| Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1795 - 612 strani
...between Mr. Middletou and-his wife.' Explanatory nates are alfo added. POLITICS, Wf. Artr 28. * freaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between his Britannic Majefty, and the United States of America; by their Prefident, with the Advice and Confent of the Senate, AW. 10, 1794. 8vo. is. Dcbrett. 1795.... | |
 | John Debrett - 1796 - 552 strani
...affirmation, in the prefence of each other, which oath or affirmation being fo taken, and duly attefted, (hall be entered on the record of their proceedings,...Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between his Britannic Majcity and the United States of America, do folemnly fwear or affirm, that I will honeftly, diligently,... | |
 | John Debritt - 1796 - 568 strani
...other, whick oath or affirmation being fo taken, and duly attefted, fhall be entered on the recorrl of their proceedings, viz. I, AB one of the •commiffioners...Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between his Britannic Majeily and the United States of America, do folemnly fwear or affirm, that I will honeftly, diligently,... | |
 | United States - 1796 - 584 strani
...record of their proceedings, viz. I, AB one of the commiffioners appointed in purfuance of the fixth article of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation,...Britannic Majefty and the United States of America, do folenmly fwear (or affirm) that I will honeflly, diligently, impartially, and carefully examine, and... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament - 1796 - 872 strani
...between His Britannic Majciiy and the Emprefs of Ruilia, ligned at Petcrfburgb, Feb. 18 1795, $b — of amity, commerce, and navigation, between His Britannic Majefty and the United States of America, figned at London, Nov. ?9 '794J 9° W. Wafte Lands, motion for a Committee to take the fame into confederation,... | |
 | United States - 1796 - 588 strani
...record of their proceedings, viz. I, AB one of the commifiioners appointed in purfuance of the fixth article of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, between his Britannic Majelty and the United States of America, do folemnly fwear (or affirm) that I will honeftly, diligently,... | |
 | William Winterbotham - 1796 - 570 strani
...record of their proceedings, viz. I, AB one of the commiflioners appointed in purfuincc of the fixth article of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between his Britannic Majefly, and the United States of America, do iolemnly (wear, or atfiim, that I will hone It ly, diligently,... | |
 | J DEBRETT - 1796 - 842 strani
...record of their proceedings, viz. 1, AB one of the cotnmifiioners appointed in purfuance of the fixth article of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between his Britannic Majclty and the United States of America, tio folemnly fwear or affirm, that 1 will honcflly, ciiligcr.tly,... | |
 | 1798 - 932 strani
...and the United States of America, ligned at London, the igth of November 1794. \VHLKr.AS, by the i8th article of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, between his Britannic Mijelly and the United States, figned at London, on the icth of November 1794, it \ir.s agreed, lh;it... | |
 | William Winterbotham - 1799 - 576 strani
...fenate do confent to, and advife the Prefident of the United States to ratify the Treaty of Amiry, Commerce, and Navigation, between his Britannic Majefty and the United States of America, concluded at London the igth of November, 1794, on condition that there be added to the faid treaty... | |
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