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committee on Indian affairs, to whom the Creek controversy would be necessarily referred, was composed of those, who sustained the governor of Georgia in his extraordinary course; although when the treaty against which they had reported, came before the senate to be ratified, the members who made the majority of that committee, were found in a minority of 7 against 30.

Committees thus selected, necessarily, brought in reports unfavorable to the measures supported by the friends of the government, and whilst these reports gave authority, and an extensive circulation to the principles of the opposition; the senate was compelled, either to reverse them, or to place itself in opposition to the other branch of the legislature.

The inconvenience of this state of things, induced the senate, at the latter part of the session, to take from the vice president, the power of appointing the committees. It was, however, too late to remedy the evils which had been produced by the attitude, that the senate had been forced to assume, with respect to the executive, as well as the popular branch of congress. Although the opposition, which before the end of the session, had taken a decided character, did not form a majority of that body; still it was strong enough, especially when supported by the reports of the commit

tees, to retard the progress of business, by protracted debates, and proposed amendments, so as to prevent the passage of many important bills. In many instances, these amendments entirely defeated the bills. The judiciary bill was destroyed by an amendment, which the house deemed inadmissible; and the bankrupt law was laid upon the table, in the senate, because too much of the session had been consumed by previous debates, to permit the consideration of that important subject. The same cause prevented the departure of the commissioners to Panama, in time to attend the first session of that congress; but the evils, which might have followed from this omission, were averted, by the comity of the powers there assembled, in adjourning the congress, to meet the winter following, at Tacabaya.

By the course which the opposition adopted, public attention was strongly attracted to the proceedings of the two houses of congress, and though some pride was felt at the talent displayed, on both sides, the general impression, was, that of mortification and disappointment. While some speeches manifested both thought and eloquence; the greatest portion evinced bad taste, and unsound argument. The manner, too, in which the opposition attacked the administration, displayed an exasperated feeling, in

which the community did not sympathize, and a general suspicion was felt, that its leaders were actuated by private griefs, and that the public interests were neglected, in this earnest struggle for power.

The pride of the country, too, had received a deep wound, in the prostration of the dignity of the senate. This body had always before, preserved a high character for dignity and talent. Whatever was thought of its political sentiments, or the effect of its votes, no one questioned its

high moral and intellectual character. It was composed of men of a grave age, chosen by the state legislatures, and holding their offices independent of the immediate impulse of popular feeling, and a proportionate degree of regret was felt, at the loss of influence which was produced by the occurrences of the session. The session closed to the general satisfaction of the country; and with an universal wish, that the next session might be devoted to business.


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WEST INDIES.-European Colonies.-British West Indies.-Order in Council.-Proceedings in Jamaica-Cuba-Political ConditionGovernment.-Hayti-its Government-French Ordinance-Nature of it-Accepted by Boyer-Loan-Disturbances-State of Hayti. We have already stated at large, their situation was capable of bein the introductory chapter, that ing changed for the better, withonly half a century has elapsed, since out invasion of the rights of prothe history of America was nothing prietors, or endangering the tranbut the history of European colonies. quillity of the colonies, the British Now but a small portion of the ministry, in 1823, proposed cerworld, either in extent, in wealth, tain measures for that purpose; in value, or in population, is de- intending to operate upon the pendant upon any foreign state. negroes gradually, and opposed On the continent of America, to the wild schemes of precipiwe have all shaken off the fet- tate emancipation, urged by some ters of transatlantic rule, save the short sighted zealots. In Greinhabitants of the small remaining nada, St. Vincent's, and St. ChrisBritish possessions at the north, topher's, the suggestion of the and of the still smaller European ministers were respectfully receidependancies within the tropics. ved; but in Dominica, Tobago, Omitting these, because, present- Barbadoes, and Jamaica, the coloing few independent political facts nial legislatures manifested sympfor our consideration, we shall toms of opposition to the wishes confine ourselves, in this chapter, of the government. It was, thereto the most important of the West fore, deemed best to try the plan in India islands, including Hayti. one of the conquered colonies, they being exclusively under the control of the crown. Trinidad was fixed upon for the experiment. Accordingly, an order in council was issued, March 10th, 1824, containing a mass of regulations for the slave population of that island; and which may be taken, as exhibiting a correct

In order to understand the questions concerning the condition of negroes, the principal subject of agitation in the BRITISH WEST INDIES, it is necessary to advert to the famous order in council, designed for the improvement of their black population. Believing that

idea of the system contemplated fications, in all civil actions not affor the others.

By this order, a person was to be appointed protector of the slaves, who should act as the guardian of their welfare, as for instance, in suits wherein they were interested. All markets were to be discontinued on Sunday; and no slaves to be employed in labor, between sunset on Saturday and sunrise on Monday. No females were to be flogged in any case; and the punishment of whipping males was confined, to cases of an offence committed; being forbidden, as an inducement to labor; and strict regulations were provided, to prevent abuse in the employment of whipping, as a punishment. To encourage marriages, it was ordered, that under suitable restrictions, they should be solemnized in the forms of religion; and that in making sales of slaves, husband and wife should not be separated from each other, nor from their children. Various facilities were established, for enabling slaves to accumulate property; and as a consequence, a slave was authorised to purchase his own freedom, or that of his wife, child, sister or brother; and if he and his master could not agree on the price of his emancipation, the protector was to arbitrate between them. Finally, the oath of a slave was made admissible, subject to certain quali

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fecting the interest of his master, and in all criminal cases not reaching the life of a white person.

The humane regulation of this new Code Noir, extended to Demerara, Berbice, and St. Lucie, as well as Trinidad. Mr. Canning declared it to be the intention of government, to extend their plans of improvement to the other colonies; not precipitately, nor by force; but by the slow and silent course of temperate, but authoritative admonition.

With such enlightened views, have the ministry commenced. Many difficulties, however, stand in the way of effectually introducing the contemplated reforms. In England, all practicable plans of improvement are liable to be defeated, on the one hand, by the uncalculating zeal of men, who seem to be utterly regardless of the property and lives of the whites, in their ardor for the good of the blacks, and on the other, by the friends of the West Indians, and by the West India proprietors residing in England.

A majority of well informed persons, who are unprejudiced in the question, see the desirableness of elevating the condition of the blacks, not merely on the score of considerations of humanity; but for the preservation and security of the colonies themselves. Fifty

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