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Washington's Marriage. For many Years a Member of the Vir-
ginia House of Burgesses. His Pursuits and Habits as a Planter.


- A Vestryman in the Church, and active in Parish Affairs. His
Opinion of the Stamp Act. Takes an early and decided Stand
against the Course pursued by the British Government towards the
Colonies. - Joins heartily in all the Measures of Opposition. — His
Services in procuring the Lands promised to the Officers and Sol-

diers in the French War.-Performs a Tour to the Ohio and Ken-
hawa Rivers for the Purpose of selecting those Lands. Takes an
active Part at different Times in the Proceedings of the Virginia
Legislature in defending the Rights of the Colonies. - His Opin-
ions on this Subject. — Chosen to command several Independent
Companies of Militia. A Delegate to the first and second Vir-
ginia Conventions. - A Member of the Continental Congress.

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