Slike strani

viction and on proof of his identity.

Consequently, on the part of the Danish Government, the surrender shall be made only by the consent of the Minister to whose department appertains the administration of justice, and after the production, in the case of a person accused, of a warrant of arrest or other equivalent judicial document, issued by a judge or other competent authority in the United Kingdom, clearly setting forth the acts for which the fugitive shall have rendered himself accountable; or, in the case of a person convicted, on the production of an authenticated copy of his conviction, and on proof of his identity.

On the part of the British Government, the surrender in the case of a person accused shall be made only on the warrant or other equivalent judicial document for the arrest of a fugitive, issued by a judge or magistrate duly authorized to take cognizance of the acts charged against the fugitive in Denmark, and on duly authenticated depositions or statements on oath before such judge or magistrate, clearly setting forth the said acts, or on such other evidence thereof as, according to the laws of England, would warrant the apprehension of the said fugitive, and his committal for trial for the

fældt person alene skal finde sted, naar en bekræftet gjenpart af dommen er bleven fremlagt, og hans identitet er bleven godtgjort.

Som en fölge heraf skal fra den Danske Regerings side udleveringen alene finde sted, naar det Ministerium, under hvilket retspleiens ledelse henhörer, dertil har givet sit samtykke, og efterat, dersom personen er sat under anklage, en arrestordre eller andet tilsvarende retsdocument er blevet tilveiebragt, udfærdiget af en domstol eller anden competent myndighed i det Forenede Kongerige og indeholdende en klar angivelse af de handlinger, i hvilke den undvegne person formenes at have gjort sig skyldig; eller, dersom personen er domfældt, efterat en bekræftet gjenpart of dommen er bleven fremlagt, og hans identitet er bleven godtgjort.

Fra den Storbritanniske Regerings side skal udleveringen alene finde sted, for en anklaget persons vedkommende, mod tilveiebringelse af et arrestdecret eller andet tilsvarende retsdocument, udfærdiget til paagribelse af den undvegne af en domstol eller anden offentlig myndighed i Danmark, som er berettiget til at anstille undersögelser om de handlinger, der lægges den undvegne til last, samt af behörigen bekræftede udsagn eller forklaringer, afgivne under eds tilbud for en saadan domstol eller en offentlig myndighed og indeholdende en tydelig angivelse af disse hand

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said acts, if they had been therein committed; or, in the case of a person convicted, on the production of an authenticated copy of his conviction, and on proof of his identity.

II. In the case of a person accused or convicted of any of the crimes mentioned in the preceding Article, who may have fled from a colony or possession of one of the High Contracting Parties, and be found in a colony or possession of the other, the surrender shall be made, subject always to the conditions prescribed in the preceding Article, on a requisition addressed by the Governor of the one colony directly to the Governor of the other. The Governor upon whom the requisition is made shall be at liberty either to grant the surrender or to refer the matter to his Government.

III. The expenses of any de

tention and surrender made in virtue of the preceding Articles shall be borne and defrayed by the Government in whose name the requisition shall have been made.

IV. The present Convention shall come into operation as soon as the necessary legislative Acts shall have been passed. Either of the High Contracting Parties

linger, eller af andet saadant beviis, som i overensstemmelse med Englands love indeholde hjemmel til at paagribe den undvegne og stille ham for retten, dersom handlingerne vare blevne begaaede i bemeldte land; eller, for en domfældt persons vedkommende, mod tilveiebringelsen af en bekræftet gjenpart af dommen og af beviis for hans identitet.

II. Dersom en person, anklaget eller domfældt for nogen af de i foregaaende Artikel nævnte forbrydelser, skulde være undvegen fra en coloni eller besiddelse tilhörende den ene af de Höie Contraherende Parter og blive antruffen i en coloni eller besiddelse tilhörende den anden part, skal udleveringen, dog ikkun under de i foregaaende Artikel fastsatte betingelser, finde sted paa en af den ene colonies Gouverneur til den anden colonies Gouverneur directe rettet begjæring. Det skal staae den Gouverneur, til hvem begjæringen er rettet, frit for enten at indrömme udleveringen eller at henstille sagen til sin Regerings afgjörelse.

III. Omkostningerne ved en i overenstemmelse med ovenstaaende Artikel stedfunden anholdelse og udlevering skulle bæres og udredes af den Regering, i hvis navn begjæringen er frem


IV. Nærværende Convention skal træde i kraft, saasnart den fornödne sanction af den lovgivende Magt er tilveiebragt. Hver af de Höie Contraherende

shall be at liberty to give notice to the other at any time for its termination; and in such case it shall altogether cease and deterice at the expiration of 6 months from the date of such Dotice.

V. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London in one month, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Convention, and have afixed thereto the seal of their

[blocks in formation]

Parter skal til enhver tid være berettiget til at opsige den anden part denne Convention, der i saadant tilfælde skal ophöre at være gjældende sex maaneder fra opsigelsens dato.

V. Nærværende Convention skal ratificeres, og ratificationerne skulle udvexles i London om en maaned, eller tidligere, hvis skee kan.

Dette til bekræftelse have de respective befuldmægtigede undertegnet nærværende Convention, og paatrykt samme deres vaabensegl.

Givet i London den 15de April, aar efter Christi byrd 1862.



CONVENTION between Great Britain and France, relative to Joint Stock Companies.—Signed at Paris, April 30, 1862.

[Ratifications exchanged at Paris, May 15, 1862.]

HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the Emperor of the French, having judged it expecient to come to an understanding in order to define, within their respective dominions and possessions, the position of commercial, industrial, and financial companies and associations constituted and authorized in conformity with the laws in force in either of the two countries, have

Sa Majesté la Reine du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, et Sa Majesté l'Empereur des Français, ayant jugé utile de s'entendre, pour régulariser dans leurs Etats et possessions respectifs, la situation des compagnies et associations commerciales, industrielles, et financières, constituées et autorisées suivant les lois particulières à chacun des deux pays, ont résolu de conclure une Convention dans ce but, et ont muni

resolved to conclude a Convention for that purpose, and have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honourable Henry Richard Charles Earl Cowley, Her Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of the French;

And His Majesty the Emperor of the French, M. Edouard Antoine Thouvenel, Senator, His Minister and Secretary of State for the Department for Foreign Affairs;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles:

ART. I. The High Contracting. Parties declare that they mutually grant to all Companies and other Associations, commercial, industrial, or financial, constituted and authorized in conformity with the laws in force in either of the two countries, the power of exercising all their rights, and of appearing before the tribunals, whether for the purpose of bringing an action, or for defending the same, throughout the dominions and possessions of the other Power, subject to the sole condition of conforming to the laws of such dominions and possessions.

II. It is agreed that the stipu lations of the preceding Articles shall apply as well to Companies

à cet effet de leurs pleins pouvoirs, savoir:

Sa Majesté la Reine Reine du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, le Très Honorable Henri Richard Charles Comte Cowley, Son Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire près Sa Majesté l'Empereur des Français;

Et Sa Majesté l'Empereur des Français, M. Edouard Antoine Thouvenel, Sénateur, son Ministre et Secrétaire d'Etat au Département des Affaires Etrangères;

Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs respectifs, trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des Articles suivants :

ART. I. Les Hautes Parties Contractantes déclarent reconnaître mutuellement à toutes les Compagnies et autres Associations commerciales, industrielles, ou financières, constituées et autorisées suivant les lois particulières à l'un des deux pays, la faculté d'exercer tous leurs droits, et d'ester en justice devant les tribunaux, soit pour intenter une action, soit pour y défendre, dans toute l'étendue des Etats et possessions de l'autre Puissance, sans autre condition que de se conformer aux lois des dits Etats et posessions.

II. Il est entendu que la disposition qui précède s'applique aussi bien aux Compagnies et

and Associations constituted and authorized previously to the signature of the present Convention, as to those which may subsequently be so constituted and authorized.

III. The present Convention is concluded without limit as to duration. Either of the High Powers shall, however, be at liberty to terminate it by giving to the other a year's previous notice. The two High Powers, moreover, reserve to themselves the power to introduce into the Convention, by common consent, any modifications which experience may show to be desirable.

IV. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Paris in 15 days, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done in duplicate at Paris, the 30th of April, 1862.

Associations constituées et autorisées antérieurement à la signature de la présente Convention, qu'à celles qui le seraient ultérieurement.

III. La présente Convention est faite sans limitation de durée. Toutefois, il sera loisible à l'une des deux Hautes Puissances Contractantes de la faire cesser en la dénonçant un an à l'avance. Les deux Hautes Puissances Contractantes se réservent d'ailleurs la faculté d'introduire, d'un commun accord, dans cette Convention, les modifications dont l'utilité serait démontrée par l'expérience.

IV. La présente Convention sera ratifiée, et les ratifications en seront échangées dans le délai de 15 jours, ou plus tôt si faire se peut.

En foi de quoi, les Plénipotentiaires respectifs l'ont signée, et y ont apposé le sceau de leurs


Fait en double original à Paris, le 30 Avril, 1862. (L.S.) COWLEY. (L.S.) THOU VENEL.

SUPPLEMENTARY CONVENTION between Great Britain and Morocco, relative to a Loan to be raised in London by the Emperor.*-Signed at Tangier, January 18, 1862.

[Ratifications exchanged at Tangier, February 19, 1862.]

HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland having concluded a Convention with His Majesty the *Signed also in the Arabic language. D

[1861-62. LII.]

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