Slike strani

Form of the o bligation.


Upon fecurity

himfelf, our, and each of our heirs, executors and adminiftrators, firmly by thefe prefents, fealed
with our feais, dated the- -day of -in the year of our Lord 17
Whereas the above bounden A. B. did on the- day oflaft [or inftant] fix up a paper
writing in the fecretary's office at Quebec, felting forth that he intended to leave the province,
after thirty days from the date thereof, but his bufinefs requiring that he fhould depart before that
period, and willing that his creditors who might be inclined to oppofe his departure. Should be fecured
the payment of their debts, has procured the faid- to be his fureties for the fame, THE
CONDITION therefore of the above obligation is fuch, that if the faid A. B. and the faid-
or one of them, their or one of their heirs, executors or adminiftrators, fhall pay or caufe to be
paid to all the creditors of the faid A. B. who may have already entered their Caveats in the
faid office against the granting him a pass for his departure, as well as all thofe who fhall within
the remainder of the faid thirty days from the time of his fixing up the faid paper writing, lodge
an affidavit of debt against him, in the faid office, or caufed them to be paid the money. which
upon trial, and by the judgment of any court of record in this province, fhall appear to be due to
them, together with cofts of fuit; then the above obligation to be void, otherwife to remain in full
force and virtue.

For which obligation the fecretary fhall receive two fhillings and fix-pence only. And the fecretary is hereby authorifed and required to grant any person who fhall given, the fecret have put up his name as aforefaid; and given the before mentioned fecurity, a pass for his departure, if demanded, before the expiration of the faid thirty days, in the fame manner as if he remained all that time in the province and no Caveat entered against him.

ry required to grant a pafs.

Creditors of perfons who may have left the pro

vince within the 30 days, to lodge their debt in the fecretary's office mainder of the 30 And to inftitute their actions with

an affidavit of

within the re


in 15 days after

lodging the fame.

The fummons to be ferved on the


If no actions be

intituted within the times prefcribed, the fureties

are to have their

obligations celled.


When creditors

fhall have obtain

ed judginent gainst their de

IV. Wherever any perfon upon giving fuch fecurity, fhall have obtained a pass and departed the province, within the faid thirty days from the time of fixing up his name; any creditor may within the remainder of the faid thirty days, notwithstanding his departure, lodge an affidavit of debt against him in the fecretary's office, made and worn to in the manner directed by the second article of this ordinance; and fuch creditor is hereby required to inftitute his action against his faid departed debtor, in the court of common-pleas of the diftrict in which the faid debtor refided, within fifteendays from the time of lodging his faid affidavit in the office, otherwise he is to be precluded from his action, in like manner as if he had not made and lodged his faid affidavit. The fummons which he shall obtain in the fuit fhall be ferved on each of the fureties of the departed debtor, and fuch fervice is hereby declared to be as good in the law, as if ferved on the perfon himself before his departure: Any law or ordinance to the contrary hereof notwithstanding.

V. If no actions be inftituted by the creditors of perfons who fhall have put up their names as aforefaid, within the times and in the manner mentioned in the fecond and fourth articles; the fureties of fuch perfons fhall be intitled to have their obligations cancelled, and the secretary, in such cases, is hereby authorised and requir ed fo to do.

VI. The secretary, at the request of the creditors who fhall have obtained judgment in any actions brought against any departed debtor, is authorised and required to give them an authentic copy of the obligation of fuch debtor and his fureties, to be fued and proceeded upon to judgment in his Majefty's name; but the money which fhall quired to give an be recovered thereupon, fhall be ordered by the court to be paid to fuch creditors, in attefted copy of the bond to them. fatisfaction of their faid judgment.

