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" By the 9th article of the treaty u it is agreed that British subjects who now hold lands in the territories of the United States, and American citizens who now hold lands in the dominions of his majesty, shall continue to hold them according to the nature... "
Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, Between His Britannick Majesty ... - Stran 10
avtor: Great Britain - 1795 - 33 strani
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A Collection of State Papers Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying ...

John Debritt - 1796 - 568 strani
...commiflioners (hall take the fame oath or affirmation, and do the fame duties. IX. It is agreed that Britifh fubje&s, who now hold lands in the territories of...hold them according to the nature and tenure of their refpe&ivc ftates and titles therein ; and may grant, fell, or devife the fame to whom they pleafe,...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

A Collection of State Papers Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying ...

John Debrett - 1796 - 552 strani
...take the fame oath or affirmation, and do the fame duties. IX. It is agreed that Britifh fubjefls, who now hold lands in the territories of the United...lands in the dominions of his Majefty, (hall continue u> hold them according to the nature and tenure of their refpeclive ftates and titles therein; and...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View ..., Količina 4

William Winterbotham - 1796 - 570 strani
...affirmation and do the lame duties. Art. g. It is agreed that Britifh fubjefts who now hold lam-fa In the territories of the United States, and American...citizens Who now hold lands in the dominions of his M.ijefty fhsll continue to hold them according to the nature and tenure of their rcfpcftivc dates and...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Laws of the United States of America, Količina 2

United States - 1796 - 588 strani
...the fame oath or affirmation and do the fame duties. ARTICLE IX. It is agreed that Britifli fubjefts who now hold lands in the territories of the United States, and American citizens who now hold titles to lands in the dominions of his Majefty, {hall n fc continue to hold them according to the...
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The Parliamentary Register: Or, History of the Proceedings and Debates of ...

Great Britain. Parliament - 1796 - 872 strani
...lame duties. Art. IX. It is agreed, that Britifli fubjedh, who now hold lands in the territories ot the United States, and American citizens, who now hold lands in the dominions of His Majclly, fliall continue to hold them according to the nature and tenure of their refpciftive ftatcs...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Acts Passed at the First Session of the 1st Congress - 3d Session of the ...

United States - 1796 - 584 strani
...gtates> .^ American citizens who now hold eertaia tiiiato lands in the dominions of his Majefly, (hall a continue to hold them according to the nature and tenure of their respective eftates and titles therein ; and may grant, fell, or devife the fame to whom they pleafe,...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View ..., Količina 4

William Winterbotham - 1799 - 576 strani
...IX. It is agreed, that Briti.1i fubjefts, who now hold lands in the territories of the United-States, and American citizens, who now hold lands in the dominions of his Majefty, fliall continue to hold them according to the nature and tenure of their refpe&ive dates and titles...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

A Collection of the Acts Passed in the Parliament of Great Britain and Other ...

Québec (Province) - 1800 - 444 strani
...Duties. ART. ÎX. It is agreed, that .Brili/ri Subjects, who now bold Lands in the Territories t>T the United States, and American Citizens, who now hold Lands in the Dominions of His Majefty, fliall -continue to hold them according to the Nature .and Tenure of their refpeótive States and Titles...
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court, Količina 7

United States. Supreme Court - 1807 - 542 strani
...United States and Great Britain; By the 9th article of the treaty " it is agreed that British subjects who now hold lands in the territories of the United...citizens who now hold lands in the dominions of his majesty, shall continue to hold them according t& the nature and tenure of their respective estates...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

American Encroachments on British Rights: Or, Observations on the Importance ...

Nathaniel Atcheson - 1808 - 398 strani
...same oath or affirmation, and do the same duties. ARTICLE ix. It is agreed, that British subjects, who now hold lands in the territories of the United...citizens, who now hold lands in the dominions of his majesty, shall continue to hold them according to the nature and tenure of their respective states...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

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