express intention of the contracting parties not to extend the benefit of the present convention to reclamations of American citizens, who shall have established houses of commerce in France, England, or other countries than the United States, in partnership with foreigners, and who by that reason and the nature of their commerce ought to be regarded as domiciliated in the places where such houses exist. All agreements and bargains concerning merchandize, which shall not be the property of American citizens, are equally excepted from the benefit of the said convention, saving, however, to such persons their claims in like manner as if this treaty had not been made. ARTICLE VI. Ministers Plenipo tentiary of United States to appoint commissioners to act provisionally. And that the different questions which may arise under the preceding article may be fairly investigated, the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United States shall name three persons, who shall act from the present and provisionally, and who shall have full power to examine, without removing the documents, all the accounts of the different claims already liquidated by the bureaus established for this purpose by the French Republic, and to ascertain whether they belong to the classes designated by the present convention and the principles established in it; or if they are not in one of its exceptions and on their certificate, declaring that the debt is due to an American citizen or his representative, and that it existed before the 8th Vendémiaire, 9th year, (30th September, 1800,) the debtor shall be entitled to an order on the treasury of the United States, in the manner prescribed by the third article. ARTICLE VII. the The same agents shall likewise have power, without removing the documents, to examine the claims which are prepared for To examine verification, and to certify those which ought to be admitted claims, &c., and to by uniting the necessary qualifications, and not being com- ought to be admitted. prised in the exceptions contained in the present convention. ARTICLE VIII. certify those which The same agents shall likewise examine the claims which are not prepared for liquidation, and certify in writing those which in their judgment ought to be admitted to liquidation. ARTICLE IX. To examine those not prepared for liquidation, &c. In proportion as the debts mentioned in these articles shall be admitted, they shall be discharged with interest, at six per cent., by the treasury of the United States. Debts discharged at the Treasury of United States with interest. ARTICLE X. Commercial agent of United States at Paris to assist in And that no debt which shall not not have the qualifications above mentioned, and that no unjust or exorbitant demand may be admitted, the commercial agent of the United States at Paris, or such other agent as the Minister Plenipotentiary of the the United States shall think proper to nominate, shall assist at the operations of the bureaus, and co-operate in the examination of the examination of claims, &c. claims; and if this agent shall be of opinion that any debt is not completely proved, or if he shall judge that it is not comprised in the principles of the fifth article above mentioned, and if, notwithstanding his opinion, the bureaus established by the French Government should think that it ought to be liquidated, he shall transmit his observations to the board established by the United States, who, without removing documents, shall make a complete examination of the debt and vouchers which support it, and report the result to the Minister of the United States. The Minister of the United States shall transmit his observations, in all such cases, to the Minister of the Treasury of the French Republic, on whose report the French Government shall decide definitively in every case. The rejection of any claim shall have no other effect than to exempt the United States from the payment of it, the French Govto exempt United ernment reserving to itself the right to decide definitively State from paying it. on such claim so far as it concerns itself. Rejection of a claim ARTICLE XI. Every necessary decision shall be made in the course of a year, to commence from the exchange of ratifications, and no reclamation shall be admitted afterwards. Decisions to be made, &c. Claims since 30th ARTICLE XII. In case of claims for debts contracted by the Government of France with citizens of the United States since the 8th Vendémiaire, Sept. 1800, may be ninth year, (30th September, 1800,) not being comprised in this convention, may be pursued, and the payment de manded in the same manner as if it had not been made. pursued, and pay. thent demanded. ARTICLE XIII. The present convention shall be ratified in good and due form, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in six months from the tion must be ratified, date of the signature of the Ministers Plenipotentiary, or sooner if possible. When this conven In faith of which, the respective Ministers Plenipotentiary have signed the above articles both in the French and English languages, declaring, nevertheless, that the present treaty has been originally agreed on and written in the French language; to which they have hereunto affixed their seals. Done at Paris, the tenth of Floréal, eleventh year of the French Republic, 30th April, 1803. Numéros. Dates des ar rêtés de la TABLEAU GÉNÉRAL DES RÉCLAMATIONS AMÉRICAINES. Liquidation générale de la dette publique, 4me direction, 1re section. CRÉANCES RECONNUES PAR L'EX-COMMISSION DE LA COMPTABILITÉ INTERMÉDIAIRE. Noms des propriétaires et des fondés Objets des réclamations. Sommes liquidées Observations. Fourniture réglée par le ministre de l'inté Pour solde. Na. Il avait été payé sur cette Créance réglée par le cen. Rozier, vice-consul Pour solde, le tiers ayant été payé d'avance en L'autre moitié payée en l'an 4. Une partie de cette fourniture a été payée en Pour solde, un quart payé en l'an 3. Payé en l'an 4, 40,726. Pour antant dû à sa maison particulière pour Cette liquidation est la dernière arrêtée par la 3, 459, 778 13 6 CRÉANCES À LIQUIDER DONT L'EXAMEN ET LE TRAVAIL N'ONT POINT ENCORE ÉTÉ FAITS. John Alexander. Colley, do. de la Paix. J. B. Hodgson, do. du Woodrop Sims. Elias Simes, do. du George Elie Cabot, négociant Pre. Changeur, Deyme et Comp William Rust, capitaine du navire la John Burlingham, do. du Mary.. Stevens, do. du Hope Samuel Makins, do. de l'Andrews.. White, do. du Laurens. Zacharie Coopman |