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arrival of General Montgomery with troops and artillery. As his little army wended its way along the high bank of the river toward its destined encampment, a vessel passed below, which had just touched at Point aux Trembles. On board of it was General Carleton, hurrying on to Quebec.

It was not long before the distant booming of artillery told of his arrival at his post, where he resumed a stern command. He was unpopular among the inhabitants; even the British merchants and other men of business were offended by the coldness of his manners, and his confining his intimacy to the military and the Canadian noblesse. He was aware of his unpopularity, and looked round him with distrust; his first measure was to turn out of the place all suspected persons, and all who refused to aid in its defence. This caused a great

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trooping out of town," but what was lost in numbers was gained in strength. With the loyally disposed who remained, he busied himself in improving the defences.

Of the constant anxiety, yet enduring hope, with which Washington watched this hazardous enterprise, we have evidence in his various letters. To Arnold, when at Point Levi, baffled in the expectation of finding the means of making a dash upon Quebec, he writes : "It is not in the power of any man to command success, but you have done more, you have deserved it; and before this time (December 5), I hope you have met with the laurels which are due to your toils, in the possession of Quebec.

"I have no doubt but a junction of your detachment with the army under General Montgomery is effected before this. If so, you will put yourself under his command and will, I am persuaded, give him all the assistance in your power, to finish the glorious work you have begun."










Lord Dunmore - His Plans of harassing Virginia - Lee's Policy respecting Tory Governors and Placemen - Rhode Island harassed by Wallace and his Cruisers, and infested by Tories - Lee sent to its Relief - His Vigorous Measures - The Army disbanding - Washington's Perplexities - Sympathy of General Greene His Loyalty in Time of Trouble - The Crisis - Cheering News from Canada Gloomy Opening of the New Year-News from Colonel Knox


Military Preparations in Boston - A Secret Expedition - Its Object - Lee's Plan for the Security of New York - Opinion of Adams on the Subject - Instructions to Lee-Transactions of Lee in Connecticut - Lee's Policy in regard to the Tories Uneasiness in New York - Letter of the Committee of Safety to Lee-His Reply-His Opinion of the People of Connecticut - Of the Hysterical Letter from the New York Congress






A Summons to surrender

Montgomery before Quebec - His Plan of Operations
- A Flag insulted The Town besieged - Plan of an Escalade - Attack of the
Lower Town-Montgomery in the Advance -- His Death - Retreat of Colonel
Campbell - Attack by Arnold - Defence of the Lower Town - Arnold wounded
Retreat of the Americans - Gallant Resolve of Arnold




Correspondence of Washington and Schuyler on the Disasters in Canada - Re-enforcements required from New England - Dangers in the Interior of New York -Johnson Hall beleaguered -Sir John capitulates Generous Conduct of Schuyler - Governor Tryon and the Tories - Tory Machinations - Lee at New York-Sir Henry Clinton in the Harbor - Menaces of Lee - The City and River fortified - Lee's Treatment of the Tories His Plans of Fortification - Ordered

to the Command in Canada - His Speculations on Titles of Dignity


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