parted debtor, the fecretary, is re

Mafters of vef

VII. The master of every ship or vessel arriving in this province, is hereby requisival, to deliver red immediately on his arrival, to deliver a lift of the names of all his officers and fea

fels, on their ar


Forme de l'obli

nous obligeons folidaire- gation. -courant de la dite province,

On fait favoir par ces préfentes à tous qu'il apartiendra que, Nous A. B. de la paroiffe de dans le diftrict den la Province de Québec etde &c.· ment envers le Roi netre Souverain Seigneur pour une fomme deà paier au Roi notre Souverain Seigneur, fes héritiers et fucceffeurs au profit ci-après mentionné, pour le vrai paiement de laquelle fomme nous nous obligeons nous mêmes et chacun de nous pour nous mèmes, et chacun de nos héritiers, exécuteurs et adminiftrateurs, filidairement par ces préfentes fcellées de nos cachets, datées le -jour dedans l'année de notre figneur. 17Comme le fufdit obligé A. B. avant le— jour de dernier (ou préfent) affiché un papier Conditions. écrit au fecrétariat de Québec, portant qu'il eft dans le deffein de quitter la Province après trente jours de fa date: mais fes affaires demandant qu'il par te avant ce tems, et voulant que fes créanciers, s'il y en ici quelqu'uns, qui feraient dans le deffein de s'opofer à fon départ, foient affures du paiement de leurs créances, il a donne' les ditspour cautions d'icelles La condition de la dite obligation eft que, fi le dit A. B et les ditscu aucun d'eux, leurs ou un de leurs heritiers, execideurs ou adminiftrateurs, parent à tous les créanciers du dit A. B. qui peuvent avoir deja fait leurs op fitions dans le dit bureau à ce qu'il lui fort accorde' un paffeport pour fon depart, ainfi que ceux qui pourraient, dans le reftant des dits trente jours de la date de fon affiche par ecrit, dépofer une affirmation de créances contre lui dans le dit bureau, ou faffent paier l'argent qui paraitra leur ètre dú fur pour fuites et par jugement de toutes cours de juftice en cette Province, enfemble les frais de pourfuites, alors la fifdite obligation fera nulle, autrement elle fera dans toute fa force et vigueur. Pour laquelle obligation le Sécrétaire recevra feulement deux fhellings et demie.

Et le Sécrétaire eft par ces préfentes autorifé et requis d'accorder à tout particulier qui aura affiché fon nom comme ci-deffus et donné les cautions ci-deflus mentionnées un paffeport pour fon départ, s'il le demande dans les dits trente jours, comme s'il refait dans la Province pendant tout le tems, et qu'il n'y eut aucunes opofitions contre


IV. Lorfque quelques particuliers qui auront donné de telles cautions, auront obtenu un palleport et parti de la Province dans les dits trente jours de la date de l'affiche de leurs noms, tout créancier pourra dans le reftant des dits trente jours, nonobftant fon départ, dépofer un afirmation de créance contre lui dans le Sécrétariat, faite fous ferment, dans la forme ordonnée dans l'article deuxieme de cette Ordonnance; et tel créancier eft, par ces préfentes. requis de commencer fon action contre les dits débiteurs partis dans la cour des Plaidoiers communs du diítrict dans lequel les dits débiteurs étaient domiciliés, dans quinze jours de la date qu'il aura dépofé fon affirmation dans le bureau, autrement il fera renvoie de fon action comme s'il n'avoit point fait et dépofe fa dite affirmation. Les fommations qu'il obtiendra dans fa pourfuite feront fignifiées à chacune des cautions des débiteurs partis, et telles finifications font par ces préfentes déclarées valables en loi, de méme et ainfi que fi elles étaient finifiées aux débiteurs eux-mêmes avant leur départ, nonobflant toutes loix ou ordonnances à

ce contraires.


V. Si les créanciers de quelques particuliers qui auront affiché leurs noms comme ne commencent point leurs actions dans le tems et la forme mentionnes au deuxieme et quatrieme articles; leurs cautions feront en droit de faire annulier leurs obligations, et le Sécrétaire eft, en tels cas, par ces piéfentes autorité et requis de le


Sur telles cautieft requis d'accor der le paffeport.

