Slike strani

Ordained and enacted by the authority aforefaid, and paffed in Council under the Public
Seal of the province, at the Council-chamber in the caftle of St. Lewis, in the city of
Quebec, the twenty-feventh day of February, in the twenty-feventh year of the reign of
our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the grace of GoD of Great-Britain,
France and Ireland, King, defender of the faith, and fo forth, and in the year of our
LORD one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-feven.

By His Excellency's Command,




For better regulating the Militia of this Province, and rendering it of more general utility towards the preservation and fecurity thereof..

[Repealed by Prov. Stat. 34. GEO. III. c. 4. f. 31.]

[blocks in formation]

Extended to the

Militia when em


bodied. &c. by For quartering the troops upon certain occafions, in the country parishes, and providing for the conveyance of effects belonging to government.

Prov: Stat. 34

Geo. III. c. 4.

f. 30. Preamble.

[blocks in formation]

EXPERIENCE having demonftrated that, on account of the local pofition of this


province, it is indifpenfably neceffary, upon certain occafions, to quarter the troops at the houses of the country inhabitants; and that, for the same reason, it is impoffible to convey, at all times, the ammunition, provisions, and other effects of government, to the different ftores or magazines, without the affiftance of the inhabitants, it is enacted and ordained by his excellency the governor, and the legislative council, that all house-holders, in the country parishes, who shall not be particularly exempted by this ordinance, fhall be obliged to lodge troops, furnish carriages, and ferve as battoe-men, whenever they fhall be thereunto required by the captains of militia, in the manner herein after mentioned, that is to fay, whenever the troops or militia are upon a march, the commanding officer of the battalion, or detachment, fhall present to the captains of militia, or other fenior officers of the parishes, the order may have had on the part of the captain general or commander in chief, and where, upon extraordinary cafes, an order could not be procured, he shall make a requifition in writing, to the faid captains or other fenior officers; who thereupon, without lofs of time, fhall fo billet the troops, as to facilitate their march, and in the manner the most commodious to the inhabitants. The commanding officer of the battalion, or detachment, is authorized, upon the march, to require from the captains of militia two carriages for his own ufe, two for the field officers, and four for every fifty men: the carriages fhall be relieved, in fucceffion from parish to parish, unless it fhall be expreffed in the order that they are to accompany the troops to the end of their day's march; and the faid captains or fenior officers are hereby authorized to command, in their respective parishes, a fupply of fuch carriages. Whofoever fhall neglect or refuse to lodge troops or furnish carriages as herein before is expreffed, fhall forfeit the sum of twenty fhillings: and for a fecond offence, as well as for a every


noissance enfilée, fa désapprobation du caution ainfi offert, et ainfi toutes et quantes fois, jufqu'à ce qu'il ait été donné un caution fufifant dans la maniére fufdite.

[blocks in formation]

Statué et Ordonné par la fufdite autorité et paffé en Confeil fous le Sçeau Public de ia
Province, en la Chambre du Confeil au Château St. Louis en la ville de Québec, le vingt-
feptième jour de Fevrier, dans la vingt-feptième année du Règne de notre Souverain Seigneur
GEORGE Trois, par la Grace de DIEU, Roi de la Grande Bretagne, de France,
et d'Irlande, Défenfeur de la foi, &c. &c. &c. dans l'année de notre Seigneur mil fept
cens quatrevingt-fept.

Par ordre de Son Excellence,

Traduit par ordre de Son Excellence,



C A P. II.



Qui régle plus folidement les milices de cette Province, et qui les rend d'une plus grande utilité pour la confervation et fureté d'icelle.

[Rappellé par Stat. Prov. 34. GEO: III. c. 4. f. 31.]


