Slike strani

you can find that topic on pages 235, 236, 237, 238, 258, 259.

By using the index, find out on what page in this book the following topics are discussed:

talking about poems
heroic deeds

the comma in a series

plurals of nouns

the invitation letter
see, saw, have seen
simple subject


A and an, using, 76, 77
Abbreviations, using: titles, 52;
measures, etc., 82, 83; titles,
etc., 171-173, 269-271; in cor-
respondence, 302, 303
Adjectives, 235; work of, 236;
place of, 237; definition, 238,
using, 238, 239; phrase used as,
258, 259; review, 290, 291
Adverbs: work of, 248-250; modi-
fying adverbs and adjectives,
251, 252; definition, 252; prac-
tice, 252; phrase used as, 258,
259; review, 290, 291; there,
310, 311

Advice to Boys, 164, 165
Aeroplane Flight, An, 264, 265
Allingham, William: Robin Red-
bread, 6, 7; Wishing, 86
Almost, most, 312, 313

American, talking about a good,
165, 166

Analysis of sentences, 283-285,
298, 299

Animal stories, 22, 23

Apostrophe: singular possessive of
nouns, 81, 82; contractions,
72, 98, 301

Are and is, 120, 121

Around-the-class story, from a
picture, 32; a loaf of bread,

Articles, 237, 238

Autumn, writing about, 9, 10
Auxiliaries: have, has, had, 5, 23,

31, 48, 87, 103, 114, 125, 191,
227; may, can, 45, 228; be,
might, etc., shall, will, do, 228,


Badge of Good Speech, The, 318,

Baseball terms, 218, 219

Beauty, Beast, and the Boy, 42, 43
Between and among, using, 13, 14,

Birds' Nests, 278, 279

Bk. II


[blocks in formation]

Can, may, 168

Capital letters: titles of books, 12;
review, 17-20, 269-271; titles
of people, 52; political parties,
53; religious denominations,

Chittenden, L. E.: A Little
Knight, 94, 95

Choose (word forms), 114, 115
Christmas Everywhere, 69
Christmas: mailing packages, 68;
shopping, 68

Coleridge, Sara: Trees, 129
Collins, James H.: The Three
Fairies, 27, 28
Columbus, 156, 157

Come (word forms), 31, 32
Commas: with quotation marks,
20, 53-55; in direct address,
99-101, 150, 151, 241, 242;
words in series, 127-219; salu-
tation, complimentary close,
60, 61
Conjunctions, 274-276; defini-
tion, 276; using, 276-279; re-
view, 290, 291
Conversations: using word forms,
5, 6, 23, 24, 31, 32, 48, 49; in
story, 81

Copying, 21, 69, 70, 93, 94, 164,
165, 183, 245, 255, 280
Corn Roast, A, 229, 230
Corrective English, see Speaking

Courtesy, lessons in, 94, 95, 96,
97, 309, 315

David and Goliath, 220-222
Daybreak, 53, 54

Description, 8, 9, 10, 130, 170,

Dickens, Charles, quotation, 69
Dictation, 21

Dictionary: preparing to use, 34-
36; order of words, 36, 37;
meanings of words, 55, 56;
pronunciation and accent

marks, 56, 57; finding words,
57; long sounds, 79; short
sounds, 79, 80; Italian a, 80
Discount, 151, 152
Do (word forms), 23, 24
Dogs, 14, 15, 83, 84, 262
Don't and doesn't, 72

Dramatization, 40, 41, 90-93,
138-141, 156-158,



Drink (word forms), 103
Drive (word forms), 11, 12
Drown (word forms), 103

Earth, 100, 101

Eat (word forms), 11, 12, 114, 115
Emperor's Bird's-Nest, The, 115-

Escape, The, 226

Experiences, telling, 30, 31, 154,
218, 219, 286

Exposition: making a garden, 3,
4, 287-289; telling how to do
things, 44, 45, 68, 166, 167,
217, 218, 231, 271; telling how
to make things, 66, 67, 101,
102; mailing packages, 67, 68;
birds' nests, 118; trees, 130;
hiving bees, 273; sports, 286
Eyes in the Peacock's Tail, The,
281, 282