ons le Secretaire

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VI. Le Sécrétaire, à la demande des créanciers qui aurort obtenu jugement dans quelques actions intentées contre quelque débiteur abfent, eft autorisé et requis de leur a donner une copie autentique de l'obligation de leur débiteur et de fes ctions pour être pourfuivis fur le jugement au nom de fa Majefté; mais il fera ordonné par la cour que l'argent qui en proviendra fera paié â tels créanciers en fatisfaction de leur dit ju


dans le reftant du


Et commencera

fon action dans
quinze jours 1-
feront fignifices

près fon depot

Les fommations

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men, and of the paffengers which he fhall have brought with him, to the Governor, or in his abfence the Lieutenant governor or commander in chief for the time being: and in like manner, the mafter of every fhip or veffel leaving this province, is required after obtaining his clearance for departure, to deliver a lift of the names of all his officers and feamen, and alfo of the pallengers which he is to take away with him, to the Governor, Lieutenant governor or commander in chief as aforefaid; and every mafter of any fhip or vellel arriving in this province without delivering fuch lift as aforefaid after his arrival; or leaving the fame, without delivering fuch other lift as aforefaid after his clearance, and without a permiflion in writing for his departure from the Governor, or in his abfence the Lieutenant governor or commander in chief for the time being, fhall forfeit for every offence the fun of Fifty pounds, to be recovered by information in any of the courts of common-pleas in this province, and applied to his Majefty's ufe.

VIII. No mafter of any fhip or veffel leaving this province, fhall carry away any perfon whatsoever (except the crew brought with him at his laft arrival) without having a pass figned by the fecretary, under the penalty of being liable to pay to the creditors of fuch perfon, all the debts he may have contracted in the province, to be recovered by plaint or information in any of his Majesty's courts of commonpleas.


Ordained and enacted by the authority aforefaid, and paffed in Council under the Great Seal of the province, at the Council chamber in the castle of St. Lewis, in the city of Quebec, the twenty third day of April, in the feventeenth year of the reign of our fovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the grace of GoD of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the faith, and fo forth, and in the year of our LORD one thoufund Jeven hundred and feventy-feven.

By His Excellency's Command,



Continued by

fey relordinances

amended and

mad perpetual

by or canance 31it. Geo. III. c. 3.



To empower the commiffioners of the peace to regulate the police of the towns of Quebec and Montreal, for a limited time.


HEREAS the forming a permanent police for the towns of Quebec and Montreal, feems impracticable in the prefent advanced state of this feffion, and it is neceffary that a temporary remedy be applied to the inconveniencies which might refult from the want of fome fixed regulations in that refpe&t: It is enacted by his excellency the captain general and governor in chief of this province, by and with Commiffioners the advice and confent of the legislative council of the fame, that the commiffioners of the peace in of the peace for this province, are authorized and required in their General Quarter their quarter feifrous empowered Seffions of the peace for the refpective districts of Quebec and Montreal, to make fuch regnate the rules and orders touching the police neceffary to be maintained and obferved in the owns of Quebec faid refpective towns (excepting only where the fame may have been already provided for, by ordinances for that purpofe made in this prefent feffion) and to impofe fuch


police of the

and Montreal.

VII. Le maitre de chaque vaiffeau ou bâtiment qui arrivera en cette Province eft, par ces préfentes, requis de donner immédiatement après fon arrivée, un rôle des noms de tous fes officiers et matelots ainfi que des paflagers qu'il aura à fon bord, au Gouverneur, ou en fon abfence, au Lieutenant-gouverneur ou Commandant en Chef, et le maitre de chaque vailleau ou bâtiment qui partira de cette Province eit femblablement requis, après avoir obtenu on con é de la douane, de donner un rôle de tous fes officiers et matelots, ainfi que des paflagers qu'il prendra à fon bord, au Gouverneur, Lieutenant-Gouverneur ou Commandant en Chef, ainfi qu'il eft dit ci deffus; et tout m itre de tout vailleau ou bâtiment qui arrivera en cette Province, fans donner tel rôle à fon arrivée, ou qui en partira fans donner tel autre rôle après fon congé, et fans une permiflion de départ du Gouverneur, ou en fon absence, du Lieutenant-gouverneur ou Commandant en Chef, encourra pour chaque contravention la fomme de Cinquante livres, qui fera prélevée fur information devant une cour des Plaidoiers communs en cette Province, et appliquée au profit de fa Majefté.. VIII. Tout maitre de tout vaiffeau ou bâtiment partant de cette Province, ne pourra embarquer qui que ce foit (excepté l'équipage qu'il aura amené avec lui à fon arrivée fans avoir un paffeport figne du Secrétaire de la Province, fous peine d'être condanne à paier à fes créanciers toutes les dettes qu'il aura contracté en la Province, qui feront prélevées fur plainte ou information dans aucune des cours des Plaidoyers communs de fa Majefté.

