SERMONS, 1853 BY HUGH BLAIR, D.D. F.R.S. Ed. ONE OF THE MINISTERS OF THE HIGH CHURCH, AND PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND BELLES LETTRES IN THE TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE and CHARACTER BY JAMES FINLAYSON, D.D. A NEW EDITION. IN FIVE VOLUMES. VOL. V. LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. CADELL, AND W. DAVIES, IN THE STRAND; AND W. CREECH, EDINBURGH. TO THE READER. AFTER the very favourable reception which the Four former Volumes of my Sermons have met with, both at home and abroad, I had resolved not to presume on offering any more to the public. To this publication of another Volume, my present situation gave rise. Being now, by the infirmity of very advanced age, laid aside from all the labours of the pulpit, and possessing, of course, more retirement and leisure than formerly, it occurred to me, sometimes, to look back into Sermons most of which had been composed a great many years ago, with a view to observe how far they agreed in the strain of thought with those which I had written at a later period. In reviewing them, passages sometimes appeared which I imagined A 2 |