Slike strani

Neumann (Arthur H.). Elephant Hunting in East Equatorial Africa, being an account of three years' Ivory-Hunting_under Mount Kenia and among the Ndorobo Savages of the Lorogi mountains, including a trip to the north end of Lake Rudolf. 8vo. London, 1898.

[List of Lepidoptera. By E. M. SHARPE.]

Neumann (Louis Georges). A Treatise on the Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Domesticated Animals. Translated and edited by GEORGE FLEMING. 8vo. London, 1892. Neumayer (Georg). Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen; mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Bedürfnisse der Kaiserlichen Marine. 8vo. Berlin, 1875.

See Internationale Polarforschung. Die Deutschen Expeditionen.

Neumayr (Melchior). Die Stämme des Thierreiches. Wirbellose Thiere. Band I. 8vo. Wien & Prag, 1889.

Beiträge zu einer morphologischen Eintheilung der Bivalven. Aus den hinterlassenen Schriften des Prof. M. Neumayr. Mit einem Vorworte von E. SUESS. (Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. lviii.) 4to. Wien, 1891. Neveu-Lemaire (Maurice). L'Hématozoaire du Paludisme, Pathologie, Étiologie, Prophylaxie. (Causeries Scientifiques Soc. Zool. France, 1900, No. 1.) 8vo. Paris, 1900. Nevill (Geoffrey). Hand List of Mollusca in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Gastropoda. 2 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1878-84.

Index to the Genera and Species. By W. THEOBALD.
8vo. Calcutta, 1889.

On the Land Shells of Bourbon, with Descriptions of a few
New Species.
Svo. Calcutta, 1870.

(NEVILL, Zool. Pamphl. p. 1.)

Catalogue of Mollusca in the Indian Museum, Calcutta.

8vo. Calcutta, 1877.

[blocks in formation]

See Anderson (J.). Two Expeditions to Western Yunnan. Mollusca.

See Yarkand Mission: Mollusca.

Nevinson (Basil George). Revised Synonymic List of Species in the

Genera Phanaeus, MacLeay, and Oxysternon, Castelnau.

[8vo. London, 1892.]

New (Charles). Life, Wanderings, and Labours in Eastern Africa.
With an account of the first successful Ascent of the Equatorial
Snow Mountain, Kilima Njaro: and remarks upon East African
2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1874.
Newberry (John Strong). Fossil Fishes and Fossil Plants of the
Triassic Rocks of Jersey and the Connecticut Valley. (U.S. Geol.
Surv. Monogr. xiv.)
4to. Washington, 1888.
The Paleozoic Fishes of North America.
Monogr. xvi.)
Newbigin (Marion I.). Colour in Nature: a study in Biology.


(U.S. Geol. Surv. Washington, 1889.

Svo. London, 1898.

Life by the Seashore: an Introduction to Natural History.
12mo. London, 1901.

Newcastle Museum. See Museums: Newcastle.
Newcomb (Raymond Lee). Our lost Explorers: the narrative of the
Jeannette Arctic Expedition as related by the survivors, and in
the records and last journals of Lieut. De Long.

8vo. Hartford, Conn., 1884.

New Guinea. Annual Report on British New Guinea, 1889-97. 4to. Brisbane, 1890–98.

New Jersey Agricultural College Experiment Station. Report of the Entomological Department. By JOHN B. SMITH. 8vo. Camden, N. J., 1900.

Newman (Edward). Sphinx vespiformis: an Essay.

[ocr errors]


London, 1832.


London, 1836.

The Grammar of Entomology.
Notes on Irish Natural History, more especially Ferns.

Svo. London, 1840.

A Familiar Introduction to the History of Insects; being a new and greatly improved edition of the Grammar of Entomology.

The System of Nature: an Essay. new edition of Sphinx vespiformis.)

Svo. London, 1841. 2nd edition. (Being a Svo. London, 1843.

The Letters of Rusticus [i. e. WARING KIDD] on the Natural
History of Godalming; extracted from the Magazine of Natural
History, the Entomological Magazine, and the Entomologist.
Edited by E. NEWMAN.
8vo. London, 1849.

An Essay on the employment of Physiological Characters in
the Classification of Animals.
Svo. London, 1856.

(Misc. Zool. v. p. 179.)

A Dictionary of British Birds. Reprinted from Montagu's Ornithological Dictionary, and incorporating the Additional Species described by SELBY; YARRELL, in all three Editions; and in Natural History Journals. 8vo. London, 1866.

The Insect-Hunter's Year-book for 1867-70.

8vo. London, 1868-71.

Newman (Edward). An Illustrated Natural History of British Moths; with life-size figures from nature of each species, and of the more striking varieties. 8vo. London, 1869.

An Illustrated Natural History of British Butterflies.

8vo. London, 1874.

Birdsnesting and Bird-skinning: a complete description of the Nests and Eggs of Birds which breed in Britain. 2nd edition, revised and re-written, with directions for their Collection and Preservation, and a chapter on Bird-skinning, &c. By MILLER CHRISTY. 12mo. London, 1888.

See Greene (J.). Insect Hunter's Companion. Newnes (George). All about Animals, for Old and Young. Popular, Interesting, Amusing. Hundreds of Photos of Beasts, Birds, etc. 4to. London, 1897.

Newnham (F. B.). See Church Stretton. Macro-Lepidoptera. Newport (George). On the Nervous System of the Sphinx ligustri. 4to. London, 1832.

[ocr errors]

(Misc. Zool. Pamphl. iv. p. 294.)

List of the Specimens or Myriapoda in the British Museum. 12mo. London, 1844.

Catalogue of Myriapoda in the British Museum. I. Chilopoda. 12mo. London, 1856.

