19. Historical diagram of North Dakota and South Dakota. 209 23. Marks on the tablet at the southeast corner of New Mexico.__ 230 FOREWORD The first United States Geological Survey record setting forth the history of the boundaries of the United States and the several States and Territories was prepared by Henry Gannett, assisted by Franklin G. Butterfield, and was published as Bulletin 13 of the Geological Survey in 1885. The second edition, revised and enlarged by Henry Gannett, was published as Bulletin 171 in 1900. The third edition, also revised by Henry Gannett, was published as Bulletin 226 in 1904. A reprint of this edition with minor corrections was issued in 1906. A revision and enlargement of Bulletin 226 which included additional matter incidentally connected with boundaries was prepared by Edward M. Douglas and issued in 1923 as Bulletin 689. The present bulletin is a revision and enlargement of the 1923 edition. It is the desire of the Geological Survey to make this publication a complete record, and therefore suggestions for the addition of any germane material will be welcomed. VII |