Etendu à la Mi

lice, lorfqu'elle

Stat. Prov. 34.
Geo. III. c. 4 S

Pour loger les troupes, dans certaines ocafions, chés les habitans des cam- eft incorporée, par pagnes, et qui pourvoit aux transports des effets du gouvernement. L'EXPERIENCE aiant démontrée que par la fituation locale de cette Province, on

ne peut fe difpenfer, dans quelques circonftances de loger les troupes chés les habitants des campagnes; et qu'étant, par la même raifon, impoffible de faire parvenir en tous tems les munitions de guerre, de bouches, et autres effets du gouvernement aux différens entrepôts, ainfi qu'aux frontieres, fans l'aide des habitans, qu'il foit ftatué et ordoné, par fon excellence le gouverneur en chef et le confeil légiflatif de la province de Québec, et il eft, par ces préfentes, ftatué et ordoné par l'autorité d'iceux, que tous particuliers tenant feu et lieu dans les campagnes, et qui ne font point exemts par cette ordonance; feront obligés, lorfqu'ils en feront requis par les capitaines des milices, par les ordres du gouvernement, de loger, fournir les voitures et conduire les bateaux, de la maniere qui fera expliquée ci-après.

Lorique les troupes et les milices feront en marche, le commandant du bataillon ou du détachement fera préfenter aux capitaines des milices, ou aux plus anciens oficiers des paroilles, l'ordre du capitaine-général ou du commandant en chef, dont il fera muni, et dans des cas extraordinaires, où il ne pourrait fe procurer un tel ordre, il s'adreffera par écrit aux dits capitaines ou plus anciens oficiers qui, fans perte de tems, feront la diftribution des logemens au plus grand avantage de la marche des troupes, et à la comodité des habitans; le commandant du bataillon ou détachement




ta'res de mailons dans les campages logeront,

Tous proprié

fourniront des voitures et con. duiront les ba


How the troops

ed when in can.. tonmehis

fubfequent offence, fuch perfon fhall forfeit the fum of five pounds, or fuffer imprisonment for any space of time not exceeding fifteen days.

II. When the troops or militia are obliged to be cantoned in the winter, in the are to be quarter country parishes, the field officer ordered upon that duty by the captain general, or commander in chief, fhall apportion the number to be quartered in each parish, and fend his orders accordingly to the captains of militia, who fhall regulate the quarters, both for the officers and foldiers, difcreetly avoiding to incommode the inhabitants in their houfes, but taking due care to accommodate the troops. The quarters being once established, the captain is to make a report thereof, and they are not to be changed without their acquiefcence. Two foldiers only are to be lodged in each house, and one only in the houfes of the pooreft inhabitants. The inhabitants fhall furnish them with a ftraw bed, coverlets or blankets, and a pair of fheets to be changed once in every month, with room at their fire and by their lights, and with permiflion to cook their victuals.

How firewood

is to be furnished guards.

the officers and

Penalty for dif obedience.

How the mifbehaviour of the

quired into.

The officers fhall be provided with a room or apartment, fuch as it may happen to be, but it fhall not be that of the inhabitant himfeif, with a table, three chairs, and a bed for a fervant, fuch as for a foldier; they fhall have the use of the fire-place of the inhabitant, as well for warming, as having their victuals dreffed by it; and if they should chuse to have a fire in their own apartment, all the inhabitants of the parish, according to an apportionment to be made by the captain of militia or fenior officer, fhall be obliged to furnish firewood, according to the rank of the officers, agreeable to fuch regulations as the captain-general, or commander in chief of the province fhall make. The captains, or fenior officers of militia, fhall likewife provide quarters for the guard, taking care that the fituation be the most advantageous to the troops, and this guard is to be furnished with firewood in the fame manner as it is directed to be

done for the officers.

If the commanding officers of regiments or detachments in cantonments fhould have occafion for carriages for the service, they shall make their requifition in writing to the captains of militia, fpecifying the fervice; who fhall iffue their orders for the purpose.

Every person who fhall disobey any of the claufes contained in this article (not being exempted therefrom by this ordinance) fhall be fined. ten fhillings for the first offence, and twenty for every subsequent offence.

III. If the troops fhould be guilty of any diforderly behaviour, either upon the troops is to be en- march, or when in cantonments, the perfon injured, fhall without delay make his complaint, fupported by proof, to the captain of militia or the fenior officer of the company to which he belongs, who fhall forthwith conduct him before the officer commanding the troops in that parish. If fuch officer fhall decline doing him juftice, the complaint fhall be laid before the commanding officer of the next principal post; and if fatisfaction should not there be obtained, the complaint fhall be carried to the colonel of the district, or senior field officer, who fhall lay the fame before the captain. general, or commander in chief for his decifion thereof.

