, felt himself obliged to apply
to his fervant for affiftance, to keep
hit in the faddle; and, on reach-
ing his house, was put into his bed,
and quitted it only for his coffin,
after a confinement of near a week,
fenfible to the last hour. What-
ever difpofition he had made of his
property, he totally changed it by
a new will, made a little before
his death, to which he appointed
three executors, with a small com-
penfation for their trouble, and by
which he bequeathed his immenfe
property to his two furviving
daughters. Legacies to old and
faithful clerks and fervants, who
had all fared hard enough in his
fervice, or to the poor of any clafs
or rank, we hear not of. Inftances
of good done by him, in his life,
are not generally met with, except
the endowment, in 1794, of fix
alms-houfes, in Hoxton, (to which,
a few weeks only before he died,
the foundation of fix others were
added), for poor diffenting females
of his own perfuafion, which was
rigid calvinifm, and, to increase the
incomes of poor clergy of the
eftablishment and diffenting per-,
fuafion, 10,0001. each. Hard in-
veftigation may trace out partial
relief in particular cafes. An adept

in the fcience of acquiring money,
by the moft penurious economy,
he is faid to have fuggested several
plans of finance to government,
through the channel of the newf
papers and
anonymous letters.
The pleafure of amaffing wealth
reigned unrivalled in his foul; and,
with the ftricteft profeffions of piety,
and attendance on religious ordi-
nances, we find ourselves reduced
to a painful concurrence, in that
axiom of our divine inftructor,
"How, hardly, fhall they that have
riches enter into the kingdom of
God!" and with that fentiment of
his emphatic apoftle, "Ye know
that no covetous man, who is an
idolater, hath any inheritance in
the kingdom of Chrift and of God."
On March 19, his remains were
depofited in Bunhill-fields burial-
ground; but, previous to the inter-
ment, his body lay in ftate, at the
banking-houfe in Lombard-street, in
his little parlour clofely adjoining
to it. The idle vanity of thus ex-
pofing, in state, the remains of a
man who, through the course of a
life of extraordinary length, was
never known to allow himself the
moft trifling indulgence, could not
efcape the obfervation of the
crowds, who witneffed the scene.
It was only by the moft fordid
penurioufnefs, that Mr. Fuller ac-
cumulated one of the largest pro-
perties in the kingdom. His exe-
cutors are, Mr. Ebenezer Mait-
land, (bank-director), of King's-arms
Yard; Mr. Stonard, of Savage-
gardens; and Mr. Thomas Hall,
of Watling-ftreet, apothecary. The
property, which the late Mr. Fuller
left behind him, is calculated at
400,000l. of which there is about
20007. a year in land. The will
was in his own hand-writing, and


not attefted by any witnesses. To his two fifters he has left the whole of his immenfe property, with the exception of a few very triflings legacies. His old clerks, to one of whom (and who is faid to have been his ufher when he kept the academy) he had made great promifes, are equally forgotten.


5th. Yesterday forenoon arrived, at the Admiralty, a foreign meflenger from Leghorn, with difpatches from lord Keith, commander-in-chief in the Mediterranean. He brought the very unpleasant tidings of the lofs of the Queen Charlotte, of 110 guns, his lordship's flag fhip, which, took fire juft before day-break, on the morning of the 17th of March, while under an easy fail, between the island of Gorgona and Leghorn. The accident was occafioned by the fire of a match, which was kept lighted, for the purpose of firing fignal-guns, and communicated to fome hay which lay on the half deck. The fire fpread very rapidly, and bursting through the port holes and the hatchway of the fhip, foon caught the shrouds; and, notwithstanding every exertion, the burnt to the water's edge, and then

blew up.

Upwards of seven hundred lives are loft; as the boats of the fhip could not contain one-fourth of the complement of men. Lord Keith was himself on shore, at Leghorn.

the rifk of their lives, faved upwards of 30 of the crew of the Mastiff gun-veffel, wrecked near the Cockle-Sands laft January. Abel King and William Pile have received 25 guineas each for their first volunteering in this fervice of danger and humanity.

