PRINTED FOR THE EDITOR; J. RIDGWAY, YORK-STREET; H. D. SYMONDS, PATERNOSTER ROW; AND D. HOLT, NEWARK. PRESENT SITUATION OF THE United States of America. T SOUTHERN STATES. HIS third, which is much the largest division of the United States, comprehends MARYLAND, VIRGINIA, KENTUCKY, NORTH-CAROLINA, TERRITORY S. of the OHIO, SOUTH-CAROLINA, and GEORGIA. This extensive division is bounded on the north by Pennsylvania and the Ohio river; on the weft by the Mississippi; on the south by East and West Florida; and on the eaft by the Atlantic ocean and the Delaware State. It is interfected in a N. E. and S. W. direction by the range of Allegany mountains, which give rise to many noble rivers, which fall either into the Atlantic on the east, or the Miffiffippi on the west. From the sea coast, sixty, eighty, and in some parts an hundred miles back towards the mountains, the country, generally speaking, is nearly a dead level, and a very large proportion of it is covered, in its natural state, with pitch pines. In the neighbourhood of stagnant waters, which abound in this level country, the inhabitants are fickly, but in the back, hilly and mountainous country, they are as healthy as in any part of America. VOL. III. B This |