Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, Between His Britannick Majesty and the United States of America,: Signed at London, the 19th of November, 1794. Published by AuthorityEdward Johnston, 1795 - 33 strani |
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Zadetki 1–5 od 13
Stran 5
... vessels trading bona fide between Montreal and Quebec , under such re- gulations as shall be established to prevent the poffibility of any frauds in this respect ; nor to the admiffion of Bri- tish vessels from the Sea into the Rivers ...
... vessels trading bona fide between Montreal and Quebec , under such re- gulations as shall be established to prevent the poffibility of any frauds in this respect ; nor to the admiffion of Bri- tish vessels from the Sea into the Rivers ...
Stran 10
... shall fee cause to require or allow . The award of the faid Commissioners , or of any three of them as aforesaid ... vessels and other property , under colour of authority or commiffions from His Ma- jesty , and that from various ...
... shall fee cause to require or allow . The award of the faid Commissioners , or of any three of them as aforesaid ... vessels and other property , under colour of authority or commiffions from His Ma- jesty , and that from various ...
Stran 11
... shall be appointed and authorized to act in London , exactly in the manner directed , with respect to those ... vessels and merchandize taken within the limits and jurifdiction of the States , and brought into the ports of the fame ...
... shall be appointed and authorized to act in London , exactly in the manner directed , with respect to those ... vessels and merchandize taken within the limits and jurifdiction of the States , and brought into the ports of the fame ...
Stran 13
... shall and may be lawful , during the time hereinafter limited , for the Citizens of the United States to carry to any of His Majesty's iflands and ports in the West Indies from the United States , in their own vessels , not being above ...
... shall and may be lawful , during the time hereinafter limited , for the Citizens of the United States to carry to any of His Majesty's iflands and ports in the West Indies from the United States , in their own vessels , not being above ...
Stran 14
... vessels , either from His Majesty's Islands or from the United States , to any part of the world , except the United States , reasonable fea stores excepted . Provided also , that it shall and may be lawful , dur- ing the fame period ...
... vessels , either from His Majesty's Islands or from the United States , to any part of the world , except the United States , reasonable fea stores excepted . Provided also , that it shall and may be lawful , dur- ing the fame period ...
Pogosti izrazi in povedi
advice and confent affigned aforesaid alfo alſo America beſt Britannic Majesty British Government Britiſh veſſels cafes cargoes carry caſes cauſe Commerce Commif Commiffioners compenfation confiſcated contraband deciſion duties or charges eſtabliſhed exiſt faid American veſſels faid Commiſſioners ſhall faid Iſlands faid parties faid Territories faid United fame fide fioners friendſhip further agreed half-bound and lettered higher duties intereſt John Jay juſt justice laws letters of marque Majesty conſents Majesty's ſubjects merchants moſt navigation neceſſary obſervance ordinary courſe PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER parties reſpectively parties ſhall perſons Plenipotentiary port or place preſent propoſed provifions purpoſe reaſon regulate reſide reſpective Governments reſpectively ſhall ſaid ſame ſhall Senate thereof ſeveral ſhall be appointed ſhall be payable ſhall be ſubject ſhall continue ſhall firſt ſhall have power ſhe ſhall ſhips ſhould ſpecie ſpective ſuch a manner ſuch loſſes thall therein theſe thoſe tion tonnage duties United States ſhall veſſels ſhall whoſe William Windham
Priljubljeni odlomki
Stran 5 - ... the two parties will thereupon proceed, by amicable negotiation, to regulate the boundary line in that quarter, as well as all other points to be adjusted between the said parties, according to justice and mutual convenience and in conformity to the intent of the said treaty.
Stran 10 - By the 9th article of the treaty u it is agreed that British subjects who now hold lands in the territories of the United States, and American citizens who now hold lands in the dominions of his majesty, shall continue to hold them according to the nature and tenure of their respective estates and titles therein ; .and may grant, sell or devise the same to whom they please, in like manner as if they were natives ; and that neither they nor their heirs or assigns shall, so far as may respect the said...
Stran 9 - Sept. 5, 1793, a copy of which is annexed to this treaty; the complaints of the parties shall be and hereby are referred to the commissioners to be appointed by virtue of this article, who are hereby authorized and required to proceed in the like manner relative to these as to the other cases committed to them...
Stran 20 - It shall be lawful for the ships of war of either party, and privateers, freely to carry whithersoever they please, the ships and goods taken from their enemies, without...
Stran 2 - There shall be a firm and universal peace between His Britannic Majesty and the United States, and between their respective countries, territories, cities, towns and people, of every degree, without exception of places or persons.
Stran 10 - Neither the debts due from individuals of the one nation to individuals of the other, nor shares, nor monies, which they may have in the public funds, or in the public or private banks, shall ever in any event of war or national differences be sequestered or confiscated...
Stran 15 - America ; and also such duty as may be adequate to countervail the difference of duty now payable on the importation of European and Asiatic goods, when imported into the United States in British or in American vessels.
Stran 16 - ... copper in sheets, sails, hemp, and cordage, and generally whatever may serve directly to the equipment of vessels, unwrought iron and fir planks only excepted ; and all the above articles are hereby declared to be just objects of confiscation whenever they are attempted to be carried to an enemy.
Stran 4 - Government in America, and the Government of the United States, for making a joint Survey of the said River, from one Degree of Latitude below the falls of St Anthony, to the principal Source or Sources of the said River...
Stran 7 - Commissioners appointed in pursuance of the sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America...