7th. The lords of the Admiralty have given 150 guineas, as a reward to the humane and intrepid exertions of fome fishermen, at Winterton, in Norfolk, who, at

8th. A very ferious accident befel the duke of York, whilft riding for an airing along the King's Road, towards Fulham. At Parlon's Green, a dog belonging to a drover, croffed, barking in front of his horse, a fpirited animal, which rearing up on his hind legs, fell backwards with the duke under him. His royal highnefs's foot was unfortunately entangled in the ftirrup, and the horfe rifing, dragged him along, doing him ftill more injury. Two of the duke's ribs are broken; he has received a contufion on the back of his head, his face is bruised, and one of his legs and arms are alfo bruised.

9th. A very handfome pump has been erected in the front of the Royal Exchange, over the well lately difcovered in Cornhill. The cafe is of iron, and forms a lofty and very handfome obelisk. It is elegantly painted, and decorated with emblematic figures, among which is the plan of a houfe of cor rection, which was built on the ground adjoining the pump in 1282, by Henry Wallis, efq. then lord mayor of London. One fide of the pump bears this infcription; "This Well was difcovered, much en larged, and this Pump erected in the year 1799, by the contributions of the Bank of England, the EafiIndia Company, the neighbouring Fire-offices, together with the Bankers and Traders of the Ward of Cornhill." On the reverse, these


words appear: "On this spot a well was first made, and a houfe of correction built, by Henry Wallis, mayor of London, in 1282."

11th. This afternoon, as the Chatham and Rochefter coach came out of the gateway of the inn-yard of the Golden-Crofs, Charing-Crofs, a young woman, fitting on the top, threw her head back, to prevent her from ftriking against the beam: but, there being fo much luggage on the roof of the coach as to hinder her laying herfelf fufficiently back, it caught her face, and tore the flesh up her forehead in a dreadful manner. She was conveyed to an hofpital, where he died on the 19th. A coroner's inqueft was, on the 22d, held at the Westminster-Infirmary on the body of the above young woman, who, it appears, was only 19 years of age; and brought in their verdict, accidental death; but, on account of apparent negligence in the coachman, they fined him five pounds. It appeared, that the deceased had come to town to vifit a lying-in fifter, and was on her return to Chatham, when the accident happened.

12th. This morning, about two o'clock, as the watchman was going his rounds in Great Queen-freet, Lincoln's-inn Fields, he was alarmed by a strong finell of burning oil and pitch; following the fcent, he came to the oil and colour-fhop belonging to Mr. Baynham, the corner of Drury-lane and Great Queenftreet. The fire had not extended beyond the hop; but, foon after he had fprung his rattle, and knocked at the private door, the whole of the lower premifes were in flames. It was not till after repeated knock ing, that he alarmed a gentleman lodging in the first floor, who had

no other alternative to preferve his life than jumping out of the window in his fhirt; in this he fucceeded, without any other accident than a flight bruife. The rattles of the watchmen, and the knocking at the door, produced no effect on the fleepers; the dread and horror, which, in confequence, pervaded the affembled multitude, can more eafily be felt than defcribed; for, by this time, the fire had extended from the fhop to the fecond floor, and the flames were burfting through the windows: for the effect, produced from the oil, pitch, and other combuftibles, fo much exceeded the conflagration of a common fire, as to render all attempts to fave any one article uleleís. Lives only were objects worthy of confideration, and all hopes of faving them were at one time given up. Sheets of burning oil were thrown up to a vaft height, and, in falling, fet fire to every thing inflammable on which they fell. The adjacent chimneys were all on fire, but, through the timely affiftance of buckets of water, no farther da mage was fuftained. The engines before this time had arrived, but ftill a proper fupply of water could not be procured. Mr. Baynham appearing, now relieved the minds of the fpectators from all farther apprehenfion relative to the fafety of himfelf and family, they having had just time to elcape over the tops of the houfes unhurt. The conflagration became fo great as to excite an univerfal alarm throughout the neighbourhood: moft of the houfes being old, were as inflammable as touchwood, and the inhabitants knew not whether to bring out their goods into the ftreet, at the risk of being plundered, or let them re

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