Treaty Series, Volume 2418: Treaties and International Agreements Registered or Filed and Recorded with the Secretariat of the United NationsUnited Nations Publications, 2011 - 340 strani In accordance with Article 102 of the Charter and the relevant General Assembly Resolutions, every treaty and international agreement registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat since 1946 is published in the United Nations Treaty Series. At present, the collection includes about 30,000 treaties reproduced in their authentic languages, together with translations into English and French, as necessary. The Treaty Series, where treaties are published in the chronological order of registration, also provides details about their subsequent history (i.e., participation in a treaty, reservations, amendments, termination, etc.). Comprehensive Indices covering 50-volume-lots are published separately. A Standing Order service is available for the series and out-of-print volumes are available on microfiche. |
N 43618 PaysBas et République fédérale dAllemagne | 3 |
PlanetGov Inc DOCPERIT0601 VN 1992 Berlin 18 November | 189 |
Netherlands and European Organization for the Safety of | 231 |
Avtorske pravice | |
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Abkommen Absatz accordance with article aérienne Agreement andere anderen Vertragspartei Artikel authorities Bosnie-Herzégovine Èlan Èlanak conformément au paragraphe Contracting Party Convention de Vienne d'Eurojust door dopusnica dozvola druge ugovorne strane Entry into force États-Unis d'Amérique EUROCONTROL Eurojust family forming Federal Republic Gouvernement Government grenspaal Hague Hoheitsgebiet host State household international international air services jede Kingdom l'article l'autre Partie contractante means Ministry Nations Unies néerlandais Netherlands niet oder Organisatie Organisation osoba overeenkomst Partijen Personen persons présent Accord prijevoz prijevoznika privileges and immunities privilèges et immunités Protocol provisions Recht referred regulations Republic of Germany République fédérale d'Allemagne rights Royaume des Pays-Bas services sind sowie sporazuma staff stavka teritoriji territory transport treba United Nations Verdrag Verdragsluitende Partij vozila vo¾nje watergang wordt Zahtjevi zijn вә дикәр дозвола Маддә олараг превоз Разылыға кәлән Тәрәфин споразума тә"јин Тәрәф уговорне стране үчүн һава Һәр бир Члан այդ են կամ Պայմանավորվող կողմի