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the neutral party. These passports shall be valid for any number of voyages, but shall be renewed every year.

If the vessels are laden, in addition to the passports above named they shall be provided with certificates, in due form, made out by the officers of the place whence they sailed, so that it may be known whether they carry any contraband goods. And if it shall not appear from the said certificates that there are contraband goods on board, the vessels shall be permitted to proceed on their voyage. If it shall appear from the certificates that there are contraband goods on board any such vessel, and the commander of the same shall offer to deliver them up, that offer shall be accepted and a receipt for the same shall be given, and the vessel shall be at liberty to pursue her voyage unless the quantity of contraband goods be greater than can be conveniently received on board the ship of war or privateer, in which case, as in all other cases of just detention, the vessel shall be carried to the nearest safe and convenient port for the delivery of the same.

In case any vessel shall not be furnished with such passport or certificates as are above required for the same, such case may be examined by a proper judge or tribunal; and if it shall appear from other documents or proofs, admissible by the usage of nations, that the vessel belongs to citizens or subjects of the neutral party, it shall not be confiscated, but shall be released with her cargo, (contraband goods excepted,) and be permitted to proceed on her voyage.


Search of vessels.

In order to prevent all kinds of disorder in the visiting and examination of the vessels and cargoes of both the contracting parties on the high seas, it is hereby agreed that whenever a ship of war shall meet with a neutral of the other contracting party, the first shall remain at a convenient distance, and may send its boats, with two or three men only, in order to execute the examination of the papers concerning the ownership and cargo of the vessel, without causing the least extortion, violence, or ill-treatment, for which the commanders of the said armed ships shall be responsible with their persons and property; for which purpose the commanders of all private armed vessels shall, before receiving their commissions, give sufficient security to answer for all damages they may commit; and it is hereby agreed and understood that the neutral party shall in no case be required to go on board the examining vessel for the purpose of exhibiting his papers, or for any other purpose whatever.


It is expressly agreed by the high contracting parties that the stipu lations before mentioned, relative to the conduct to be Ships under convoy. observed on the sea by the cruisers of the belligerent

party toward the ships of the neutral party, shall be applicable only to ships sailing without a convoy; and when the said ships shall be convoyed, it being the intention of the parties to observe all the regards due to the protection of the flag displayed by public ships, it shall not be lawful to visit them; but the verbal declaration of the commander of the convoy that the ships he convoys belong to the nation whose flag he carries, and that they have no contraband goods on board, shall be considered by the respective cruisers as fully sufficient; the two parties reciprocally engaging not to admit, under the protection of their

convoys, ships which shall have on board contraband goods destined to an enemy.

Provisions in case


Whenever vessels shall be captured or detained, to be carried into port under pretence of carrying to the enemy contraband of captures. goods, the captor shall give a receipt for such of the papers of the vessel as he shall retain, which receipt shall be annexed to a copy of said papers; and it shall be unlawful to break up or open the hatches, chests, trunks, casks, bales, or vessels found on board, or remove the smallest part of the goods, unless the lading be brought on shore in presence of the competent officers, and an inventory be made by them of the same. Nor shall it be lawful to sell, exchange, or alienate the said articles of contraband in any manner, unless there shall have been lawful process, and the competent judge or judges shall have pronounced against such goods sentence of confiscation.



That proper care may be taken of the vessel and cargo, and embez Care of captured zlement prevented in time of war, it is hereby agreed that it shall not be lawful to remove the master, commander, or supercargo of any captured vessel from on board thereof, during the time the vessel may be at sea after her capture, or pending the proceedings against her or her cargo, or anything relating thereto; and in all cases where a vessel of the citizens of either party shall be captured or seized and held for adjudication, her officers, passengers, and crew shall be hospitably treated. They shall not be imprisoned or deprived of any part of their wearing apparel, nor of the possession and use of their money, not exceeding for the captain, supercargo, mate, and passengers five hundred dollars each, and for the sailors one hundred dollars each.

Prize courts.


It is further agreed that in all cases the established courts for prize causes, in the country to which the prizes may be conducted, shall alone take cognizance of them. And whenever such tribunal of either of the parties shall pronounce judgment against any vessel, or goods, or property claimed by the citizens of the other party, the sentence or decree shall mention the reasons or motives on which the same shall have been founded, and an authenticated copy of the sentence or decree, and all of the proceedings in the case, shall, if demanded, be delivered to the commander or agent of the said vessel without any delay, he paying the legal fees for the same.

Duties on prize



When the ships of war of the two contracting parties, or those belong. ing to their citizens which are armed in war, shall be admit ships or their cap ted to enter with their prizes the ports of either of the two parties, the said public or private ships, as well as their prizes, shall not be obliged to pay any duty either to the officers of the place, the judges, or any others; nor shall such prizes, when they come to and enter the ports of either party, be arrested or seized, nor shall the officers of the place make examination concerning the lawfulness of such prizes; but they may hoist sail at any time and depart and carry their

prizes to the places expressed in their commissions, which the cominanders of such ships shall be obliged to show. It is understood, however, that the privileges conferred by this article shall not extend beyond those allowed by law or by treaty with the most favored nation.


Foreign privateers.

It shall not be lawful for any foreign privateers who have commissions from any Prince or State in enmity with either nation to fit their ships in the ports of either, to sell their prizes, or in any manner to exchange them; neither shall they be allowed to purchase provisions, except such as shall be necessary to their going to the next port of that Prince or State from which they have received their commissions.


Letters of marque.