Fairy Shipwreck, 133

First Thanksgiving Day, The,

Fishing terms, 135

Flag, Meaning of the, 110, 111
Flag, talking about the, 111

Fox and Geese, 166, 167
Freeze (word forms), 87

Games: word, get, America, 16;
alphabet game, 35; word
match, 64; wishing, 78; Fox
and Geese, 166, 167; verb
game, 193, 194; sound of f,
246; make-believe scenes
Gardening, 3-5, 287, 289
Gentle Knight, A, 200
Go (word forms), 48, 49
Good speech habits, see Speaking

Grammar in a Nutshell, 289, 290
Grammar play, a, 197-200

Guest, Edgar A.: It Couldn't Be
Done, 224, 225

Guiterman, Arthur: Little Lost
Pup, 14, 15

Hallett's Bear, 268

He, using, 29, 30

Health, talking about, 164

Hear (word forms), 103

Her, using, 30

Heroes of Fire, 253, 254

Heroic deeds, 51, 52; in stories,
90-92; of dogs, 262; of fire-
men, 253, 254
Him, using, 29, 30
Hiving Bees, 271-272

How Buffalo Bill Got His Name,
73, 74

How I Made My Playhouse, 66,

How Roosevelt Became Strong,
163, 164

How to do things, telling, 3, 44,

45, 68, 166, 167, 217, 218, 231,
271, 286

How to make things, telling, 66,
67, 101, 102

How to play games, telling, 166,


Hurt (word forms), 109, 125

I, using, 29

Index, using an, 321, 322
In March, 86

[blocks in formation]

Let and leave, using, 319, 320
Letters: thank-you letter, 57-62;
parts of a letter, 60, 61; the
envelope, 62-63; invitation,
70, 71; story-letter, 104-106;
writing story letters, 170-171;
review of parts, 170-171; busi-
ness, 185-187

Lie and lay, 87, 88, 192, 193,

Lincoln, Abraham, 17–20, 21
Little Knight, A, 94, 95
Little Lost Pup, 14, 15
Longfellow, Henry W.: Day-
break, 53-54; extract, 81; The
Emperor's Bird's-Nest, 115-117

Magic Sword, The, 90-92
Mailing packages, 67, 68
Match, a word, 64

May and can, using, 45, 168
Me, using, 29

Meaning of the Flag, The, 110,

Memorizing, 21, 70, 93, 94, 164,
165, 203, 204, 224, 225, 234,
289, 290

Mike and the Big Parade, 147–

Miller, Joaquin: Columbus, 156,


Morning Concert, A, 16

Narration: telling experiences, 8,
30, 31, 154, 218, 219, 286; see
also Story, telling and writing
Nouns, 173; definition, 174; sing-
ular and plural, 175-181; pos-
sessive plural, 182; common

22-Bk. II

[blocks in formation]

Paine, Thomas, quotation, 234
Paragraph: definition, 17; form,

134, 149; studying, 28, 128,
147, 148, 230, 231, 240;
thought, 16, 17, 28, 121, 134,
149, 155, 230, 231, 240; writ-
ing, 17, 28, 68, 102, 120, 130,
134, 149, 150, 164, 170, 183,
205, 223, 261, 262, 271, 273;
stock-taking, 149

Parts of speech: nouns, 173-182,
202, 203, 219; verbs, 5, 6, 11,
12, 23, 24, 31, 32, 48, 49, 87,
88, 103, 104, 109, 110, 114,
115, 120, 121, 125, 188-197,
226-230; pronouns, 29, 30,
130, 131, 213-217; adjectives,
235-240, 258, 259; articles,
237, 238; adverbs, 250-253,
258, 259; prepositions, 13, 14,
266-268; conjunctions, 274-
279; interjections, 280, 281;
review, 290, 291