Carriages to be furnished and battoe-men to

ferve when re. quired.

IV. It is further enacted and ordained, that all the country inhabitants and householders, who are not exempted by this ordinance, fhall furnish carriages, and ferve as battoe-men, every one in his turn of duty, in the manner herein after mentioned, whenever they shall be required fo to do by their captains of militia, in confequence of the orders of government. The carters living in the towns and fuburbs shall be obliged to furnish carriages in their turn.

In all cases where the government shall be under the neceffity of procuring carts, edges, or other carriages for conveying provisions, ammunition, baggage or other ef


pourra, pendant la marche, exiger des capitaines des milices deux voitures à f on ufage, deux pour l'état major, et quatre par compagnie de cinquante hommes; les dites voi tures feront relévées de paroiffe en paroiffe, à moins qu'il ne foit mentioné dans l'ordre, qu'elles accompagneront les troupes jufqu'à la fin de la marche du jour. Les capitaines, ou les plus anciens oficiers font autorifés de comander dans leurs paroiffes réciproques les dites voitures; et quiconque négligera ou refufera de fournir des voitures et de loger, comm'il eft dit ci-deffus, encourra une amende de vingt fhellings, et pour une récidive une amende de cinq livres, ou un emprifonement qui n'excédera point quinze jours.

Comment les

voitures feront marche.

fournis fur la

Comment les

II. Dans le cas où les troupes, ainfi que les milices en détachement, seraient obligés troupes feront de prendre leur quartier d'hiver chés les particuliers des campagnes; l'oficier major cantonés, chargé de ce détail, par l'ordre du capitaine-général, ou en fon abfence du commandant en chef, fera une répartition du nombre que chaque paroiffe logera, et enverra les ordres en conféquence aux capitaines des milices qui régleront les logemens pour les oficiers et les foldats, prenant les mefures les plus fages pour ne point gêner le propriétaire de la maifon; mais cependant avec égard pour les troupes. Le logement une fois établi, le capitaine en fera un raport, et il ne pourra être changé fans fa participation. Les foldats feront logés par deux, et un feul dans les maifons peu aifées ; il leur fera fourni un lit pour deux, aiant une paillaffe, couvertures et une paire de drap qui fera changée tous les mois; comm'auffi la place au feu de l'hôte avec liberté. d'y faire leur ordinaire. Les oficiers auront une chambre telle qu'elle fe trouve en campagne: mais qui ne fera point celle du maître, une table, trois chaifes, et le loge- fciers de garde. ment pour fon domeftique, comme pour un foldat: il aurà l'ufage du feu de l'hôte, avec l'aifance d'y faire faire fon ordinaire. S'il veut avoir un feu particulier dans fa chambre, le bois lui fera fourni fuivant fon rang, conformement au réglement que fera le capitaine-général, ou le comandant en chef, par tous les habitans de la paroiffe, fur une répartition du capitaine des milices, ou du plus ancien oficier.

Les capitaines ou les plus anciens oficiers, pourvoiront auffi au logement pour les corps de garde, aïant foin qu'ils foient dans l'endroit le plus comode aux troupes, et le bois leur fera procuré, ainfi qu'il eft ordonné pour les oficiers.

Combien de bois fera fourmi aux

Amendes pour

S'il arrive que les commandans des corps en quartier aïent befoin de voitures pour défobeillance. le fervice, ils en feront la demande par écrit aux capitaines des milices qui les comanderont (en fpécifiant l'ufage pour lequel elles font deftinées.) Tous particuliers qui contreviendront à aucune des claufes contenus dans cet article, qui n'en font point exemts par cette ordonance, encourront une amende de dix fhellings pour la premiere contravention, et de vingt fhellings pour chaque contravention fubféquente.

Comment la mauvaife con

III. Si les troupes fur la marche, ou en quartier font quelques infultes, ou comettent des défordres, celui qui aura été offenfé portera fans délai fa plainte, foutenue duite des upes de preuves, aux capitaine des milices, ou au plus ancien oficier de la compagnie dont fera informée. il dépend, qui le conduira auffitôt devant l'oficier comandant les troupes dans la paroiffe; fi cet oficier ne rend point juftice, ils la feront parvenir au comandant du pofte principal le plus voifin, et dans le cas où ils n'en obtiendraient point fatisfaction, ils s'adrefferont au Colonel du diftrict, ou au plus ancien oficier major qui mettra la plainte devant le capitaine-général, ou en fon abfence devant le comandant en chef pour en décider.

