Charlesworth (Edward). Natural-History Illustrations, or Supplementary Plates to the New Series of the Magazine of Natural History; conducted by E. CHARLESWORTH. Nos. I.-IV. 8vo. London, 1839-40 Catalogue of British Marine Recent Shells. Svo. York, 1856. See Periodicals (No. 445). Mag. Nat. Hist. Charleton (Walter). Onomasticon zoicon, plerorumque Animalium Differentias et nomina propria pluribus Linguis exponens. Cui accedunt Mantissa Anatomica; et quædam de Variis Fossilium generibus. 8vo. Londini, 1668. Exercitationes de differentiis et nominibus Animalium. Quibus accedunt mantissa Anatomica, et quædam de variis Fossilium generibus, deque differentiis et nominibus colorum. 2nd edition. Folio. Oxoniæ, 1677. Charpentier (Toussaint de). Die Zinsler, Wickler, Schaben und Geistchen des systematischen Verzeichnisses der Schmetterlinge der Wiener Gegend, verglichen mit den in der Schiffermüllerschen Sammlung in Wien befindlichen und von J. Hübner in seinem grossen Kupferwerke abgebildeten Arten dieser Gattungen. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1821. Horae Entomologicae, adjectis tabulis novem coloratis. 4to. Libellulinæ Europææ, descriptæ ac depictæ. 4to. Lipsia, 1840. Orthoptera descripta et depicta. 4to. Lipsia, 1841-45. Chatenier (Constant). Catalogue des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles observés dans le département de la Drôme. Chatin (Joannes). La Trichine et la Trichinose. Svo. Paris, 1888. 8vo. Paris, 1883. La Machoire des Insectes, détermination de la pièce directrice. Svo. Paris, 1897. Chaudoir (Baron Maximilien de). Essai Monographique sur les Orthogoniens. Monographie des Chléniens. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1872. (Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, viii.) Svo. Genova, 1876. et Hochhuth (H.). Enumération des Carabiques et Hydrocanthares recueillis pendant un voyage au Caucase, &c. 8vo. Kiew, 1846. Chauveau (A.). Traité d'Anatomie Comparée des Animaux Domestiques. Deuxième édition, revue et augmentée, avec la collaboration de S. ARLOING. 8vo. Faris, 1871. Check-List of North American Birds. See American Ornithologists' Union. Chemnitz (Johann Hieronymus). See Martini (F. H. W.). Conchylien-Cabinet. Chenu (Jean Charles). Leçons élémentaires d'Histoire Naturelle, comprenant un aperçu sur toute la Zoologie et un traité de Conchyliologie. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Encyclopédie d'Histoire Naturelle, ou traité complet de cette 4to. Paris, [1855-79]. science. Quadrumanes. 1 vol. Mammifères. 2 vols. Oiseaux. Par O. DES MURS. 6 vols. Coléoptères. Par E. DESMAREST. 3 vols. Papillons Nocturnes. Par E. DESMAREST. 1 vol. Botanique. Par M. DUPUIS. 2 vols. Tables alphabétiques de noms vulgaires et scientifiques. Par E. DESMAREST. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1857-80. Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paléontologie Conchyliologique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1859-62. Cheshire (Frank Richard). Bees and Bee-keeping; Scientific and Practical. A complete treatise on the Anatomy, Physiology, Floral Relations, and Profitable Management of the Hive Bee. [Vol. I. Scientific, Vol. II. Practical.] 8vo. London, 1886-88. Chesnon (C. G.). Essai sur l'Histoire Naturelle de la Normandie. Partie 1. Quadrupèdes et Oiseaux. 8vo. Bayeux, 1834. Chevreul (Michael Eugène). Exposé d'un Moyen de définir et de nommer les Couleurs. 