on board of any vessel for exportation, no customs or duties whatever shall be required to be paid thereon, and the crew shall be protected and succored until they can be sent to their own country. ARTICLE XI. ports of the other. If a vessel of either of the contracting parties shall be attacked by an enemy within cannon shot of the forts of the other, she shall Protection of vesbe protected as much as is possible. If she be in port, she sels of either party in shall not be seized or attacked when it is in the power of the other party to protect her; and when she proceeds to sea, no enemy shall be permitted to pursue her from the same port within twenty-four hours after her departure. ARTICLE XII. tion clause. The commerce between the United States of America and the Regency of Algiers, the protections to be given to merchants, masters Most favored naof vessels, and seamen, the reciprocal rights of establishing Consuls in each country, the privileges, immunities, and jurisdictions to be enjoyed by such Consuls, are declared to be on the same footing, in every respect, with the most favored nations, respectively. ARTICLE XIII. The Consul of the United States of America shall not be responsible for the debts contracted by the citizens of his own country, unless he gives previously written obligations so to do. ARTICLE XIV. Consul of United States not responsi ble for debts of citi zens. Vessels of war of United States arriv On a vessel or vessels of war belonging to the United States anchoring before the city of Algiers, the Consul is to inform the Dey of her arrival, when she shall receive the salutes which are, Eng in porte of Alby treaty or custom, given to the ships of war of the most Kiers. favored nations on similar occasions, and which shall be returned gun for gun; and if, after such arrival, so announced, any Christians whatever, captives in Algiers, make their escape and take refuge on board any of the said ships of war, they shall not be required back again, nor shall the Consul of the United States or commander of the said ship be required to pay anything for the said Christians. ARTICLE XV. Religious pinions. As the Government of the United States has, in itself, no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity of any nation, and as the said States have never entered into any voluntary war or act of hostility except in defense of their just rights on the high seas, it is declared, by the contracting parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony between the two nations; and the Consuls and Agents of both nations shall have liberty to celebrate the rights of their respective religions in their own houses. Consuls may travel within the territories of each party, &c. The Consuls, respectively, shall have liberty and personal security given them to travel within the territories of each other by land and sea, and shall not be prevented from going on board any vessel they may think proper to visit; they shall likewise have the liberty to appoint their own dragoman and broker. Disputes arising from Treaty. ARTICLE XVI. In case of any dispute arising from the violation of any of the articles of this treaty no appeal shall be made to arms, nor shall war Violation of be.declared on any pretext whatever; but if the Consul residing at the place where the dispute shall happen shall not be able to settle the same, the Government of that country shall state their grievance in writing, and transmit the same to the Government of the other, and the period of three months shall be allowed for answers to be returned, during which time no act of hostility shall be permitted by either party; and in case the grievances are not redressed, and a war should be the event, the Consuls, and citizens, and subjects of both parties, respectively, shall be permitted to embark with their effects unmolested on board of what vessel or vessels they shall think proper, reasonable time being allowed for that purpose. ARTICLE XVII. If, in the course of events, a war should break out between the two nations, the prisoners captured by either party shall not be Prisoners of war. made slaves; they shall not be forced to hard labor, or other confinement than such as may be necessary to secure their safe-keeping, and shall be exchanged rank for rank; and it is agreed that prisoners shall be exchanged in twelve months after their capture; and the exchange may be effected by any private individual legally authorized by either of the parties. Case of war between United States and third party. ARTICLE XVIIL If any of the Barbary Powers, or other States at war with the United States, shall capture any American vessel and send her into any port of the Regency of Algiers, they shall not be perTreatment of prizes. mitted to sell her, but shall be forced to depart the port on procuring the requisite supplies of provisions; but the vessels of war of the United States, with any prizes they may capture from their enemies, shall have liberty to frequent the ports of Algiers for refreshment of any kind, and to sell such prizes in the said ports, without paying any other customs or duties than such as are customary on ordinary commercial importations. Settlement of dis ARTICLE XIX. If any of the citizens of the United States, or any persons under their protection, shall have any disputes with each other, putes in general. the Consul shall decide between the parties; and whenever the Consul shall require any aid or assistance from the Government of Algiers to enforce his decision, it shall be immediately granted to him; and if any disputes shall arise between any citizens of the United States and the citizens or subjects of any other nations having a Consul or Agent in Algiers, such disputes shall be settled by the Consuls or Agents of the respective nations; and any disputes or suits of law that may take place between any citizens of the United States and the subjects of the Regency of Algiers, shall be decided by the Dey in person, and no other. ARTICLE XX. If a citizen of the United States should kill, wound, or strike a subject of Algiers, or, on the contrary, a subject of Algiers should kill, wound, or strike a citizen of the United States, Case of assault. the law of the country shall take place, and equal justice shall be rendered, the Consul assisting at the trial; but the sentence of punishment against an American citizen shall not be greater or more severe than it would be against a Turk in the same predicament; and if any delinquent should make his escape, the Consul shall not be responsible for him in any manner whatever. ARTICLE XXI. Free entry for Con The Consul of the United States of America shall not be required to pay any customs or duties whatever on anything he imports from a foreign country for the use of his house and slot United States. family. ARTICLE XXII. Regency of Al Should any of the citizens of the United States of America die within the Regency of Algiers, the Dey and his subjects shall not Citizens of United interfere with the property of the deceased, but it shall be State dying within under the immediate direction of the Consul, unless otherwise.giers. disposed of by will. Should there be no Consul, the effects shall be deposited in the hands of some person worthy of trust, until the party shall appear who has