IV. Qu'il foit auffi ftatué et ordoné, que tous propriétaires et fermiers de terres, et tous autres, tenant feu et lieu en campagne, et qui n'en font point exceptés par cette ordonance, fourniront, fur les ordres du gouvernement et à la réquifition des capitaines des milices, chacun à leur tour, des voitures et conduiront les batteaux, ainfi

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Les voitures íco

ront fournis erica quand ils en feront

bateliers fervirent


Penalty for me. glect or refufal.

Penalty for difo bedience when


Captains of mi.

litia to fend a roll


fects, agreeably to the orders of the captain general or commander in chief, the commiffary of the diftrict, directing that fervice, fhall tranfmit his orders, mentioning the place of rendez-vous, to the captains of militia, who will refpectively command the number required: the loading upon each carriage fhall in no cafe exceed fix hundred weight according to the fate of the roads, and fhall be carried from parifh to parish, unless the captain general or commander in chief, judging it neceffary for the good of the fervice, fhall give order that they be employed for the whole day, or longer, if the cafe fhould require it.

When the conveyance is to be made by water, the battoe-men fhall have two days, from the time they are commanded, to prepare themselves for the fervice; at the expiration of which time they fhall present themselves at the dwelling-houfe of their refpective captains, who will cause them to be conducted by an officer or ferjeant to the place defcribed in the order.

All perfons who shall neglect or refuse to furnish carriages, or to march upon the battoe fervice, according to the directions mentioned in this article, as well as thofe who fhall defert or quit the fervice without being duly difcharged, shall incur a penalty of forty fhillings, and for a second, and every fubfequent offence, fhall pay a fine of five pounds and fuffer one month's imprisonment.

And all perfons employed in fuch transport service, either by land or by water, who fhall difobey thofe employed to conduct them, fhall pay a fine of ten fhillings, and for a repetition of the offence, fhall fuffer eight days imprisonment.

V. The captains of militia, or fenior officers fhall regularly fend to the commissary of the party to the of the diftrict, having the direction of the transport fervice, a roll of the brigade or party, by the officer or ferjeant conducting the fame, mentioning therein the names of thofe who fhall have miffed their turn, and specifying the caufe, whether on account of absence, sickness, or for what other reason. And in order to prevent abuses, the commiffaries, directing the transport service, fhall refpectively keep a regifter, in which they fhall enter the names and firnames of the perfons employed, and the parifhes to which they belong.

Penalty on cap.

partiality or mifbehaviour.

All captains and other officers of militia who fhall be convicted of having aed tains of militia for with partiality, in having exempted any perfons without being fully authorized fo to do, or having commanded others out of their turn of duty, or who fhall mifuse, in any manner, the authority delegated to them, shall pay a fine of forty fhillings, and for a fecond offence may be condemned to pay five pounds.

Mode of profe.


VI. In cafes where the fines impofed in virtue of this ordinance fhall not exceed cution for the pe- the fum of ten fhillings, any one commiffioner or justice of the peace, and in cafes exceeding that fum, and where imprisonment is to be inflicted, any three commiffioners or juftices of the peace, is, and are hereby authorised and required to hear and determine, fummarily, all offences committed against the same, to inflict the pu nifhments and to levy the penalties, together with the amount of the travelling and other expences of the person profecuting, by order of feizure under his or their hands and feals, and to pay the monies proceeding therefrom into the hands of the receiver-geneAppeal allowed ral of the province, for the ufe of his majefty. Whofever fhall think himself aggrieved by any determination or decifion of the faid commiffioners or juftices of the peace, imposing a fine exceeding forty fhillings, or a punifhment of imprisonment for more than eight days, may appeal to the governor and council of this province, of which council, any five members, (the commiffioners or juftices of the peace who fhall have given fuch determination or decifion excepted) with the Governor, Lieutenant-governor, or chief juftice, fhall conftitute a court of appeal for the purpose of hearing and finally determining the fame.

sin certain cafes.

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