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Statué et Ordonné par la fufdite autorité et paffé en Confeil fous le Grand Sçeau de la
Province, en la Chambre du Confeil au Château St. Louis en la ville de Québec, le vingt
troifième jour du mois d'Avril, dans la dix-feptième année du Règne de notre Souverain
Seigneur GEORGE Trois, par la Grace de DIEU, Roi de la Grande Bretagne, de
France, et d'Irlande, Défenfeur de la foi, &c. &c. &c. dans l'annee de notre Seigneur
mil fept cens forxante et dix-fipt..

Traduit par Ordre de Son Excellence,


Par ordre de Son Excellence, (Signé)




Qui autorife les Commiffaires de la paix à régler la Police dans les villes de
Quebec et de Montréal pour un tems limité.


ARAISSANT impoffible, le tems de la féance étant trop avancé, de ftatuer une police permanente pour les villes de Québec et de Montréal, et étant néceffaire d'y aporter un remede ad tempus pour empêcher les abus qui refulteraient du dét.ut de réglemens fiacs à c. t égard: Il eft Statué par Son Excellence le Capitaine-général et Gouverneur en Chef de cette Province, de l'avis et confentement du Confeil Législatif d'icelle ce qui fuit, que les Commiflaires de la paix de cette Province font, par ces préfentes, autorités et requis de faire, dans leurs téances genérales de quartier de la paix dans leurs dierens diftricts de Québec et de Montréal, tels réglemens et ordres concer


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Feualty for difo

bedience of their egulations,


fines, not exceeding forty fhillings for any one offence committed against fuch rules or orders, as to them, in their difcretion, fhall feem requifite and proper; which rules and orders they fhall caufe to be publickly proclaimed in thofe refpective towns by the bell-man, and, wherever the faid commiffioners may think it proper, to be publifhed in the Quebec Gazette.

II. If any perfon in either of the faid towns fhall refufe to obey any of the rules or orders fo to be made by the faid commiffioners of the peace, after the fame fhall have been proclaimed by the bell-man as aforefaid; fuch perfon fhall for every refufal forfeit the fum which in every fuch rule or order fhall be fpecified (provided the How to be reco- fame fhall not exceed the fum of Forty fhillings) to be recovered, if fued for within fifteen days from the time of fuch refufal, by information before any one commiffioner of the peace, who is hereby authorized and required to hear and determine the fame in a summary manner, upon the oath of one credible witnefs, (being fome other than the informer) and to be levied by wairant under his hand to feize and fell the goods of the offender, one moiety whereof fhall belong to the King's Majefty, and the other moiety to the perfon who fhall fue for the fame.

Perfons refusing

to do any public

work ordered by the commiffi

to pay the

perfon whom the

commiflioners may employ in their ftead.

This ordinance

III. In cafes where any perfon fhall refufe to do, or caufe to by done, any work regarding the police, which by any fuch rule or order of the faid commiffioners of the peace he may be required to do, it fhall and may be lawful for the commiffioner before whom the information fhall have been brought, to employ any other perfon, to do that work in his ftead, for fuch reafonable price as he fhall agree upon; and the person who fhall have difobeyed such rule or order by refufing or neglecting to do the faid work fhall, over and above the penalty mentioned in the fecond article, be obliged to pay to the perfon who fhall have done the fame, the price agreed to be paid him by the faid commiffioner; to be levied, in default of payment, in the fame manner as the faid penalty is by the faid article directed to be levied.

IV. This ordinance is to remain in force only during the term of two years from to be in force for the time of the publication thereof,

2 years.

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Ordained and enacted by the authority aforefaid, and paffed in Council under the Great Seal of the province, at the Council chamber in the caftle of St. Lewis, in the city of Quebec, the twenty-third day of April, in the feventeenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the grace of GoD of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, defender of the faith, and fo forth, and in the year of our LORD one thoufand feven hundred and feventy-feven.

By his Excellency's Command,




Concerning the diftribution of the estates and effects of perfons leaving the province without paying their debts,

(Difallowed by his Majesty in Council on the 13th of May 1778. Vide Proclamation iffued by his Excellency Governor Haldimand, 31ft O&tober, 1778.


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