INDEX. AMERICAN, An, William McKinley, 323. Appeal to Lord Salisbury, An, by A True Friend of a Better England, 117. Attenborough, J.M., The First Edinburgh School of Literary Critics, 669. B. A. (Oxon.), English Public Schools and their Headmasters, 552. Baldwin, C. G., "Summum Jus Summa Injuria," 318. Bannerman, David, Agricultural Distress in Russia, 283. Barry, P., National and Local Borrowing, 31. " A Reformed House of Commons, 255. Paying for the War, 490. Future Africa, 612. it might be, 68. Baylee, J. Tyrrell, The Workmen's Compensation Act, What it is and what Belles Lettres, Contemporary Literature of, 110, 230, 350, 468, 585, 708. Bradley-Birt, J., The Late Amir of Afghanistan, 58. CAPEL, Yolet, England's Peril, 163. Corbet, J. W., How Irelands are Made, 149. Coward, T. A., The Prevention of Cruelty to Wild Animals, 546. Cryan, R. W. W., Ajaccio, 452. DAVIS, R. Gunn, The Evolutionary Trend of British Politics, 514. : Dramatic Notes, 107, 344, 582. EDMONDSON-JOEL, J., Confirming Bishops and Crown Prerogatives, 536. FAHY, Francis A., The Irish Language Question, 307. Freshfield, Francis H., Anecdotes of a Great Party Leader, 326. Fröding, Gustaf, Good Old Times, from the Swedish of, by W. F. Harvey, 693. GEORGE, Henry, Junior, The Next Depression in America, 527. " Unhallowed Offspring, 692. Gibson, J. A., The King's Sanatoria, 424. Greenwood, Madeleine, Supply and Demand, A Good Field for Employment for Efficient Workers, 208. Grierson, Francis, The Blunders of Matthew Arnold, 300. The Doom of American Democracy, 519. HARVEY, W. F., Primitive Chronology, 295. History and Biography, Contemporary Literature of, 101, 465, 581, 707. Hodgson, Harry, A National Crisis, 405. Hyamson, A. M., The Post Office Savings Bank: its Forty Years, 193. ILQUHAM, H., Marriage a Just and Honourable Partnership, 433. JAMES, R. A. Scott, Ulysses: a Drama, 567. Jones, D. M. The Love of Death, 446. Julian, T. E. Canadian Railways and Emigration, 202. VOL. 157.-No. 6. 3 c Index. KENT, W. H., Patriotism or Imperialism? 126. LAWSON, J. S., The Training of the Secondary Teacher, 682. "MAC," The Case of Ireland Stated, 412. Macgregor, W. D., The Cause of the War in South Africa, 477, 597. Medical, Contemporary Literature, 229, 463. Milton, Holt A., American Remedies for Overcrowding, 218. Mugwump, Federation and Imperialism, 636. NAUGHTEN, T. E., The Exodus of the Irish, 85. Newman, L. S. M., A Plea for Ireland, Independent Section, 697. O'BRIEN, M. D., The Bond, 1. " Pretexts for violating the Bond, 136. Y Gladstone's Foreign Policy and how Lord Rosebery Failed to Adhere to it, 366. PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY, 95, 226, 336, 457, 572. Poetry, 113, 356, 474, 715, 594. READE, Hubert, The Language Question in South Africa, 499. SOUTH AFRICAN CONSPIRACY, a Deadly Parallel, 16, 171. Science, 94, 225, 335, 571. Seal, Horace, A Hint to Ictinus, or the New Architecture, 187. Stockton, Lewis, Representation, Federation, Referendum, a Programme, 357. Sociology, &c., 98, 228, 340, 459, 576. TALK with my Uncle, 420. Thomasson, Franklin, Liberalism and Empire, 647. WALLACE, W. B., A Forgotten Novel, 687. Wheeler, C. B., A Stone Wall, 78. White, F. A., Chamberlain and Rosebery, 385. Wilson, Henry, Municipal Sanitation, 197. Wood, G. H., Anarchism and Outline, and a Criticism, 181. Wolff, H. W., Italy and her Socialists, 44. Wright, W. Chapman, With "Free Trade" there must be "Fair Cess," 271. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, 344, 462, 579, 579, 706. a I. THE CAUSE OF THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA, Part II. II. FUTURE AFRICA. III. BULLETS-EXPANSIVE, EXPLOSIVE AND POISONED. IV. V. VI. VII. FEDERATION VERSUS IMPERIALISM. LIBERALISM AND EMPIRE. TORY FINANCE EXPOSED. THE WEST INDIES LIMITED. VIII. THE FIRST EDINBURGH SCHOOL OF LITERARY CRITICS. By W. D. MacGregor. By P. Barry. SOCIOLOGY, POLITICS AND JURISPRUDENCE. - VOYAGES AND TRAVELS.-HISTORY LEONARD SCOTT PUBLICATION CO. 7 & 9 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK. LONDON: R. BRIMLEY JOHNSON travel, in knowledge, is summed up in convenient and accessible form by the most competent authorities. "These Reviews contain more articles by more noted writers on important subjects than any other series. No reader who hopes to keep in touch with the best thought of the day can afford to ignore them".-Philadelphia Press. We supply the original English editions at nearly 50 per cent. less than they cost in England. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION:-Any one Review, $4.50; any two, $8.50; any Leonard Scott Publication Company, 7 Warren St., New York. |