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cannot succeed, give it up. Many men and women struggle on in a place where they are only meeting with failure and discouragement, hoping by perseverance and supposed good management to force fate to yield to them. The result may be a nervous breakdown, or suicide. This book will be of great assistance in enabling you to discover where you can be most successful, and when you get there, stick to it. When the Moon comes into a bad place in your horoscope, you are liable to leave a good position and go into some business which will only bring failure and loss; watch for these temptations. When we mention practising astrologers, we do not intend to speak slightingly of them. They are, we believe, generally conscientious. They have, with many others, felt that there was a powerful influence at work, regulating the affairs of men, and in their eagerness to utilize their belief, have fancied that they had something really valuable to give the world. We lay their lack of success to the fact that they were using the wrong Ephemeris.

A glance at the Transits for June 18, 1913 will prove interesting. Here a conjunction of Mercury and Mars occurs; during 3 days while Mercury is approaching Mars, we find on the west coast of America a few striking events. We believe that certain Signs govern certain sections of the earth, but we have not had time to fully investigate the subject. The fact that the war zones of 1830 correspond with the war zones of 1912 would lead one to believe that this might be the case. On the morning of June 19th., we read of a collision of two electric trains, leaving 11 killed and many injured. Mercury stands for traveling, writing, and children, and under the influence of Mars this accident occurs. A survivor said that he saw no occasion whatever for the collision. It is a fact which

cannot be denied, that persons become helpless, to a certain extent, under these influences; either they are made to forget something, or they are led to take unnecessary risks, or it may be that they are at the time paralyzed with fear; anyhow if it is going to come it comes, and those whose time has arrived are brought there. One little boy, who lost his father, tells how they missed the car they had planned to take; and a passenger, whose life was miraculously saved, tells of having a premonition before he left home, that he was near death, and leaving instructions with his wife regarding his finances. Such premonitions come from planetary influences, and are not uncommon. We can recall passing remarks in a careless manner, that were prophetic of some event that we never dreamt of taking place.

On the evening of June 19th, a man under the influence of liquor clubbed his wife to death, and his 3 little children were taken to the detention home sobbing for mama. Here Mars brings trouble to children. The students of a leading high school also threatened to go on strike because their vacation was cut down from 10 to 7 weeks-more trouble to children, or young persons. In connection with writing, 4 leading newspaper men in one city were arrested on charges of criminal libel; suits being instituted against three papers. This took place on June 18th. At this same time, also in connection with writing, a man was given 10 years in the Penitentiary for stealing a hotel register out of the District Attorney's office. What do you think of that?

However, while Mars is bringing disaster to that which falls under Mercury, Mercury is limiting the power of Mars. We must remember that in every conjunction planets act and react upon each other, and we are pleased to record that on June 17, we received the news that punishment by instruments of

torture had been prohibited in prisons and reformatory institutions. This was surely a great relief to those who had read the blood-curdling accounts of the treatment of prisoners in these institutions. In this case Mercury limits the power of Mars, or in other words cruelty is prohibited by writing.

We might also call your attention to the fact that we chose the birthdate for illustration at random, and it proved to be one where Mars in conjunction with the Sun took a leading part. Mercury in conjunction with Venus or some of the other planets would have given us a very different birthdate upon which to write.

In these studies you want to make a special point of watching the time at which one planet passes another. An Ephemeris marking these points more definitely would be very desirable, and we feel sure that some kind person will provide us with it. You will also notice in this Chart that the Earth and the Moon are in conjunction with Saturn, working strongly in connection with death and imprisonment. The large conjunction to which we have referred in Chapter II. forms around the Sun; Neptune will remain in the Sun Sign 14 years and Uranus 7 years, and the other planets travel in and out. Sometimes the conjunction is very strong, as in Jan., 1915. At the present time 4 good planets appear there to 1 bad, so that everything connected with the Sun should prosper. Venus in the conjunction brings women into prominence, and Neptune is under more favorable influences than formerly. Mars passed the Sun at the time of the floods in the Eastern States. Uranus under good influences puts a quietus on labor difficulties for the present, and also brings relief to prisoners. The war problem also gets a rest. At the close of this book you will find a complete list of the charts and explanations attached for reference.



For years we were in doubt as to what section of the chart governed religion, but while reading the 10 commandments we discovered that there we could not only determine the position of religion, but we could also outline other indications of the Signs. We find a complete compendium of all the sins to which flesh is heir, arranged according to the Signs. The first 4 commandments deal with our duty to God, hence we assume that religion is governed by them, the 1st. Sign being the fountain head. We read in Matthew xxii., 24, that a lawyer who wished to entrap Christ said, "Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law?" And Jesus said unto him, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment, and the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Thus we see the same division made by Christ, the first four dealing with our duty to God, and the remaining six, or eight, as we call them, dealing with our duty to our fellow man. A brief glance at the commandments will prove interesting; the sins of each Sign in the chart are here enumerated in their logical order. We will for convenience couple the opposite signs as we have done in the charts.

1st. Commandment—“Thou shalt have no other gods before me." 7th.-"Thou shalt not commit adultery;" the 1st. and 7th. governing religion and marriage. Here fidelity to God and fidelity in the marriage relation are coupled.

2nd. and 8th.-"Thou shalt not make unto thee

any graven image”, and “Thou shalt not steal." The 2nd. forbids the worship of material things instead of the worship of God, and the 8th. the accumulation of worldly goods by dishonest means. These explain our duty to God and our duty to man in material things.

3rd. and 9th. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”, and “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."


These forbid speaking reproachfully of either God or man. 3rd. and 9th. Signs govern language.

4th. and 10th.-"Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy", and "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house." The 4th. Sign is the time keeper. The Sun, Moon and Stars were made under the 4th. Sign, and they are the time keepers; this explains our duty to God with regard to time, giving him one day in seven. Houses come under the 4th. Sign, and we are warned against coveting them.

The 5th. and 11th. are, "Honor thy father and thy mother", and "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife." The 5th. and 11th. Signs governing children explain the duties of children as children, and also forbid the illegitimate birth of children.

6th. and 12th.-"Thou shalt not kill", and "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's." Thou shalt not kill comes directly under the 12th. Sign, and servants and animals also come under the 6th. and 12th.

Some one will say, I never knew there were 12 commandments; there surely are 12, but that is not a matter of any importance. This outline corresponds exactly with the indications of the 12 Signs.

We also wish to briefly glance at the account of the creation as given in the 1st. chapter of Genesis.

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