4to. Paris, 1861. Chevreux (Edouard). See Monaco (Albert 1st, Prince of). "Hirondelle." Amphipodes. Chevrier (Frédéric). Description des Chrysides du Bassin du Léman. 8vo. Genève, 1862. Essai Monographique sur les Nysson du Bassin du Léman. (Insectes Hyménoptères.) 8vo. Bâle et Genève, 1867, Essai Monographique sur les Oxybelus du Bassin du Léman. (Insectes Hymenoptères.) Svo. Schaffhausen, 1868. (Mitth. schweiz. ent. Ges. ii. p. 381.) Chevrolat (Auguste). Coléoptères du Mexique. Fasc. I.-VIII. in 1 vol. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1833-35. Mémoire et Catalogue sur les Cléonides. (Mém. Soc. Sci. Liége, 2o sér. v.) 8vo. Bruxelles, 1873. Chicago Exhibition (1893). Official Catalogue of the British Section. Child (C. M.). See Haase (E.). Researches on Mimicry. 8vo. London, 1827. An Abstract of the Characters of Ochsenheimer's Genera of the Lepidoptera of Europe; with a List of the Species of each Genus, and reference to one or more of their respective Icones. Svo. London, 1829. Chileno. Congresso Cientifico Jeneral Chileno de 1894. 8vo. Santiago, 1895. Chimmo (William). On Euplectella aspergillum. Also on a new form of Globigerina; phosphorescent Animalcules; Sea-sawdust; new forms of Foraminifera and Rolycystina. 4to. London, 1878. Chisholm (George Goudie). See Longman's Gazetteer of the World. See Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel (EUROPE). See Vogt (C.) and Specht (F.). Natural History of Animals. Chittenden (Frank Hurlbut). Some Little-known Insects affecting stored Vegetable Products. (U. S. Dept. Agric., Division Entom., Bull. N. S. No. 8.) 8vo. Washington, 1897. Some Insects Injurious to Garden and Orchard Crops. (U.S. Dept. Agric., Division Entom., Bull. N. S. No. 19.) 8vo. Washington, 1899. Cholmondeley-Pennell (H.). The Sporting Fish of Great Britain, with notes on Ichthyology. 8vo. London, 1886. Christoph (H. Th.). See Radde (G. F.). Wissensch. Ergebnisse einer Expedition nach Transcaspien. Lepidopteron. Christy (Miller). Sport in Manitoba. 8vo. Liverpool, 1888. The Birds of Essex, a contribution to the Natural History of the County. 8vo. Chelmsford and London, 1890. A Catalogue of Local Lists of British Birds, arranged under Counties. 8vo. London, 1891. See Newman (Edward). Birdnesting and Birdskinning. Chun (Carl). Die Ctenophoren des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. 4to. Leipzig, 1880. Die pelagische Thierwelt in grösseren Meerestiefen und ihre Beziehungen zu der Oberflächenfauna. (Bibl. Zool., Heft 1.) 4to. Cassel, 1888. Atlantis. Biclogische Studien über pelagische Organismen.3. Die Nauplien der Lepaden. 4. Die secundären Geschlechtscharaktere der Männchen von Phronima. (Bibl. Zool., Heft 19, Liefg. 2.) 4to. Stuttgart, 1895. Die Beziehungen zwischen dem arktischen und antarktischen Plankton. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1897. Schilderungen von der 4to. Jena, 1900. Aus den Tiefen des Weltmeeres: deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. See Brown (H. G.). Thier-Reichs. Colenterata. See Naples. Zoologische Station zu Neapel. Ctenophora. Church (John). A Cabinet of Quadrupeds, with Historical and 2 vols. 4to. London, 1805. Scientific descriptions. Church Stretton. Edited by C. W. CAMPBELL-HYSLOP. Vol. I. Geology. By E. S. COBBOLD; Macro-Lepidoptera. By F. B. NEWNHAM ; Molluscs. By R. A. BUDDICOM. 8vo. Shrewsbury [1900]. Churchill (Randolph S.) Men, Mines and Animals in South Africa. 8vo. London, 1892. Churi (Joseph H.). Sea Nile, the Desert, and Nigritia: Travels in company with Capt. PEEL, 1851-52. 