No citizen of Hayti shall apply for or take any commission or letters of marque for arming any ship or ships to act as privateers against the said United States, or any of them, or against the citizens, people, or inhabitants of the said United States, or any of them, or against the property of any of the inhabitants of any of them, from any Prince or State with which the said United States shall be at war; nor shall any citizen of the said United States, or of any of them, apply for or take any commission or letters of marque for arming any ship or ships to act as privateers against the citizens or inhabitants of Hayti, or any of them, or the property of any of them, from any Prince or State with which the said Republic shall be at war; and if any person of either nation shall take such commission or letters of marque, he shall be punished according to their respective laws.


The high contracting parties, desiring to avoid all inequality in their public communications and official intercourse, agree to Rights of diplogrant to their Envoys, Ministers, and other diplomatic

matic agents.

agents, the same favors, privileges, immunities, and exemptions which the most favored nations do or shall enjoy; it being understood that whatever favors, privileges, immunities, or exemptions, the United States of America or the Republic of Hayti may find it proper to give to the Envoys, Ministers, and other diplomatic agents, of any other Power, shall by the same act be extended to those of each of the contracting parties.


Consuls and Vice

To protect more effectually the commerce and navigation of their respective citizens, the United States of America and the Republic of Hayti agree to admit and receive, mutually, Consuls. Consuls and Vice-Consuls in all their ports open to foreign commerce, who shall enjoy, within their respective consular districts, all the rights, prerogatives, and immunities of the Consuls and Vice-Consuls of the most favored nation.


In order that the Consuls and Vice-Consuls of the two contracting parties may enjoy the rights, prerogatives, and immunities which belong to them by their public character, they shall,


before exercising their official functions, exhibit to the Government to which they are accredited their commissions or patents in due form; and, having obtained their exequatur, they shall be acknowledged, in their official character, by the authorities, magistrates, and inhabitants, in the consular district in which they reside.


It is also agreed that the Consuls, their secretaries, officers, and persons attached to the service of Consuls, they not being citiConsuls, &c. zens of the country in which the Consul resides, shall be exempt from all kinds of imposts, taxes, and contributions, except those which they shall be obliged to pay on account of their commerce or property, to which the citizens or inhabitants, native or foreign, of the country in which they reside, are subject; being, in everything besides, subject to the laws of the respective States. The archives and papers of the consulates shall be respected inviolably; and under no pretext whatever shall any person, magistrate, or other public authority seize or in any way interfere with them.



The said Consuls and Vice-Consuls shall have power to require the Consuls, deserters, assistance of the authorities of the country for the arrest, detention, and custody of deserters from the ships of war and merchant vessels of their country. For this purpose they shall apply to the competent tribunals, judges, and officers, and shall, in writing, demand such deserters, proving by the exhibition of the regis ters of the vessels, the muster-rolls of the crews, or by any other offi cial documents, that such individuals formed a part of the crews; and on this claim being substantiated, the surrender shall not be refused. Such deserters, when arrested, shall be placed at the disposal of the Consuls and Vice-Consuls, and may be confined in the public prisons at the request and cost of those who shall claim them, in order to be sent to the vessels to which they belong, or to others of the same country. But if not sent back within three months, to be counted from the day of their arrest, they shall be set at liberty, and shall not again be arrested for the same cause.

Consular convention.


For the purpose of more effectually protecting their commerce and navigation, the two contracting parties do hereby agree, as soon hereafter as circumstances will permit, to form a consular convention, which shall declare specially the powers and immunities of the Consuls and Vice-Consuls of the respective parties.

Fugitives from justice.


It is agreed that the high contracting parties shall, on requisitions made in their name, through the medium of their respective diplomatic agents, deliver up to justice persons who, being charged with the crimes enumerated in the following article, committed within the jurisdiction of the requiring party, shall seek an asylum or shall be found within the territories of the other: Provided, That this shall be done only when the fact of the commission of the crime shall be so estab

lished as to justify their apprehension and commitment for trial, if the crime had been committed in the country where the persons so accused shall be found; in all of which the tribunals of said country shall proceed and decide according to their own laws.


surrender shall be

Persons shall be delivered up, according to the provisions of this treaty, who shall be charged with any of the following Crimes for which crimes, to wit: murder, (including assassination, parri- made. cide, infanticide, and poisoning,) attempt to commit murder, piracy, rape, forgery, the counterfeiting of money, the utterance of forged paper, arson, robbery, and embezzlement by public officers, or by persons hired or salaried, to the detriment of their employers, when these crimes are subject to infamous punishment.


Surrender to be made by the Execu

The surrender shall be made, on the part of each country, only by the authority of the Executive thereof. The expenses of the detention and delivery, effected in virtue of the preced- tive ing articles, shall be at the cost of the party making the demand.


The provisions of the foregoing articles relating to the extradition of fugitive criminals shall not apply to offences committed be

Offences not in

fore the date hereof, nor to those of a political character. cluded. Neither of the contracting parties shall be bound to deliver up its own citizens under the provisions of this treaty.


Duration of treaty.

The present treaty shall remain in force for the term of eight years, dating from the exchange of ratifications; and if one year before the expiration of that period neither of the contracting parties shall have given notice to the other of its intention to terminate the same, it shall continue in force, from year to year, until one year after an official notification to terminate the same, as aforesaid.



The present treaty shall be submitted on both sides to the approval and ratification of the respective competent authorities of each of the contracting parties, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington within six months from the date hereof, or sooner if possible.

In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the foregoing articles, in the English and French languages, and they have hereunto affixed their seals.

Done, in duplicate, at the city of Port au Prince, this third day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four.

B. F. WHIDDEN. [L. S.]

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