Patriotism, in speech, 16, 20, 98,
112, 113; the flag, 110, 111;
good Americans, 165, 166
Phrases, adjective and adverb,
258-261, definition, 259
Picture studies, 3-5, 32, 33, 75,
76, 83, 84, 101, 122, 126, 124,
153, 154, 168, 169, 182, 183,
217, 218, 232, 233, 262, 285,
286, 287-289; ways of travel-
ing, 122

Plays, talking about, 209, 210
Plurals: nouns ending in y, 176,
177; ch, sh, x, ss, 177, 178;
internal change, 179; f or fe,
179, 180; 0, 180, 181; posses-
sive, 182; troublesome, 300
Poe, Edgar Allan, extract, 228
Poems: Robin Redbreast, 6;
Little Lost Pup, 14; The First
Thanksgiving, 37; Wonderful
World, 64; Christmas Every-
where, 69; Wishing, 86; İn
March, 86; The Blind Men
and the Elephant, 107; The
Emperor's Bird's-Nest, 115;
On a Frosty Morning, 124;
Fairy Shipwreck, 133; Discon-
tent, 151; Columbus, 156;
Thistle Down, 161; Snow-
flakes, 184; It Couldn't Be
Done, 224; Who Doth Ambi-
tion Shun, 211; Abolition of
Slavery, 245; White Butter-
flies, 247; A Spring Song, 256;
An Aeroplane Flight, 264;
Birds' Nests, 278; Grammar
in a Nutshell, 289

Poems: talking about, 6, 7, 14,

15, 37-40, 107-109, 115-117,
224, 225, 256, 257; for reading,
64, 86, 124, 133, 152, 161, 184,
185, 211, 247, 248, 264; acting,

Political parties, names of, 53
Possession, words that show, 130–


Possessive form, singular of nouns,

81, 82, plural of nouns, 182
Posters, talking about, 204, 205
Predicate, of sentence, 206-208;
simple, 208, 209; compound,
Prepositions, 266, 268; definition,
267; review 290, 291; trouble-
some, between, among, 13, 14,
168; in, into, like, 292–295
Preston, M. J.: The First Thanks-
giving Day, 37-40

Pronouns: nominative, or objec-
tive, 29, 30, 216, 217; posses-
sive, 130-132; use of, 213;

definitions, 214; nominative
after be, 214–217;
use after
than, 215; review, 290, 291;
their, 305, 306
Punctuation: comma, 17-20, 53-
55, 60, 61, 99–101, 127-129,
241; quotation marks, 17-20,
53, 54; broken quotation, 291,
292; colon, 186, 187; period,
question mark, exclamation
point in reviews, 74, 75, 135,
136, 150, 151, 269–271

Quentin Roosevelt, 49–51
Quotation marks, 53-55, 74, 269
Quotation, the broken, 291, 292

Raise (word forms), 5
Rands, William Brightly: The
Wonderful World, 64, 65
Reading, poems for, 64, 86, 124,
133, 152, 161, 184, 185, 211,
247, 248, 264

Reasons, giving, 67, 233, 234,
261, 262

Ride (word forms), 11, 12
Right word, using the, 8, 9, 29,
30, 120, 121

Riis, Jacob: Heroes of Fire, 253,

Rise (word forms), 87
Rise and raise, 195, 196
Roland and Oliver, 242, 245
Roosevelt, Theodore, 163, 164;
Advice to Boys, 164, 165
Run (word forms), 87

Safety rules, 255

Saxe, John: The Blind Men and
the Elephant, 107-109
See (word forms), 5, 6
Sentences: definition, 17; writ-

ing, 20, 24, 25, 27, 77, 78, 82,
107, 110, 115, 121, 125, 126,
153, 155, 168, 182, 191, 215,
216, 217, 227, 230, 253, 260,
279, 295, 299, 317; declarative,
interrogative, exclamatory, im-
perative, 46; sentence thought,
120; in the paragraph, 16, 17,
28, 29, 134, 149, 155, 183, 262,

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