New South Wales: Statistics, History, and Resources.

8vo. London, 1901.

New South Wales Fisheries. See Fisheries. Newstead (Robert). Monograph of the Coccide of the British Isles. 8vo. London, 1901.

(Ray Society.) Newton (Alfred). Suggestions for forming Collections of Birds' Eggs. 8vo. London, 1860.

(NEWTON, Zool. Pamphl. p. 1.)

On the Zoology of Ancient Europe: a paper read before the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 8vo. London, 1862.

(Ibid. p. 9.)

A List of the Birds of Europe: by Professor J. H. BLASIUS. Reprinted from the German, with the Author's corrections. 8vo. Norwich, 1862.

Ornithological Nomenclature. An Addendum to 'The Ibis'

(Ibid. p. 25.)

for January 1883.

[blocks in formation]

Errors concerning the Sanderling (Calidris arenaria). An Addendum to "The Ibis' for July 1892. 8vo. Cambridge, 1892.

(Ibid. p. 43.)

Notes on some Old Museums. (Report Museum Assoc.)

(Ibid. p. 46.)

8vo. London, 1891.

Newton (Alfred). Ootheca Wolleyana: an illustrated Catalogue of the Collection of Birds' Eggs formed by the late JOHN WOLLEY, jun. Edited from the original notes by A. NEWTON. Part I. Accipitres. 8vo. London, 1864.

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[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Ornithology. (From the Encyclop. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xviii.)

Memoir of the late JOHN SCALES.

Early Days of Darwinism.

(Misc. Zool. xxvi. p. 338.)

4to. London, 1884.

8vo. Norwich, 1885.

8vo. London, 1888.

Fossil Birds. (Intern. Ornithol. Congr., Budapest.)

4to. Budapest, 1891.

A Dictionary of Birds. Assisted by HANS GADOW, with
Contributions from R. LYDEKKER, C. S. Roy, and R. W.
8vo. London, 1893–96.

See Baring-Gould (S.). Iceland: Appendix. Ornithology.
See Lubbock (R.). Fauna of Norfolk. New edition.

See Macpherson (H. A.). Visitation of Pallas's Sand-Grouse to Scotland.

See Parker (W. K.). Birds. (Encyclop. Brit. ed. 9.)
See Periodicals (No. 434). The Ibis.'

See Periodicals (No. 475 a).

[ocr errors]

Zoological Record.

See White (Gilbert). Biography of.

See Yarrell (W.). History of British Birds, 4th edition. and Newton (Edward). List of the Birds of Jamaica.

(From the Handbook of Jamaica.) 8vo. Jamaica, 1881.
(Misc. Zool. xxiii. p. 150.)

Newton (Edwin Tulley). A Classification of Animals: being a
Synopsis of the Animal Kingdom, with especial reference to the
Fossil Forms.
8vo. London, 1887.

The Vertebrata of the Pliocene Deposits of Britain.

8vo. London, 1891.

On some New Reptiles from the Elgin Sandstones.

4to. London, 1893.

See Woodward (H. B.). Memorials of JOHN GUNN.

Newton (Richard Bullen). Systematic List of the Edwards collection of British Oligocene and Eocene Mollusca in the British Museum (Natural History). 8vo. London, 1891.

New York. See Central Park Menagerie.

New York. Natural History of the State of New York.

4to. New York, 1842-92.

Zoology. By J. DE KAY. 5 vols. (1842-44.)
Botany. By J. TORREY. 2 vols. (1843.)

Agriculture. By E. EMMONS. 3 vols. (1848-54.)
Paleontology. By J. HALL. Vols. I.-VIII. (1843–92.)
Mineralogy. By L. C. BECK. (1842.)

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

New York. Mr. Crowley of Central Park. A historie. By a Fellow


New Zealand.


8vo. New York, 1888. Exhibition, 1865. Reports and Awards of the 8vo. Dunedin, 1866. Industrial Exhibition 1885, Wellington. The Official Record. Wellington, 1886.


Museum. See Museums: New Zealand.

Nicéville (Lionel de). See Mackinnon (P. W.). List of Butterflies of Mussoorie.

See Marshall (G. F. L.). Butterflies of India, &c.

and Martin (L.). A List of the Butterflies of Sumatra, with especial reference to the Species occurring in the North-east of the Island. (J. A. S. B. lxiv. pt. 2, p. 357.)

8vo. Calcutta, 1896. Nicholson (Edward). Indian Snakes. An Elementary Treatise on Ophiology, with a descriptive Catalogue of the Snakes found in India and the adjoining Countries.

8vo. Madras, 1870.

2nd edition.


Madras, 1874.

See Sundevall (C. J.).

Nicholson (Francis).

Methodi Naturalis

Avium Disponendarum Tentamen. (Translation.)

Nicholson (Henry Alleyne). A Manual of Zoology for the use of

Students; with a General Introduction on the principles of Zoology. 2nd edition.

5th edition.

7th edition.

Svo. Edinburgh & London, 1871.

[blocks in formation]

Introduction to the study of Biology.

A Manual of Palæontology for the use of Students, with a General Introduction on the principles of Palæontology.


Edinburgh & London, 1872.

Edinburgh & London, 1879.

A Manual of Paleontology, &c.
2nd edition. Svo.


3rd edition. By H. A. NICHOLSON and RICHARD 2 vols. Edinburgh & London, 1889.

The Ancient Life-History of the Earth. A comprehensive outline of the principles and leading facts of Paleontological science. 8vo. Edinburgh & London, 1877.

On the Structure and Affinities of the "Tabulate Corals" of the Palæozoic Period, with critical descriptions of illustrative species. 8vo. Edinburgh & London, 1879.

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