8vo. London, 1853. Chyzer (Cornelius) et Kulczyński (Ladislaus). Araneæ Hungariæ secundum collectiones a LEONE BECKER pro parte perscrutatas. Tomus I.-II. Budapestini, 1892–97. Citerni (C.). See Vannutelli (L.). Seconda Spedizione Bottego. Clairville (J. de). Entomologie Helvétique, ou Catalogue des Insectes (Coléoptères) de la Suisse, rangés d'après une nouvelle méthode, avec descriptions et figures. [French and German.] 2 vols. 8vo. Zürich, 1798-1806. Claparède (Edouard). Études Anatomiques sur les Annélides, Turbellariés, Opalines et Grégarines. 4to. Genève, 1862. (Mém. Soc. d'Hist. Nat. Genève, xvi. p. 71.) Recherches Anatomiques sur les Oligochètes. 4to. Genève, 1868-70. Les Aunélides Chétopodes du Golfe de Naples. (Ibid. xix. p. 313, xx. pp. 1, 365.) Recherches sur la Structure des Annélides Sédentaires. (Ibid. xxii.) 4to. Genève, 1873. Beobachtungen über Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte wirbelloser Thiere an der Küste von Normandie angestellt. Folio. Leipzig, 1863. Les Annélides Chétopodes du Golfe de Naples. 4to. Genève, 1870. Clapperton (Hugh). Journal of two Expeditions into the Interior of See Denham (D.). Northern and Central Africa. Clark (A. Howard). Catalogue of Fishery Products, and of the 4to. London, 1815. Clark (Rev. Hamlet). Catalogue of Halticidæ in the Collection of the British Museum.-Part I. Physapodes and Edipodes. 8vo. London, 1860. A Catalogue of Phytophaga. [Coleoptera, Pseudotetramera.] Part I., with an Appendix containing descriptions of new species. By H. W. BATES and Rev. H. CLARK. Svo. London, 1866. Letters Home from Spain, Algeria, and Brazil, during past Entomological rambles. 8vo. London, 1867. Clark (Henry James). Lucernaria and their allies. Folio. Washington, 1878. (Smiths. Contr. to Knowl. xxiii.) Clark (Hubert Lyman). Synapta vivipara, a Contribution to the Svo. Clark (John Willis). Sea Lions. [From the Contemporary Review.] London, 1875. Clark (William). Mollusca Testacea Marium Britannicorum.-A History of the British Testaceous Mollusca, distributed in their Natural Order, on the Basis of the organization of the Animals, with references and notes on every British species. . Svo. London, 1855. Handbook of Zoology; by J. VAN DER HOEVEN. from the Second Dutch Edition by W. CLARK. Translated 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1856-58. See Lewes (M.). History of the Expedition to the Sources of the Missouri. Clarke (Benjamin). On Systematic Botany and Zoology, including a new arrangement of Phanerogamous Plants. Folio. London, 1870. A new arrangement of the Classes of Zoology, founded on the position of the Oviducts and Ovaries, including a new mode of arranging the Mammalia. 4tp. London, 1879. See Comte (A.). The Book of Birds. Clarke (Robert). Sierra Leone, a description of the Manners and Customs of the Liberated Africans; with observations upon the Natural History of the Colony. 8vo. London, 1843. Clarke (William Barnard). Notice of a Species of Seal apparently new to the British shores. 4to. Ipswich, 1847. (Misc. Zool. Pamph. xvii. p. 1.) See "Favorite,” Wreck of the. Clarke (William Branwhite). Remarks on the Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales. 4th edition. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. Clarke (William Eagle). The Birds of Yorkshire. Pp. 1-80 (Trans. Yorkshire Nat. Union). 8vo. Leeds, 1880-86. See Reports on the Migration of Birds. - and Roebuck (William Denison). A Handbook of the Vertebrate Fauna of Yorkshire. 8vo. London, 1881. |