| 1786 - 710 strani
...Majefties, as for privateers belonging to their fubjeäs, to carry, whitherfoever they pleafe, the (hipa and goods taken from their enemies, without being obliged to pay any fee to the officers of the admiralty, or to any judges whatever ; nor fhall the faid prizei, when they arrive... | |
 | 1783 - 492 strani
...the mips of war of either party, and privateers, freely to carry whitherfoever they pleafe the mips and goods taken from their enemies, without being obliged to pay any duty to the officers of the Admiralty, or any other judges; nor fhall fuch prizes be arrefted or feized... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1788 - 558 strani
...majelties, as for privateers belonging tp their fubjeas, to. carry whitherfoever they pleafe the fliips and goods taken from, their enemies, without being obliged to pay any fee to the officers of the admiralty, or to any judges wh/itever ; nor mall the faid prizes, vyhen they arrive... | |
 | 1788 - 522 strani
...majellies, as for privateers belonging to their fubje&s, to carry whitherfoever they pleafe the Ihips and goods taken from their enemies, without being obliged 'to pay any fee to the officers of the admiralty, or to any judges whatever ; nor ihall the faid prizes, when they arrive... | |
 | Great Britain, George Chalmers - 1790 - 588 strani
...Majefties, as for privateers belonging to their fy ejects, to cany whitherfoever they pleafe the fhips and goods taken from their enemies, without being obliged to pay any fee to the. officers of the admiralty, or to any judges whatever \ nor fhail the faid prizes, when they arrive... | |
 | John Debrett - 1795 - 682 strani
...fhips; of war of either party, and privateers, freely to carry whitherfoeyer they pleafe, the $up$ and goods taken from their enemies., without being obliged to pay any duty to the officers of the admiralty', or any other judges, nor {hall fucli prizes be arrefted or... | |
 | 1795 - 494 strani
...to the faid parties refpenively, to carry whither» foever they pleaie the Ihips anil goods ta* ken from their enemies, without' being obliged to pay any fee to the officers of the admiralty, or to any judges whatever; nor (hall the laid prizes when they arrive at,... | |
 | John Debrett - 1796 - 552 strani
...the {hips of war and privateers belonging to the faid parties refpe&ively, to ca,rry whitherfoever they pleafe the (hips and goods taken from their enemies, without being obliged to pay any fee to the officers of thp adiniralty, or to any judges whatever ; nor (hall the faid primps,, when they arrive... | |
 | John Debritt - 1796 - 568 strani
...for the (hips of war and privateers belonging to the faid parties refpedively, to carry whitherfoever they pleafe the (hips and goods taken from their enemies, without being obliged to pay any lee to the officers of the admiralty, or to any judges whatever ; nor (hall the faid prizes, when they... | |
 | J DEBRETT - 1796 - 842 strani
...the (hips of war and privateers, belonging to the faid parties refpeftivelv, to carry whitherfoevcr they pleafe the (hips and goods taken from their enemies, without being obliged to pay my fee to the offices of the Admiralty, or to any judges whatever ; nor (hall the faid prizes, when... | |
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