a right to demand them, when they shall render an account of the property; neither shall the Dey or his subjects give hinderance in the execution of any will that may appear. ARTICLE ADDITIONAL AND EXPLANATORY. Eighteenth article the foregoing treaty. The United States of America, in order to give to the Dey of Algiers a proof of their desire to maintain the relations of peace and amity between the two powers upon a footing the most of liberal, and in order to withdraw any obstacle which might embarrass him in his relations with other States, agree to annul so much of the eighteenth article of the foregoing treaty as gives to the United States any advantage in the ports of Algiers over the most favored nations having treaties with the Regency. Done at the palace of the Government, in Algiers, on the 22d day of December, 1816, which corresponds to the third of the Moon Safar, year of the Hegira 1232. Whereas the undersigned William Shaler, a citizen of the State of New York, and Isaac Chauncey, Commander in Chief of the Naval Forces of the United States stationed in the Mediterranean, being duly appointed Commissioners, by letters-patent under the signature of the President and seal of the United States of America, bearing date at the city of Washington, the 24th day of August, A. D. 1816, for negotiating and concluding the renewal of a treaty of peace between the United States of America and the Dey and subjects of the Regency of Algiers, we, therefore, William Shaler and Isaac Chauncey, Commissioners as aforesaid, do conclude the foregoing treaty, and every article and clause therein contained, reserving the same, nevertheless, for the final ratification of the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States. Done in the chancery of the Consulate General of the United States, in the city of Algiers, on the 23d day of December, in the year 1816, and of the independence of the United States the forty-first. [L. S.] {L. S.] WM. SHALER. I. CHAUNCEY. [The signature of the Dey is stamped at the beginning and end of the treaty.] ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION, 1853.* TREATY WITH THE ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION, CONCLUDED JULY 10, 1853; RATIFICATIONS EXCHANGED DECEMBER 20, 1854; PROCLAIMED APRIL 9, 1855. Treaty for the free navigation of the rivers Parana and Uruguay, between the United States and the Argentine Confederation. Preamble. The President of the United States and His Excellency the Proviional Director of the Argentine Confederation, being desirous of strengthening the bonds of friendship which so happily subsist between their respective States and countries, and convinced that the surest means of arriving at this result is to take in concert all the measures requisite for facilitating and developing commercial relations, have resolved to determine by treaty the conditions of the free navigation of the rivers Parana and Uruguay, and thus to remove the obstacles which have hitherto impeded this navigation. With this object they have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say: The President of the United States, Robert C. Schenck, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States Negotiators. to Brazil, and John S. Pendleton, Chargé d'Affaires of the United States to the Argentine Confederation; and His Excellency thé Provisional Director of the Argentine Confederation, Doctor Don Salvador Maria del Carril, and Doctor Don José Benjamin Gorostiaga ; Who, after having communicated to each other their full powers found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: Free navigation of ARTICLE I. The Argentine Confederation, in the exercise of her sovereign rights, concedes the free navigation of the rivers Parana and Uruthe Parana and Uruguay, wherever they may belong to her, to the merchant vessels of all nations, subject only to the conditions which this treaty establishes, and to the regulations sanctioned, or which may hereafter be sanctioned, by the national authority of the Confederation. guay. ARTICLE II. Consequently, the said vessels shall be admitted to remain, load, and unload in the places and ports of the Argentine Confederation which are open for that purpose. Loading and loading. ARTICLE III. The Government of the Argentine Confederation, being desirous to provide every facility for interior navigation, agrees to maintain beacons and marks pointing out the channels. Beacons and marks. * Vol. X, Statutes at Large, p. 1001 et seq. ARTICLE IV. A uniform system shall be established by the competent authorities of the confederation, for the collection of the custom-house du- Collection of du ties, harbor, lights, police, and pilotage dues along the whole ties and dues. course of the waters which belong to the Confederation. . . ARTICLE V. Government and and of Martin Garcia. The high contracting parties, considering that the Island of Martin Garcia may, from its position, embarrass and impede the free navigation of the confluents of the river Plate, agree possession of the isl to use their influence to prevent the possession of the said island from being retained or held by any State of the river Plate, or its confluents, which shall not have given its adhesion to the principle of their free navigation. ARTICLE VI. Navigation of said If it should happen (which God forbid) that war should break out between any of the States, Republics, or Provinces, of the river Plate or its confluents, the navigation of the rivers Parana and rivers in time of war. Uruguay shall remain free to the merchant flag of all nations, excepting in what may relate to munitions of war, such as arms of all kinds, gunpowder, lead, and cannon balls. ARTICLE VII. South American may accede to this treaty. Power is expressly reserved to His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, and the Governments of Bolivia, Paraguay, and the Oriental State of Uruguay, to become parties to the present treaty, in case Governments they should be disposed to apply its principles to the parts of the rivers Parana, Paraguay, and Uruguay, over which they may respectively possess fluvial rights. ARTICLE VIII. The principal objects for which the rivers Parana and Uruguay are declared free to the commerce of the world, being to extend Most favored nathe mercantile relatious of the countries which border them, tion clause. and to promote immigration, it is hereby agreed that no favor or immunity shall be granted to the flag or trade of any other nation which shall not equally extend to those of the United States. ARTICLE IX. Ratifications. The present treaty shall be ratified on the part of the Government of the United States within fifteen months from its date, and within two days by His Excellency the Provisional Director of the Argentine Confederation, who shall present it to the first Legislative Congress of the Confederation, for their approbation. The ratifications shall be exchanged at the seat of Government of the Argentine Confederation, within the term of eighteen months. In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this. treaty, and affixed thereto their seals. Done at San José de Flores, on the tenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. [SEAL.] SEAL. SEAL. SEAL. ROB'T C. SCHENCK. JNO. S. PENDLETON. SALVADOR MÅ. DEL CARRIL. |